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regard, we particularly seek individuals who are        groups, veterans, and individuals with disabilities.   graduate students and to pursue external research
interested in a) promoting diversity in research,       Texas A&M University also has a policy of being        funding.
education, and outreach, b) developing innova-          responsive to the needs of dual-career partners
tive approaches to enhancing student engagement,        (                Wilkes University is an independent, compre-
c) participating in outreach and contributing to                                                               hensive university dedicated to academic excel-
departmental, college, and university service, d) a        Please send your application materials to F.M.      lence in the liberal arts, sciences, and selected
variety of collaborative, teaching, and curricular      Chester, chair of the Halbouty Visiting Chair Com-     professional programs. The University has approx-
perspectives, and e) expanding collaborations with      mittee ( For further informa-       imately 2300 students at the undergraduate level
community and business partners.                        tion, contact F.M. Chester or other faculty mem-       and over 2,000 full time equivalent students at the
                                                        bers of the department (      graduate and first professional levels. Its institu-
   To Apply: For more information, and to apply                                                                tional focus is on developing strong mentoring
for the position, please see the job posting at                     ASSISTANT PROFESSOR                        relationships with each of its students and contrib-                              STRUCTURE/TECTONICS                         uting vitally to economic development of North-
                                                                                                               eastern Pennsylvania. The University is located in
   MICHEL T. HALBOUTY ‘30 VISITING                                    WILKES UNIVERSITY                        Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, a revitalized city that
 CHAIR IN GEOLOGY AND GEOPHYSICS                        Wilkes University invites applicants for a tenure-     is located on the scenic Susquehanna River and is
                                                        track Assistant Professor of Geology in the            within two and one-half hours driving distance of
           TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY                         Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences           New York City and Philadelphia.
The Department of Geology and Geophysics at             Department starting August 2017. The Environ-
Texas A&M University is pleased to announce the         mental Engineering and Earth Sciences programs,           To apply, visit and click “Jobs
Michel T. Halbouty ‘30 Visiting Chair in Geology        including Geology, are exclusively undergraduate       at Wilkes”. Please include a cover letter, curricu-
and Geophysics. The purpose of Mr. Halbouty’s           programs that have a long tradition of personalized    lum vitae, statement of teaching philosophy, and
generous gift is to “Promote excellence in the          learning/teaching experiences with small class         contact information for three references. Review
teaching and research of the Department of Geol-        sizes, publishable undergraduate research, and         of applications begins February 1, 2017 and will
ogy and Geophysics.” We expect to appoint 4 to 5        hands-on projects throughout the curriculum. The       continue until the position is filled. Information
distinguished scholars to the Visiting Chair over       successful applicant would be expected to comple-      on the Department is at
the next few years and provide them the opportu-        ment the science and engineering faculty (8 full-      academics/colleges/science-and-engineering/
nity to visit our campus and interact with depart-      time members) and value undergraduate research.        environmental-engineering-earth-sciences/.
ment faculty and students for up to twelve months
duration. The appointment provides partial salary          The Department seeks a candidate with exper-           Wilkes University is constantly seeking to
support and additional funds to cover lodging and       tise in tectonics/structural geology, teaching         become a more diverse community and to enhance
travel, as well as proposed engagement activities.      experience at the undergraduate level in these and     its capacity to value and capitalize on the cultural
                                                        related areas, experience mentoring undergraduate      richness that diversity brings. The University
   Applications should be submitted by March            level students in research, an ability to work with    strongly encourages applications from persons
20, 2017, to be considered for awards in 2017 and       an interdisciplinary team of faculty and a desire      with diverse backgrounds.
2018. Interested persons are encouraged to contact      to assist the Department in delivering a modern
faculty members in the Department of Geology            undergraduate geology major. Teaching and/or                      GSA Advertising
and Geophysics ( Appli-        research experience that bridges environmental                          Manager
cations should identify potential faculty propo-        science, energy resources, or a closely related field
nents, include a CV, a 2-page proposal identifying      will be considered favorably. Field-based research                    Ann Crawford
research, teaching and engagement activities as a       and an interest in the North American Appala-
Visiting Chair holder, availability for visiting the    chian orogenic belt are desirable. The successful        
department in the upcoming academic year, and           candidate is expected to assist in the development                        +1-303-357-1053
tabulation of desired funds needed for salary and       of a summer geology field course. Candidates
other expenses.                                         must have earned a doctoral degree at the time of                   toll free +1-800-472-1988
                                                        appointment.                                                                   ext. 1053
   Texas A&M University is an Affirmative
Action/Equal Opportunity Employer committed                Primary teaching duties include courses in tec-
to excellence through the recruitment and reten-        tonics and structural geology, applied geophysics
tion of a diverse faculty and student body and com-     and field methods. We seek a candidate who is able
pliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act.       to provide outstanding classroom, laboratory, and
The University is dedicated to the goal of building     in-field instruction and who is amenable to teach
a culturally diverse and pluralistic faculty and staff  courses outside of their specialty area such as
committed to teaching and working in a multicul-        hydrogeology, paleontology and energy resources.
tural environment. We strongly encourage appli-         The successful applicant will be expected to
cations from women, underrepresented ethnic             develop a research program that involves under-

                                                           Check out the
                                                              Job Board
                                                                for the

                                                        latest recruitment


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