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Geology and Geophysics. The principal respon- employer committed to excellence through the Opportunities for Students
sibility of this position is to spearhead the col- recruitment and retention of a diverse faculty and
laborative Unconventional Resources research student body and compliance with the Americans Ph.D. Fellowships at University of Florida
and teaching programs in the recently established with Disabilities Act. We encourage applications Water Institute. The University of Florida Water
BHC–Crisman Institute joint industry program. from minorities, women, veterans, and persons Institute is seeking 6 highly motivated doctoral-
This responsibility includes leading in the devel- with disabilities. Texas A&M University also has degree students for Fellowships that provide an
opment of a robust externally funded research pro- a policy of being responsive to the needs of dual- annual stipend, tuition waiver and health insur-
gram in Unconventional Resources that includes career partners. ance for 4 years starting fall term 2017.
research collaboration with researchers in the These PhD students will work collaboratively
petroleum industry; teaching integrative courses Texas A&M University is an equal opportunity, within this interdisciplinary team of Fellows and
that introduce advanced concepts and technolo- affirmative action employer committed to diversity. their faculty advisors. The focus project takes
gies needed for understanding the geohistory of a comprehensive systems approach to analysis
sedimentary basins and the origin and location FACULTY POSITIONS of interbasin transfer of surface water into the
of unconventional and conventional petroleum DEPARTMENT OF GEOSCIENCES Tempisque River watershed in Costa Rica. This
resources inherent to sedimentary basins, and NATIONAL TAIWAN UNIVERSITY water transfer has altered hydrology, land use,
supervising graduate students and mentoring The Department of Geosciences at NTU is seek- community economic structure, and health of the
faculty in the use of sophisticated computational ing active scientists to fill two faculty positions downstream Palo Verde wetland in the Tempisque
and applied research approaches and techniques starting from August 1st, 2017. The positions are watershed.
to solve complex geologic problems related to open to candidates from all fields in geosciences,
Unconventional Resources. but those who have strong background in the fields We will look especially for open-minded candi-
of mineralogy and petrology, geo-resources, stra- dates eager to work across disciplines and willing
We seek candidates who have had extensive tigraphy, sedimentology, structural geology and to become proficient in Spanish in order to gain
experience in Unconventional Resources and in hydro- and applied geology will receive more a deeper appreciation of the issues. Applicants
serving as a team leader on multi-disciplinary favorable consideration. Applicants are requested should have a strong demonstrated interest in
research projects, and who have demonstrated to submit the following documents: CV, list of water issues and either a Master’s degree in natu-
the ability to develop and maintain an externally publications, statements of teaching and research ral sciences, social sciences, or engineering, or a
funded research program. Applicants must have interests, names and contact information of three JD degree. Exceptional students with a Bachelor’s
a record of success in working collaboratively referees, and three to five articles published within degree plus research experience in an appropriate
with researchers in academia and the petroleum the last seven years (one of which need to be des- discipline will also be considered. Persons from
industry and be enthusiastic about teaching inte- ignated as representative paper and must be pub- groups under-represented in science and engineer-
grative courses and supervising graduate students lished after August 1st, 2012). Application mate- ing professions are encouraged to apply.
in Unconventional Resources and related areas. rials should be sent by email to Prof. J. Bruce H.
Applicants must have either: (1) an earned Ph.D. in Shyu, the Chair of the Searching Committee, at For more information and to apply for a
the geosciences and 10 years industry experience, Fellowship, go to
or (2) an M.S. in the geosciences and more than Deadline for application: January 15th, 2017. WIGF/2017Cohort/Overview_2017.html. Fellow-
20 years industry experience. Successful appli- For more information, please refer to the website: ship applications are due to the UF Water Institute
cants will be expected to teach effectively at the by January 16, 2017. Questions? Contact Carol
graduate level in Unconventional Resources and Lippincott at
related fields and in team taught courses, including INSTRUMENTATION SPECIALIST
classes in the Petroleum Certificate curriculum UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN OSHKOSH Jonathan O. Davis Scholarship, University of
and to supervise undergraduate, M.S. and Ph.D. The Department of Geology seeks a technician Nevada, Reno. The Jonathan O. Davis Schol-
research, including students who are interested in for a 12-month, academic staff position starting arship supports graduate students working on
pursuing careers in the petroleum industry. Appli- September 1, 2017. BS/BA in geology required, the Quaternary geology of the Great Basin. The
cants are expected to build and maintain a collab- MS preferred. She or he will maintain samples, national scholarship is $7,500 and the University
orative program with engineers in the oil and gas supplies, and equipment, help teach summer field of Nevada, Reno stipend is $7,500. The national
industry and national and international research camp, and help train and supervise students: (1) in scholarship is open to graduate students enrolled
institutions. use of instruments and laboratories, and (2) as out- in an M.S. or Ph.D. program at any university in
reach presenters. Experience with geology labora- the United States. The Nevada stipend is open to
Interested candidates should submit electronic tories and instruments, field mapping, specimen/ graduate students enrolled in an M.S. or Ph.D. pro-
versions of a letter of application, curriculum vita, sample curation, and geology software preferred. gram at the University of Nevada, Reno. Applica-
teaching philosophy, statement of research vision, Refer to tions must be post-marked or submitted electroni-
strategies to implement that vision, and accom- instrumentation-specialist-051a.1617 for more cally by February 17, 2017. Details on application
plishments, and the names and email addresses information. and submission requirements can be found at
of at least three references to the Chair of the
Unconventional Resources Search Committee JonathanDavis. Proposals will not be returned.
( Screening of applications
for the position began November 15, 2016 and Check out the
continue until the position is filled. The Berg- Job Board
Hughes Center ( and the for the
Department of Geology and Geophysics (geoweb. are part of the College of Geosciences, latest recruitment
which also includes the Departments of Atmo- postings.
spheric Sciences, Geography, and Oceanography;
the Geochemical and Environmental Research
Group (GERG); and the Integrated Ocean Drilling
Program (IODP). Texas A&M University, a land,
sea, and space grant university, is located in a met-
ropolitan area with a dynamic and international
community of 257,000 people. Texas A&M Uni-
versity is an affirmative action/equal opportunity 41