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n = 11,438

                                                                                                                                Tian Shan

                                                                                                                                       Tibetan Plateau

Figure 3. Average δ18Op and surface air tempera-
ture (black, dashed line) (Mitchell and Jones,
2005) in the Zaysan Basin during the year. Gray
lines—SWING2 general circulation model (GCM)                                                                                    Trajectory Endpoint
experiments (Risi et al., 2012); gray points—pre-                                   % of Precipitation Trajectories             (Zaysan Basin)
cipitation-weighted seasonal  δg1r8eOepnalsinees—tiOmnaltiende
from the SWING2 data; dark                                                        2.5 5 10 15 20 30 40 50 70 100                   Mean Storm
Precipitation Isotope Calculator (Bowen et al.,
2005); red line—precipitation-weighted monthly
means of  iδn18POrpefcroipmitathtieonUr(uGmNIqPi )Gsloiteba(IlANEeAtw/WorMk Oof,
Isotopes                                                                          Figure 4. 2-D histogram of storm trajectories between 2005 and 2015 that produced
2016); blue points—measured stream water δ18O                                     precipitation over the Zaysan Basin, mapped using the Hybrid Single-Particle Lagrang-
in Kazakhstan.                                                                    ian Integrated Trajectory Model (HYSPLIT) (Stein et al., 2015) (see the GSA Supplemen-
                                                                                  tal Data Repository [text footnote 1] for further details). Dashed black lines with
                                                                                  arrows—dominant storm trajectories to the Zaysan Basin (red point). Note that all
                                                                                  precipitation-producing storms originate to the west of the Zaysan Basin and none
                                                                                  traverse the high topography to the south.

south in October (Schiemann et al., 2009).                                        GEOLOGIC SAMPLING AND                         carbonate-rich, lacustrine Akzhar Sv.
During this biannual migration, cyclones                                          METHODS                                       from the Tayzhugen and Kyzylkain River
originating to the west interact with the                                                                                       sections (Lucas et al., 2009) in the south-
Tian Shan and Altai, producing oro-                                                 We collected 77 pedogenic carbonate         west of the basin. We measured carbonate
graphic precipitation (Schiemann et al.,                                          samples from the type-section in the          d18O and d13C (d18Oc and d13Cc) on a
2008, 2009; Baldwin and Vecchi, 2016).                                            Zaysan Basin along the Kalmakpay River        Finnigan MAT Delta+ XL mass spectrom-
                                                                                  in the southeast of the basin (47.4°N;        eter at the Stable Isotope Biogeochemistry
  To characterize the modern precipita-                                           84.4°E). The sediments in the basin are       Laboratory (Stanford University, California,
tion d18O (d18Op) in the Zaysan Basin, we                                         classified into svitas (Sv.; similar to, but  USA; see the GSA Supplemental Data
rely upon three methods (Fig. 3). First,                                          not strictly identical to formation)          Repository1 for full methods).
we interpolate estimates of d18Op from the                                        (Borisov, 1963). The upper Neogene com-
SWING2 (Stable Water Isotope Inter­                                               prises ~200 m of pedogenically altered,         The ages of these sediments are con-
comparison Group 2) database, which uses                                          carbonate-rich redbeds, including the         strained by biostratigraphy and magneto-
isotopically enabled atmospheric GCMs                                             lower Kalmakpay Sv. and the upper             stratigraphy. The Akzhar Sv. is assigned
(n = 6) to estimate d18Op at ~2.5° × 2.5°                                         Karabulak Sv. Kalmakpay Sv. sediments         to the Shanwangian Asian Land Mammal
resolution (Risi et al., 2012). Second, we                                        are primarily mudstones that dip ~15° NE      Age (ALMA) (16.9–13.7 Ma), and the
use the Online Precipitation Isotope                                              and are separated from the yellowish          overlying Sarybulak Sv. is assigned to the
Calculator (Bowen et al., 2005). Third, we                                        sands of the underlying, carbonate-poor       Tunggurian ALMA (13.7–11.1 Ma)
calculate flux-weighted d18Op from the                                            Sarybulak Sv. by an unconformity (Fig. 5).    (Kowalski and Shevyreva, 1997). The
Urumqi, China, GNIP (Global Network of                                            The overlying Karabulak Sv. is coarser,       Karabulak Sv. contains abundant
Isotopes in Precipitation) station (IAEA/                                         with multiple pebble conglomerates and        “Hipparion” fauna, which is correlated
WMO, 2016). All three methods produce a                                           cross-bedded sandstones that cut into         with the latest Turolian (8.7–5.3 Ma; latest
similar seasonal cycle, with the lowest                                           pedogenic facies, and dips ~10° NE.           Baodean ALMA) (Sotnikova et al., 1997;
d18Op during DJF and the highest during                                           Throughout the basin, this sequence is        Vangengeim et al., 1993; Lucas et al.,
JJA (Fig. 3). Average MAM and SON d18Op                                           capped by the “Gobi Conglomerate”             2009). The intervening Kalmakpay Sv. is
is lower relative to JJA by 3.6 ± 2.3‰ and                                        (Berkey and Morris, 1923), which is a         not as clearly constrained by mammal fos-
6.8 ± 1.8‰ (1s), respectively (gray points,                                       Quaternary deposit (Lucas et al., 2009),      sils, yet is a separate unit from the overly-
Fig. 3). This seasonal cycle is characteristic                                    from which we collected five samples of       ing Karabulak Sv. Following Vangengeim
of the continental air masses of Central                                          carbonate-rich cement. We also collected      et al. (1993) and Lucas et al. (2009), we
Asia (Araguás-Araguás et al., 1998).                                              54 samples from the lower Miocene,            therefore place the lower boundary in the

      1 GSA Supplemental Data Repository Item 2017024, containing methods, additional climatology, sedimentary, and diagenetic background and discussion, figures and
      tables, is online at If you have questions, please email

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