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2017 Honorary Fellows  GSA is pleased to announce the selection of the Society’s
                       2017 Honorary Fellows.

                            Zvi Garfunkel, Hebrew                          Garfunkel’s research dealt with major geologic, mainly tectonic
                                                                         and geodynamic, processes. He contributed to the early study of
                                   University of Jerusalem, Israel       the retreat of subducted slabs (roll-back or retrograde subduction)
                                      Zvi Garfunkel was born in          and its importance for mantle circulation. Most of his work
                                                                         focused on processes that shaped the Middle East and adjacent
                                   Kaunas, Lithuania, in 1938. He sur-   basins: Cenozoic rifting and continental breakup in the Middle
                                   vived the Holocaust and immigrated    East, focusing on the Dead Sea Transform (DST)—the plate tec-
                                   to Israel in 1948. He is married and  tonic framework, history and structure, relation to flank uplifting,
                                   has one daughter.                     seismic activity, and the influence of vertical motions accompany-
                                                                         ing the DST formation on landscape evolution. He recognized that
                                      Garfunkel earned a Ph.D. in        the DST was a “weak” plate boundary before this concept was
                                   geology in 1970 from the Hebrew       applied to other major strike-slip faults. Garfunkel structures are
University of Jerusalem. Since 1972, he has been a member of the         associated with major strike-slip faults, especially pull-aparts, and
faculty of the Institute of Earth Sciences there (full professor in      the geometry of deformation by sets of such faults and associated
1986; emeritus since 2007). From 1988 to 2007, he served as the          block rotations on vertical axes (including the Mojave Desert).
R. Kravis Chair in geology. He also served as president of the           Other work dealt with the setting of igneous activity and its rela-
Geological Society of Israel. He was a member of the academic            tions with young rifts, the associated changes in lithospheric geo-
board of Azrieli, the Jerusalem College of Engineering, from             therms, and how deep intrusions may influence uplifting and sub-
2000 to 2006. In 2006, Garfunkel was awarded the EMET prize              sidence. He documented a large uplift produced by Early
for Science, Art, and Culture, which was bestowed upon him by            Cretaceous activity in the Levant, a feature rarely reported for
the Prime Minister of Israel.                                            pre-Cenozoic volcanism, and noted that this marked the begin-
                                                                         ning of an age progression of volcanics extending to Sudan—one
 The Web of Science’s                                                    of the few known continental hot spot traces.
 #1 ranked geology journal
 for 11 years in a row.                                                    An author or co-author of more than 100 refereed papers,
                                                                         Garfunkel also studied the formation of the East Mediterranean
         FREE online access to every                                     basin and its relation to rifting and changes of vertical motions in
        Geology issue is included with                                   adjacent lands, and the subsequent development of the Levant
         all 2018 GSA Memberships.                                       continental margin. He found that the Neogene development of
                                                                         the Eastern Mediterranean was dominated by still active large-
                                                                         scale slumping and deformation of the Messinian evaporates and
                                                                         the overlying sediments. Other works clarified the history of the
                                                                         Pan-African basement next to the Northern Red Sea, and analyzed
                                                                         the large-scale structure and plate tectonic setting of the Pan
                                                                         African and the fringing Cadomian orogens. He also studied the
                                                                         relationships between flood volcanism and to the lithosphere, and
                                                                         the formation foreland basins.

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