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Connecting the Next Generation of Science Journalists
                   with Scientists in Action

Andrea Jones*, Planetary Science Institute, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, 8800 Greenbelt Road, Greenbelt, Maryland 20771, USA;
Lora Bleacher, Jacob Bleacher, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, 8800 Greenbelt RoAad, Greenbelt, Maryland 20771, USA; Timothy
Glotch, Stony Brook University, 250 Earth and Space Sciences, Stony Brook, New York 11794-2100, USA; Kelsey Young, CRESST/
University of Maryland at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center, 8800 Greenbelt Road, Greenbelt, Maryland 20771, USA; Barbara Selvin
and Richard Firstman, Stony Brook University School of Journalism, 3384 SUNY, Stony Brook, New York 11794-3384, USA

INTRODUCTION                                              this investigation to maximize scientific     professor, a teaching assistant, and NASA
                                                          return throughout the exploration pro-        education specialists, joined the RIS4E
  As scientific advances and controversies                cess—from remotely sensed spectral data       team during the 2015 field season at
flood the media, journalists with strong                  preparation for safe and efficient human      Kīlauea’s December 1974 lava flow on the
scientific backgrounds must ensure that                   surface exploration to analysis of small,     Island of Hawaiʻi. Volcanic gases from
complex science is portrayed accurately                   precious returned samples. The team sim-      Kīlauea have altered the basalt (Chemtob
(Mooney, 2004). Science journalists see                   ulates astronaut exploration of extraterres-  et al., 2010; Seelos et al., 2010) and overly-
evidence-based reporting with scientific                  trial surfaces in planetary analog environ-   ing sediments in the area, resulting in vol-
explanation and argumentation as essen-                   ments, such as volcanic terrains in Hawaiʻi,  canic terrain analogous to basaltic terrains
tial tenets of their work (Secko and Fleury,              and analyzes extraterrestrial materials,      found on other planets and satellites. RIS4E
2014). NASA’s Remote, In Situ, and                        including their possible effects on human     scientists study this site to better under-
Synchrotron Studies for Science and                       health, at some of the most technologically   stand planetary volcanism and igneous
Exploration (RIS4E; pronounced “rise”)                    advanced research facilities on Earth.        processes, and to test state-of-the-art field
team recognizes this need, and in collabo-                RIS4E student journalists report on each      equipment and techniques to make recom-
ration with the Stony Brook University                    aspect of this multi-layered program.         mendations to NASA about developing
School of Journalism and the Alan Alda                                                                  portable scientific instruments for astro-
Center for Communicating Science, cre-                      Six undergraduates and two graduate         nauts to use for exploring the Solar System.
ated the RIS4E Science Journalism                         students were competitively selected to
Program. This innovative program uses                     participate in the first RIS4E practicum in     The journalism students reported on the
RIS4E research to help journalism stu-                    the spring of 2015. This course, offered      entire 10-day field campaign, from setup
dents strengthen their understanding of                   through the Stony Brook University            and weather-related changes in plans to
the practice of science and learn to report               School of Journalism, was modeled after       data analysis and investigation of ques-
more effectively and accurately on scientific             the university’s successful Journalism        tions that arose as a result of field discov-
research. RIS4E begins with a semester-                   Without Walls program, which gives stu-       eries (Fig. 1). The students took hundreds
long science journalism practicum and                     dents hands-on, practical experience in       of photos, recorded dozens of hours of
culminates with a field experience in                     reporting beyond their campus. The stu-       video footage, and interviewed scientists
which students report on active NASA                      dents learned about RIS4E research            both as they worked and after hours. Their
planetary science field research. This is                 directly from the RIS4E science team.         role was to document planetary science
the first program to engage undergraduate                 RIS4E scientists visited their classrooms,    fieldwork in action: to watch the scientists
and graduate journalism students as a team                sat for one-on-one interviews, and pro-       do their work, find out why it matters, and
in a deep, extended investigation of a NASA               vided tours of their laboratories. The stu-   share it with the world.
research effort.                                          dents practiced interviewing and reporting
                                                          all semester and prepared for the physi-        In addition to reporting on RIS4E, each
THE RIS4E SCIENCE JOURNALISM                              cally harsh conditions of working in the      student pursued and published related
PROGRAM                                                   field. Students learned science-writing       science stories. For example, one student
                                                          fundamentals and explored the business of     was intrigued by a simulated Mars habitat
  The RIS4E team (ris4e.labs.stonybrook                   science. On a trip to NASA’s Goddard          called HI-SEAS (Hawaiʻi Space Exploration
.edu) is part of NASA’s Solar System                      Space Flight Center, students met with        Analog and Simulation); others explored
Exploration Research Virtual Institute                    NASA science writers to learn about navi-     the heated debate over the construction
(SSERVI). SSERVI scientists study the                     gating a career path in science journalism.   of a 30-meter telescope on Mauna Kea.
Moon, moons of Mars, and near-Earth                                                                     Professors ensured that each student
asteroids as potential targets for future                 REPORTING FROM THE FIELD                      reported not only on a unique aspect of the
robotic and human exploration by NASA.                                                                  RIS4E field campaign but also that stu-
RIS4E takes a comprehensive approach to                     After completing the practicum, five        dents worked together to paint a picture of
                                                          students, accompanied by a journalism         the integrated research effort in rich,

      GSA Today, v. 27, no. 2, doi: 10.1130/GSATG294GW.1

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