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320                                        Karabulak Fauna                                                              Eolian Accumulation
                                                                                                                         Rate (mg/cm2/kyr)
270  Karabulak Sv.                                                                                                           0 100cPleino-e Qu.Rain-shadow in western Mongolia
                                                                                                                                             (Caves et al. 2014)
        (upper Baodean ALMA)                                                    0 Gobi Conglomerate                                               Altai uplift

                                                                                            Karabulak Sv.                                             North Tian Shan uplift


                                                                                        10 Kalmakpay Sv.

Height (m)                                                                      Age (Ma)

              Kalmakpay Sv.                                                                    Miocene
                     (lower Baodean ALMA)
                                                                                                                Akzhar Sv.

170                                                                             20                              Sv. mean, 1 (x),
                                                                                                                and age range (y)

                                                                                                                Zaysan Basin
                                                                                                                Junggar Basin
                                                                                                                Issyk Kul
                                                                                                                                                      All other Central
       lak Sv.                                                                  25 Asia data

120                                                                                                     16 18 20 22 24 26
                        14 16 18 20 22 −8 −6 −4                                                                   δ18Oc (VSMOW)

                                           δ18O (‰ VSMOW)   δ13C (‰ VPDB)

Figure 5. δ18O and δ13C of pedogenic carbonates from the Kalmakpay River        Figure 6. δ18O data from Zaysan plotted against age. Red points are mean
section against stratigraphic height. Solid and dashed red lines are a kernel-  svita δ18O with 1σ uncertainty (x) and possible age range (y). Data from the
smooth of the data using an Epanechnikov kernel (mean and 1σ) with a 6 m        Karabulak and Kalmakpay Sv. are smoothed using 1 Ma bandwidth
bandwidth. Data from the overlying Gobi Conglomerate and underlying             Epanechnikov kernel (solid red line) with 1σ uncertainty (dashed red lines).
Akzhar Sv. are not shown (see Fig. 6). Sv.—svita; VSMOW—Vienna Standard         Also plotted are published data from Central Asia (gray lines), Issyk Kul
Mean Ocean Water; VPDB—Vienna Pee Dee belemnite.                                (orange line; Macaulay et al., 2016), and the Junggar Basin (brown line;
                                                                                Charreau et al., 2012). All are smoothed using an Epanechnikov kernel with
late Sarmatian (12.7–11.6 Ma) and the                                           1 Ma bandwidth, after Caves et al. (2015). For the Akzhar Sv., we also plot the
upper boundary in the lower Baodean                                             minimum δ18O value (small red point) due to evaporative enrichment in this
ALMA. To account for the uncertainty in                                         svita. Eolian accumulation rate, as recorded by North Pacific deep-sea
                                                                                records (Rea et al., 1998), is a proxy for loess production. Note the prominent
                                                                                peak coincident          with   rdiegchrte. aSshiandginδg18iOndc.icRaetegsiounnacl ecrtliaminattyicinatnhde  tectonic
                                                                                events are listed       to the                                                                               timing of
                                                                                uplift and rain shadow development. Ol.—Oligocene; Qu.—Quaternary;
                                                                                Sv.—svita; VSMOW—Vienna Standard Mean Ocean Water.

using this chronologic scheme, we present

the data against both height (Fig. 5) and

plotted against age (Fig. 6), where we bin

the data by svita and assume that the

sediments in each svita could have been

deposited at any interval during the ALMA.                  (Fig. 5). Similarly, there is a slight, but         d18Oc data as evaporatively enriched.
  We also collected 29 stream and well-                     significant, increase in the mean d13Cc             Following other studies in Central Asia
                                                            from the Kalmakpay Sv. (-5.8‰) to the               (Rowley and Currie, 2006), we therefore
water samples to characterize the d18O                      Karabulak Sv. (-5.2‰). Using an estimate            consider the minimum d18Oc value as clos-
of modern waters in Kazakhstan. Stream                      of the mean value (solid, red line in Fig.          est to the d18Op value.
waters integrate d18O across storm and                      5), d13Cc increases 2.5‰ from the base of
snowmelt events and are used to charac-                     the section to the top. The overlying Gobi            Stream/well water d18O ranges from
terize modern water d18O where d18Op                        Conglomerate samples have equivalent                -15.5‰ to -11.3‰ (mean = -13.7‰) (sup-
data are sparse (Hoke et al., 2014). We                     d18Oc as the underlying Karabulak sam-              plemental data Table S2). This mean value is
measured water d18O on a Los Gatos                          ples, but higher d13Cc.                             less than the estimated value of MAM d18Op
Research TWIA-45EP liquid isotope                                                                               (-12.3‰) and substantially less than the esti-
water analyzer at Santa Clara University,                     Samples from the Akzhar Sv. show the              mated value of JJA d18Op (-8.6‰). These
California, USA.                                            greatest spread in d13Cc and d18Oc and the          samples were collected from streams that
                                                            mean d18Oc (24.7‰) is significantly higher          drain the 2500+ m Manrak-Saur-Dzhungar
RESULTS                                                     than the overlying svitas (see GSA supple-          ranges and therefore likely integrate d18O in

  The mean Kalmakpay Sv. d18Oc (20.6‰)                      mental data Table S1). Given the correla-           catchments potentially still influenced by
is significantly 4‰ higher than the                         tion between d18Oc and carbonate content            snowmelt and with large variations in eleva-
mean d18Oc of the Karabulak Sv. (16.8‰)                     (supplemental data Fig. S2), we treat these         tion (Hoke et al., 2014).

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