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                                       Topical Sessions

 HYDROGEOLOGY                                                          Disciplines: Hydrogeology, Geoscience and Public Policy,
                                                                       Engineering Geology
        T1. Twenty-First Century Rock Flow Properties
        and Processes: 3D Printing, Digital Rock Physics,              Advocates: Randy Hunt; Henk Haitjema; Jordan Read
        and Hydrogeophysics
                                                                         Decision-making requires quantitative frameworks to assess
Cosponsors: GSA Hydrogeology Division; GSA Geoinformatics              cost-benefit and tradeoffs between competing societal needs. This
Division, GSA Karst Division                                           session seeks to explore the range of applied modeling approaches
                                                                       brought to bear to address today’s economic and environmental
Disciplines: Hydrogeology, Karst, Sediments, Carbonates                issues.

Advocates: Michael C. Sukop; Lee J. Florea; Franciszek Hasiuk                  T5. Arsenic and Other Geogenic Contaminants in
                                                                               Groundwater Resources: Linking Water Quality,
  We encourage novel studies that employ high-tech methods (3D                 Food Security, and Treatment
printing, hydrogeophysics, computed tomography, high resolution
stratigraphy, etc.) to describe and interpret the processes that con-  Cosponsors: GSA Hydrogeology Division; GSA Geology and
trol flow through natural groundwater pore systems.                    Health Division; GSA International/International Interdisciplinary
                                                                       Interest Group; International Society of Groundwater for
T2. A Showcase of Undergraduate Research in Hydrogeology               Sustainable Development (ISGSD); International Medical Geology
(Posters)                                                              Association; GSA Environmental and Engineering Geology
                                                                       Division; GSA Geobiology & Geomicrobiology Division
Cosponsors: GSA Hydrogeology Division; Council on
Undergraduate Research Geosciences Division                            Disciplines: Hydrogeology, Geology and Health, Environmental
Discipline: Hydrogeology
                                                                       Advocates: Prosun Bhattacharya; Abhijit Mukherjee;
Advocates: Kallina M. Dunkle; Susan Swanson; Samuel J. Smidt;          Saugata Datta; Mohammad Alauddin; Karen Johannesson;
Christopher S. Lowry                                                   Jochen Bundschuh; Arslan Ahmad

  This session is designed for undergraduates presenting research        The fate, transport, and effects of arsenic and other metals in
and senior theses in the field of hydrogeology. Prizes will be         groundwater and other natural water systems from regional to
awarded for top presentations. Employers and graduate advisers         local scales will be discussed. This encompasses occurrence,
are encouraged to attend.                                              mobility, biogeochemical cycling, epidemiological, and sustain-
                                                                       able mitigation.
        T3. Advances in Ground-Source Geothermal Energy:
        Monitoring and Modeling                                                T6. Cross-Border Community Engagement Using
                                                                               Geoscience Research, Education, and Outreach
Cosponsors: GSA Hydrogeology Division; GSA Environmental
and Engineering Geology Division                                       Cosponsors: GSA Hydrogeology Division; GSA Environmental
                                                                       and Engineering Geology Division; GSA Karst Division
Disciplines: Hydrogeology, Engineering Geology, Energy Geology
                                                                       Disciplines: Hydrogeology, Environmental Geoscience, Geology
Advocates: Dave Hart; Lee J. Florea                                    and Health

The session includes modeling of the heat flows and sustainability     Advocates: Peter S.K. Knappett; Kory Konsoer; Sarah Nagorsen;
of ground-source geothermal systems and methods to monitor             Peter J. Wampler
their performance and potential impacts to groundwater.
                                                                         We are calling for abstracts describing geoscience and interdis-
              T4. Approaches to Applied Modeling for Industry          ciplinary studies that include cross-border engagement to develop
              and the Public                                           mitigation strategies that address unsafe drinking water, poor
                                                                       sanitation, and natural hazards including landslides, earthquakes,
Cosponsors: GSA Hydrogeology Division; GSA Geology and                 floods, and hurricanes.
Society Division; National Ground Water Association (NGWA);
GSA Environmental and Engineering Geology Division

                                             INDUSTRY TRACKS

  GSA’s technical program offers sessions relevant to applied geoscientists. Look for these icons,
which identify sessions in the following areas:

                     Economic Geology  Energy                          Engineering       Hydrogeology and
                                                                                      Environmental Geology
                                       22–25 October 2017 • Seattle, Washington, USA
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