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GSA Division                                                                        23

        GSA acknowledges and congratulates
 these GSA Divisions for meeting these milestones:

The Environmental and Engineering Geology Division is
70 years old this year. Established in 1947, this Division seeks to
advance the ability of geologists to identify, characterize, and miti-
gate adverse geological and environmental conditions and hazards
affecting human safety and the built environment. To do so, the
Division promotes research, education, and dissemination of
information relevant to members.

The Archaeological Geology Division is 40 years old. Established
in 1977, this division provides a forum for the presentation and
discussion of papers on archaeological geology in order to stimulate
and promote research and teaching within this field.

The Limnogeology Division is 15 years old. Established in 2002,
the division encourages research on both ancient and modern lakes
around the world, the collaboration of scientists from all disciplines
on lake research, and the fostering of student research and careers
in lake studies.

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