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2016–2017 GSA-USGS Congressional Geoscience Fellow Final Report

          Science                                                          Thankfully, there are a growing number of avenues for scien-
          Communication                                                  tists to practice and develop their public communication skills.
          and the Era of                                                 The proliferation of podcasts offers an increasing number of
          “Fake News”                                                    opportunities for scientists to discuss their work before a lay audi-
                                                                         ence. Across the world, science pub nights are increasing in popu-
Kirstin L. Neff                                                          larity and offering scientists an informal venue in which to present
                                                                         short, often humorous talks highlighting the joy and wonder of
  One of the things that has most surprised me about working on          their scientific endeavors. I was fortunate to have the chance to
Capitol Hill has been the indispensable relationship between             present at D.C.’s Nerd Nite event, hosted by professional science
Congress and the press. It has been said that the press is the fourth    communicators who are eager to share their tips and tricks for
branch of American government, and my time in a senator’s office         making your science entertaining and meaningful. Blogging
has shown me the deep truth of that statement. You could have the        about your work is another quick entrée into communicating with
most brilliant legislative idea, or the strongest conviction about a     lay audiences.
policy, but none of it matters unless you can communicate it to the
public in such a way that they will hear, understand, and care             But at the same time that the scientific community is recogniz-
about your message.                                                      ing the need to engage with the press and tailor their work to lay
                                                                         audiences, the press itself is undergoing heightened external pres-
  Throughout my fellowship year, I’ve often had the opportunity          sures and institutional changes. Traditional print media are strug-
to work with our office’s communications staff to make sure that         gling to find a functional business model in the digital age,
news of our legislative work reaches our constituents. I’ve contrib-     resulting in a consolidation of print sources and fewer resources
uted to and fact-checked press releases, statements, op-eds, and         for in-depth reporting. Cable news outlets increasingly rely on
speeches, with a goal of not only getting the science and technical      commentators and less on investigative journalism. And newer
information right, but expressing it in a way that engages journal-      online sources are bringing a greater diversity of perspectives
ists and their audience, our constituents. I’ve been reminded that       and stories into our newsfeeds, expanding the conversation but
the basic tenets of journalism are not only who, what, when, and         sometimes serving as an echo chamber, reinforcing existing
where, but also why it’s relevant to the lives of readers and view-      beliefs. In this era of change and uncertainty, leaders who would
ers. I’ve learned from my communications colleagues how to               see the power of the press diminished have promoted the idea of
frame an issue and avoid the kind of technical vocabulary that           “fake news,” threatening the credibility of our indispensable
makes a reader turn the page or a viewer change the channel.             fourth branch of government.

  As scientists, we know it takes trial and error to find out what         Scientists currently have a wealth of opportunities to engage
works to clearly communicate our work to a lay audience. Perhaps         the public with their work, from highlighting the value of federal
you’ve been interviewed by the local paper or a blog about your          research and development funding to explaining the real-world
research, only to see the final article and grimace at an inaccuracy     applicability of their work. Just as politicians must justify their
that arose from miscommunication. Perhaps you’ve appeared on a           actions and decisions to their constituents, so must scientists now
radio program or podcast and struggled to avoid using technical          justify the value and relevance of their work. The necessity of
jargon. The events of the past year have led many scientists to turn     applying scientific knowledge to policymaking has never been
their attention toward political debate, yet the first thing we often    more clear as we face increasing natural hazards and big decisions
realize is how ill-equipped we are to engage with the public on          about the energy, transportation, and technology sectors. The les-
scientific topics.                                                       sons I’ve learned in communication on Capitol Hill are relevant
                                                                         also to scientists: Use commonly understood vocabulary (even if
  Just as scientists experience how easily their work can be mis-        you think it oversimplifies!), meet your audience where they
understood or misconstrued, so do politicians, whose statements          already are (in the pub or on your local news), and lead with why
and actions are held under a high-powered microscope, facilitat-         your work matters to their lives. For scientists who want to
ing misinterpretation. Political communication involves not only         engage, there is a wealth of opportunity to spread the word about
explaining the why, often using stories from constituents to dem-        the value of science to society.
onstrate the reasoning behind votes or co-sponsored legislation,
but also about the how: Congressional procedure can be difficult           This manuscript is submitted for publication by Kirstin Neff,
to understand and counterintuitive, even for those who practice it       2016–2017 GSA-USGS Congressional Science Fellow, with the
daily. It is this difficulty that gave rise to former presidential can-  understanding that the U.S. government is authorized to repro-
didate John Kerry’s infamous 2004 quote, “I actually did vote for        duce and distribute reprints for governmental use. The one-year
[supplemental military spending in Iraq and Afghanistan], before         fellowship is supported by GSA and the U.S. Geological Survey,
I voted against it.” Kerry was alluding to a procedural vote before      Department of the Interior, under Assistance Award no.
final passage of the bill, which was altered with amendments dur-        G16AP00179. The views and conclusions contained in this docu-
ing floor debate. He failed to explain that to an audience that (jus-    ment are those of the author and should not be interpreted as
tifiably) knows and cares little about Senate procedure. He strug-       necessarily representing the official policies, either expressed or
gled, like many scientists, to avoid jargon and meet his audience        implied, of the U.S. government. Neff works in the office of
where they stood.                                                        Senator Martin Heinrich (D-NM) and can be contacted by e-mail

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