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rather similar coastal environments). Topics include water                    T27. Karst Hydrology and Hydrogeology
resources; water quality, and effective measures for improving
wastewater treatment.                                                 Cosponsor: GSA Karst Division

              T23. Water Sourcing, Disposal, and Induced              Discipline: Karst
              Seismicity Issues related to Unconventional Shale
             Oil and Gas Development                                  Advocates: Cory W. BlackEagle; Jason Polk; Joshua Feinberg

Cosponsors: GSA Hydrogeology Division; GSA Environmental                Abstracts themed around the fundamental aspects of fluid-rock
and Engineering Geology Division                                      interactions within karst landscapes, including geologic, hydro-
                                                                      geologic, and hydrologic investigations. Appropriate topics range
Disciplines: Hydrogeology, Energy Geology, Geochemistry               from dye tracing and aquifer processes to surface-subsurface
                                                                      hydrologic interactions and quantitative modeling.
Advocates: Kyle E. Murray; Bridget R. Scanlon; Jean-Philippe
Nicot                                                                 T28. Karst Processes and Speleology

  This session will focus on water demand for hydraulic fractur-      Cosponsor: GSA Karst Division
ing, management of produced water (e.g., disposal, reuse/recycling),
and linkages to induced seismicity. Approaches to reducing            Discipline: Karst
water risks related to unconventional reservoir development are
also important.                                                       Advocates: Cory W. BlackEagle; Jason Polk; Joshua Feinberg

 KARST                                                                  Abstracts discussing cave and karst forming processes, includ-
                                                                      ing the geomorphic evolution of karst landscapes, cave system
        T24. How Nick Crawford’s Vision Helped Shape                  development, and cave survey studies. Carbonate weathering,
        Contemporary Karst Science and Education                      hypogene processes, structural controls, and other related topics
                                                                      are included.
Cosponsors: GSA Karst Division; National Cave and Karst
Research Institute; GSA Hydrogeology Division; GSA History            T29. Karst Sedimentary, Paleoclimate, and Historical Records
and Philosophy of Geology Division
                                                                      Cosponsor: GSA Karst Division
Disciplines: Karst, Hydrogeology, Geomorphology
                                                                      Discipline: Karst
Advocates: Chris Groves; George Veni; Geary Schindel;
Augusto Auler                                                         Advocates: Cory W. BlackEagle; Jason Polk; Joshua Feinberg

  Nick Crawford is a pioneer of karst science and education.            Abstracts on cave deposits (sediments, speleothems, tufa, etc.),
We highlight his contributions through perspectives of scientists     karst environmental records (sedimentary, underwater deposits,
Nick influenced, who worked with him, or who study areas of           carbonate stratigraphy, etc.), and geoarchaeological and historical
karst science that Nick helped innovate.                              investigations to reconstruct or interpret past climates, landscapes,
                                                                      land use, and similar phenomena.
T25. Karst Ecosystems and Biogeochemistry
                                                                       ENVIRONMENTAL GEOSCIENCE
Cosponsor: GSA Karst Division
                                                                              T30. Asbestos: Former Highly Sought Mineral
Discipline: Karst                                                             Resource Transmogrified to the Most Litigated
                                                                              Environmental Health Concern Known to Man, in the
Advocates: Cory W. BlackEagle; Jason Polk; Joshua Feinberg                    Geologic Blink of an Eye

  Abstracts that deal with the study of cave and karst ecosystems,    Cosponsor: GSA Environmental and Engineering Geology
including the identification, quantification, and/or discussion of    Division
biota, flora, microbial, and related biogeochemical processes or
environments in or near karst features.                               Disciplines: Environmental Geoscience, Mineralogy/
                                                                      Crystallography, Petrology, Metamorphic
T26. Karst Hazards and Monitoring
                                                                      Advocate: Sean M. Fitzgerald
Cosponsor: GSA Karst Division
                                                                        The latest in asbestos science and understanding including
Discipline: Karst                                                     recent applications of geoscience, epidemiology, method develop-
                                                                      ments, and regulatory approaches to asbestos and other elongate
Advocates: Cory W. BlackEagle; Jason Polk; Joshua Feinberg            mineral particles of potential environmental health concern.

  Abstracts focused on the various hazards (sinkholes, groundwa-
ter pollution, etc.) and monitoring approaches found in karst land-
scapes. Topics include technical applications (e.g., LiDAR, 3D
scanning, geodatabase development) and management implica-
tions (resource management, education, policy and regulation in
karst areas).                                                                                                             21
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