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DISCUSSION                                    northern Central Asia, which are not              The Altai rain shadow likely formed by
                                              observed (Caves et al., 2015).                    the latest Miocene, as indicated by a sub-
  The most prominent trend in our record                                                        stantial increase in pedogenic carbonate
is the 4‰ decrease in d18Oc that occurs in      In contrast to the above two mechanisms,        d13C in the lee of the Altai (Caves et al.,
the late Neogene. This trend is opposite to   shifting precipitation seasonality in             2014) (Fig. 6). In the northern Tian Shan,
nearly all other d18Oc records in Central     Kazakhstan might have a substantial effect        Charreau et al. (2009) found increased
Asia that lie downwind of the Zaysan          on d18Oc given the large seasonal d18Op           sedimentation rates in the Junggar Basin
Basin and either increase or remain approxi-  changes observed in Central Asia (Fig. 3)         at ca. 11 Ma, which they proposed resulted
mately constant over the Neogene (Fig. 6)     (Araguás-Araguás et al., 1998). Pedogenic         from an acceleration of uplift. Though the
(Caves et al., 2015). Notably, the only       carbonates are seasonally biased recorders        individual uplift histories of the local
other records that decrease during the        of d18Op, typically recording wet-season          Saur-Manrak ranges are unknown, but are
Neogene are those that also lie on the        d18Op (Breecker et al., 2009). Thus, a shift      likely linked to uplift in the Altai or north-
windward flank of the Tian Shan (Issyk        toward dominantly spring and fall precipi-        ern Tian Shan (Campbell et al., 2013), we
Kul) and/or within the modern-day spring      tation might change the timing of pedogenic       propose that the timing of this accelerated
and fall precipitation regime (Junggar        carbonate formation and decrease d18Oc,           uplift is broadly synchronous with our
Basin) (gray stars; Fig. 2B).                 without necessarily increasing total precipi-     observed decrease in d18Oc. Northward-
                                              tation. Such a shift may have also lowered        propagating deformation might also
  What mechanisms might explain a             the temperature of carbonate formation,           explain why oxygen isotopic records from
simultaneous decrease in d18O on the          raising d18Oc, and partially offsetting the true  Issyk Kul, which lies 5° south, decline
windward flanks of the Tian Shan and          change in precipitation-weighted d18Op;           starting in the early Miocene, reflecting
Altai, while permitting constant or           this implies that the change in precipitation     earlier growth of high topography to the
increasing d18O in their lee?                 seasonality may have been substantial.            south (Macaulay et al., 2016).
                                              Importantly, this change in precipitation
  One potential mechanism is that             seasonality would decouple windward d18Oc           Our new oxygen isotope record from
increased orographic precipitation due to     records (Zaysan, Issyk Kul, and Junggar)          the windward side of the Tian Shan and
uplift might shift windward d18O to lower     from leeward d18Oc records in interior China      Altai ranges indicates that these ranges
values, particularly as high-elevation pre-   and Mongolia, which receive dominantly            were sufficiently elevated by the late
cipitation is increasingly captured (Mulch,   JJA precipitation.                                Miocene to impact climate in Central
2016). This hypothesis has been used to                                                         Asia. Most notably, this interaction
explain the decrease in d18O at both Issyk    IMPLICATIONS                                      resulted in a substantial reorganization of
Kul and the Junggar Basin (Charreau et                                                          Central Asia climate, creating a stark pre-
al., 2012; Macaulay et al., 2016). However,     The modern spring and fall precipita-           cipitation seasonality boundary between
increased orographic precipitation appears    tion regime in Kazakhstan is a result of          eastern and western Central Asia. Such
unlikely to explain the full decrease in the  the interaction between cyclones routed           high topography would have further
Zaysan Basin. The long-term increase in       along the mid-latitude westerly jet as it         blocked moisture from reaching down-
d13C in the Zaysan Basin—at a location        migrates seasonally north and south and           wind Central Asia, contributing to the
well north of where abundant C4 vegeta-       the high topography of the Tian Shan and          increasingly arid conditions and formation
tion is typically found (supplemental data    Altai (Schiemann et al., 2009). Thus, a           of the Taklamakan and Gobi deserts in the
Fig. S3)—indicates that soil respiration      change in precipitation seasonality would         late Miocene (Caves et al., 2016; Sun et al.,
rates dropped, suggesting a decline in        imply either a shift of the mid-latitude jet,     2009). The Altai are the largest source of
productivity and, hence, precipitation        the development of high topography, or            lee cyclones in Asia (Chen et al., 1991),
(Breecker et al., 2009; Caves et al., 2016).  both. The mean position of the jet is             and the combined interaction of high
Further, increased orographic precipita-      thought to have been farther northward            topography with the jet’s oscillations
tion should also result in coupled d18O       during the late Miocene given warmer              as it moves northward in the spring
decreases in the lee of these ranges, which   Arctic temperatures (Micheels et al., 2011),      (Schiemann et al., 2009) creates the dust
is not observed, though d18Oc in lee basins   suggesting that cooling into the late             storms that blanket the Loess Plateau
is complicated by evaporative effects         Miocene may have contributed to a south-          (Shao and Dong, 2006; Roe, 2009). Thus,
(Mulch, 2016). An additional mechanism        ward shift of the jet.                            acceleration of loess deposition in the late
could be an increase in the formation tem-                                                      Miocene (Zhang et al., 2014; Rea et al.,
perature of pedogenic carbonate, given          Further, northward growth of high               1998) may be a consequence of increasing
that the fractionation of 18O between water   topography in Asia would result in                cyclogenesis as a result of upwind topo-
and calcite decreases as temperature          increased interaction between cyclones            graphic growth (Caves et al., 2014; Shi et
increases (~-0.2‰/°C) (Kim and O’Neil,        routed along the jet and this topography,         al., 2015) (Fig. 6). The subsequent
1997). However, an increase in tempera-       resulting in orographic precipitation dur-        Pliocene decline in eolian accumulation
ture is unlikely because global climate       ing the spring and fall (Baldwin and              rates may reflect a northward shifted jet
cooled in the late Neogene following the      Vecchi, 2016). There is substantial evi-          during the mid-Pliocene Warm Period,
Miocene Climatic Optimum (Zachos et           dence that deformation from the collision         which precluded interaction with the Altai
al., 2001). Further, if changes in global     of India-Asia has propagated northward            until Quaternary cooling shifted the jet
temperature were the dominant factor          during the Cenozoic, resulting in—most            southward again.
driving changes in d18Oc, one would           recently in the latest Miocene—uplift of
expect similar decreases across much of       the Altai range (De Grave et al., 2007).

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