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interpretive geological details would have
been known to the local people in charge
of the site, but it would have been obvious
that this soft flatland would have been per-
fect for the athletic games envisioned.
A bath complex lies just beyond the
northeast corner of the hippodrome. This
location is remote from the built structures
of the lower level (see Figs. 2 and 5). Yet
mapping reveals that its positioning is per-
fectly suited to tapping a local water
source. A sinkhole lies 120 m upslope
from the baths, and a collapse sinkhole
corridor connects the sinkhole to the back
of the baths. Outcrops between the back of
the bath and the sinkhole are marked by
conspicuous solution fluting.
Figure 5. A draping of the author’s geologic map of Mount Lykaion onto the modern landscape of DISCUSSION
Agios Elias. The archaeological elements are pictured stylistically, for only the excavated remains
of foundations and spilled building blocks can be seen today. The exact location of the pathway On the tectonic scale, the geology, seis-
above the Agno fountain is speculative. mology, and geomorphology of Mount
Lykaion combine to exert grandeur and
along the base of the upper plate of the another illustration of the tight connection power to the sanctuary. Its elevation is a
Lykaion thrust. Precipitation falling on between archaeology and geology (see testimony to the residual crustal buoy-
the upper reaches of the Agios Elias Figs. 2 and 5). The hippodrome of the ancy achieved through the presence of
klippe creates meteoric water that seeps sanctuary measures ~250 m × 100 m, with anomalously thick crust fashioned by tec-
into the underlying porous, permeable its long dimension oriented 348° (Romano tonic inversion and crustal shortening of
bedrock, including both the fractured, and Voyatzis, 2015). The flat space it occu- the Pindos basin. Its topographic relief is
karst-attacked limestone and the jointed pies is starkly anomalous to the steep slopes a product of the active normal faulting
sandstone. Upon encountering the clay and cliffs of the overall sanctuary and that is causing collapse of basins and
seal, the flow of this descending meteoric environs! Mapping and analysis discerned severe downcutting by drainages. Its
water is forced to shift laterally, “day- that the flat space owes its existence, geo- earthquake activity, active faulting, fis-
lighting” just meters above the trace of logically, to a fortuitous intersection of suring, and landsliding are derived from
the Lykaion thrust. structural geology and stratigraphy. The contemporary crustal stretching. On the
hippodrome resides along a broad, open, scale of the Agios Elias klippe, there is an
The stoa was placed immediately adja- 12°-plunging syncline whose hinge line is intimate relationship between archaeol-
cent to the trace of the Lykaion thrust (see oriented exactly parallel to the trend of the ogy, structural geology, stratigraphy, and
Figs. 2 and 5). The long dimension of the hippodrome. Moreover, the landscape sur- geomorphology.
stoa (70 m) is not only oriented perfectly face of the hippodrome coincides with the
parallel to the trace of the Lykaion thrust, interface between the Thick White I introduced and framed this article with
but the back wall of the stoa physically Limestone Beds Formation (below) and the an emphasis on tectonic klippen, even
abuts against the fault. The limestone Flysch Transition Beds Formation (above) though the salient cult-suited geologic
blocks for the back wall of the stoa are set (see Figs. 2 and 5). The strata of the rela- resources of Agios Elias can be presented
against a scarp-like face that was exca- tively thin-bedded and incompetent Flysch without much reference to klippen (Davis,
vated through easily removed clayey- Transition Beds Formation has been 2009, 2014). But recognizing Agios Elias
gouge materials (sheared Chert Series almost entirely eroded away at the hippo- as a klippe, i.e., as an outlier, is fundamen-
Beds Formation) in the uppermost part of drome site, thus creating a stripped struc- tal to understanding the provenance of
the lower plate of the thrust fault. The tural platform along and/or near the top of the Sanctuary of Zeus. Provenance can be
limestone-block foundation of the stoa the Thick White Limestone Beds defined as “the beginning of something’s
was placed just a few meters below the Formation. The added touch was partial existence.”
trace of the Lykaion thrust, and built upon infilling of the shallow synclinal basin by
a limestone bedrock foundation of the flat- runoff-derived silt and clay alluvium Interpreting the beginning of the exis-
lying Flysch Transition Beds Formation, eroded from the flanks of the Agios Elias tence of the Late Bronze Age Zeus-cult
the uppermost unit of the lower plate of klippe to the immediate south. The fine- worship on Mount Lykaion is very chal-
the thrust. grained alluvial blanket imparted softness lenging, because so many factors and
to the track, amenable for the horse racing variables must be taken into consider-
The hippodrome (for horse racing and and running races. Of course none of these ation. I simply wish to add another con-
chariot races) and stadium (located within sideration to that list. From a regional tec-
or just next to the hippodrome) constitute tonic perspective, I believe that Agios
Elias likely attracted attention for ritual
activity in honor of Zeus because it
8 GSA Today | December 2017