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was converted to depth using a simple the lower the contrast. The first and third and depth interpretations was analyzed by
velocity model in MoveTM, described by quartiles (Q1 and Q3) from these distribu- randomly selecting 70 of the depth inter-
Equation (1): tions were subtracted in order to calcu- pretations for comparison with the TWT
late the interquartile range (IQ) of the dis- interpretation population of 70. Because
(1) tributions. We use the interquartile range these were found to be similar to the full-
as an analogue for visual contrast: the depth interpretation analysis, we conclude
where Z is the depth in meters, V0 is the wider the IQ of the cell, the higher the that the population size had no effect on
initial velocity (1500 ms−1), t is one-way contrast and vice versa. Each cell in the results.
travel time, and k is the rate of change in the images is colored according to its IQ
velocity with increasing depth (0.5). The value in order to display graphically the Quantification of the variability in fault
depth conversion located the bottom of the contrast analysis results. placement for the interpretation popula-
section at 10.5 km depth. The depth con- tions were computed at nine depth markers
version was completed on a bitmap of the To analyze the reflector continuity, in each seismic image (Fig. 2). The four
seismic reflection image, which linearly the images were first converted into a quartile and outlier positions for the fault
stretches the image. The result is a depth binary, i.e., a black and white image. This interpretation populations were calculated
section with apparently lower reflectivity was performed using ImageJ software at each depth marker (results of the analy-
and contrast than the original TWT image (Schneider et al., 2012) by setting an auto- sis are shown in Fig. 2, overlying the
and 18% longer, due to this stretching. matic threshold level based on the histo- image analyses). The interquartile fault
With the exception of depth conversion, grams of the two images. This threshold range (the distance between the first and
both the TWT and depth images share divides the pixel histogram in two halves, third quartiles) provides a good estimation
identical processing workflows. The actual assigning black or white color to all the of the fault placement spread within each
depth conversion method used is not pixels. As a result, the seismic wave of the interpretation populations at a given
important for our experiment; it is the dif- reflections are separated into isolated depth (continuous black lines in Fig. 2,
ference in image quality the process cre- black bodies, corresponding to the posi- created from joining the quartiles between
ates that concerns us. tive amplitude reflections in this particu- depth markers). We use the interquartile
lar case, included in a white background. range of fault placement within each fault
IMAGE ANALYSIS A macro for the software ImageJ interpretation population as an indicator of
(Heilbronner and Barrett, 2013) was used fault placement uncertainty for each seis-
The image analysis undertaken focused to measure and analyze these resultant mic image. The interquartiles show that
on the pixel intensity contrast and reflec- bodies. In the analysis, the length of the fault spread remains similar in the upper
tion continuity (referred to hereafter as major axis of each reflection is calculated, 3.5 km. From 3.5 km downward, the inter-
“contrast” and “continuity,” respectively) using a best-fit ellipse method, and each quartile fault range in the depth image
of the TWT and depth sections (see Fig. S1 reflection is then colored based on this increases until, at the base of the seismic
in GSA’s Supplemental Data Repository1). length value using a color scale. image, the interquartile width is twice that
For the image analysis, each seismic image observed in the TWT image. The increase
was subdivided into cells of 7.2 km INTERPRETATION OUTCOMES in fault spread defined by the interquartile
(length) × 1 km (depth) (1135 × 450 pixels). trend linearly increases in the TWT image
The area encompassing the participants’ Interpretations of the major discontinu- with depth. In the depth image, the first
fault interpretations was subdivided into ity of reflectors (faults) located in the mid- quartile follows a similar path to that of the
smaller cells, 1.6 km × 0.4 km (216 × 163 dle of the seismic images and related splay TWT image, but the third quartile is more
pixels), in order to provide detailed image faults (327 elements in total) were used in heterogeneous (wavy) and is offset to the
analysis information in the area of interest. the analysis. Of these elements, 116 corre- right with respect to the third quartile line
For ease of comparison of our results, the spond to the interpretations of the TWT in the TWT image. Meanwhile, the outliers
seismic images are both shown with a ver- image (Fig. 1C) and 211 to the interpreta- (dashed black lines in Fig. 2) show a simi-
tical scale in depth in all figures (except tions of the depth seismic image (Fig. 1D). lar general pattern with fault spread
Fig. 1A). In general, variability in fault placement increasing with depth, but with a greater
position (the spread in fault interpretations) variability and heterogeneity. The fault
To analyze the image contrast we increases with depth, and this observation placement outliers for the fault interpreta-
extracted grayscale distributions for the is more pronounced in those interpreta- tions of the TWT image show a convergent
pixels in each cell for the two uninter- tions derived from the depth image. The trend down to 2 km in width at ~4 km
preted images. The distributions range difference in fault placement spread depth before the fault placement spread
from pixel number 0 (black) to 255 (white): between the two images is at a maximum increases to ~15 km at the base of the
the wider these distributions are (i.e., the at 5 km depth. Below this point, the amount image. The fault placement outliers from
more pixel values close to the extremes of of interpreted faults dipping to the right is the depth interpretation show a relatively
0 and 255), the more contrast the image greater in the depth section (23 faults) than constant spread (~4.5 km width) down to
has; the narrower the pixel distribution, the in the TWT section (5 faults). The effect of 3 km depth. Below this point, fault spread
more similar the pixel values are and thus the difference in the populations of TWT
1 GSA Supplemental Data Repository Item 2017031, image analysis methods, is online at If you have questions,
please email
6 GSA Today | February 2017