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Position Statements
GSA Council adopted minor revisions to seven position appropriate reassigned time or travel assistance, to those Position Statements
statements at its May 2017 meeting: Data Access, Geoheritage, individual geoscientists engaged in substantive scholarly and
Supporting Planetary Exploration, Rewarding Professional professional activity on issues of public policy, education,
Contributions in the Public Spheres, Water Resources, The and research on teaching and learning.
Value of Geologic Mapping, and Teaching Evolution. Council
also endorsed the “Freedom of Scientific Expression” statement WATER RESOURCES
by the American Meteorological Society. Summaries are below.
Full versions of these and other position statements are online To ensure the availability of safe and reliable fresh water
at resources, The Geological Society of America (GSA) encour-
ages partnerships that improve fundamental scientific under-
DATA ACCESS standing and analyses of water resources; enhance collection,
management, and accessibility of water resource information;
The Geological Society of America (GSA) supports the pres- increase stakeholder involvement in all aspects of water
ervation of geoscience samples and data sets for the public good resource education, assessment, and decision making; and
and urges public and private sector organizations and individu- broaden education and outreach to foster collaboration among
als to routinely catalog and preserve their collections and make government agencies, educational institutions, industrial and
them widely accessible. agricultural users, and the public.
The Geological Society of America (GSA) supports the con- To improve the scientific basis for public and private natural
servation of geoheritage sites to meet present and future educa- resource and land-use decisions, The Geological Society of
tional, scientific, aesthetic, cultural, and economic needs. America (GSA) supports comprehensive geologic mapping on
local, state, and national scales and advocates increased public
SUPPORTING PLANETARY EXPLORATION investments for current state and national geologic mapping
The Geological Society of America (GSA) supports planetary
exploration to advance research concerning the evolution of TEACHING EVOLUTION
Earth, our solar system, and beyond; to collect geologic and geo-
physical data on planets, moons, and other objects in the solar The Geological Society of America (GSA) strongly sup-
system; to explore Earth from space, like other planets, by ports the teaching of evolution and the directly related concept
remote sensing to detect processes and changes not easily of deep time as part of science curricula at all levels of educa-
observed on the ground; to deepen and expand human under- tion. The evolution of life on Earth stands as one of the central
standing of our place in the universe; to reinforce science, tech- concepts of modern science. During the past two centuries,
nology, engineering, and math (STEM) education and effective research in geology, paleontology, and biology has produced
training of the next generation of scientists; to increase U.S. an increasingly detailed, consistent, and robust picture of how
competitiveness in science and technology development; and to life on Earth has evolved. GSA opposes teaching creationism
enhance the quality of life through technological innovation. alongside evolution in any science classroom and rejects the
characterization of evolution as scientifically controversial.
REWARDING PROFESSIONAL CONTRIBUTIONS IN Science, by definition, is a method of learning about the natu-
THE PUBLIC SPHERES ral universe by asking questions in such a way that they can
be answered empirically and verifiably. If a question cannot
The Geological Society of America (GSA) encourages, be framed so that the answer can be tested, and the test results
affirms, and supports positive contributions to geoscience in the can be reproduced by others, then it is not science.
public spheres and enhancing the public perception of the geo- Creationism, whether presented as creation “science,” intelli-
sciences. The time, effort, talent, and scholarly activity that are gent design, or hydroplate theory, attempts to explain compli-
invested by geoscientists in public policy, education, and cated phenomena of the natural world by invoking a creator or
research on teaching and learning are critically important for designer. Creationism is not science because it invokes super-
educating and safeguarding local, regional, national, and global natural phenomena that cannot be tested. It therefore has no
populations. As such, GSA recommends that geoscientists in place in a science curriculum. Because science is limited to
academia, government service, and professional practice receive explaining natural phenomena through the use of empirical
formal recognition and reward for such efforts through positive evidence, it cannot provide religious explanations. Science
performance evaluations, reappointments, promotions, and teachers should not advocate any religious interpretations of
tenure reviews. GSA also encourages support, by means of nature and should be nonjudgmental about the personal beliefs
of students. 27