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T55. Life and Times in the Early Paleozoic                           T59. Studies in Paleobiology and Paleoecology: In Honor of
                                                                     Professor David J. Bottjer
Cosponsor: Paleontological Society
                                                                     Cosponsors: GSA Geobiology & Geomicrobiology Division;
Disciplines: Paleontology, Diversity, Extinction, Origination,       Paleontological Society; SEPM (Society for Sedimentary Geology);
Paleoclimatology/Paleoceanography, Geochemistry                      Paleontological Research Institution

Advocates: Erik A. Sperling; Stephen Leslie; Matt Saltzman           Disciplines: Paleontology, Diversity, Extinction, Origination,
                                                                     Paleontology, Paleoecology/Taphonomy, Paleontology, Phylogenetic/
  This session welcomes submissions on early Paleozoic biotic        Morphological Patterns
radiations and extinctions and their relationship (or not) to any
aspect of the evolving Earth system.                                 Advocates: Thomas J. Algeo; Pedro J. Marenco; Margaret L.
                                                                     Fraiser; Matthew E. Clapham
T56. Mass Extinctions: Past, Present, and Future?
                                                                       This session honors Professor David Bottjer on the occasion
Cosponsors: Paleontological Research Institution; GSA                of his stepping down as Editor-in-Chief of Palaeogeography
Mineralogy, Geochemistry, Petrology, and Volcanology Division;       Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology after 16 years. He is a paleo-
Cushman Foundation for Foraminiferal Research;                       biologist and paleoecologist working on organism-sediment inter-
Paleontological Society; Volcanic and Magmatic Studies Group         actions, early metazoan life, and recovery from mass extinctions.

Disciplines: Paleontology, Diversity, Extinction, Origination,       T60. The Onset of the Great Ordovician Biodiversity Event
Geochemistry, Stratigraphy                                           (GOBE): Testing Hypotheses with Diverse Data Sets

Advocates: David P.G. Bond; Thierry Adatte; Gerta Keller;            Cosponsors: Paleontological Society; GSA Geobiology &
Dougal A. Jerram                                                     Geomicrobiology Division; GSA Sedimentary Geology Division;
                                                                     SEPM (Society for Sedimentary Geology); IGCP 653: Onset of
  This session examines micro- and macrofaunal and floral            the Great Ordovician Biodiversification Event; Paleontological
records of extinction from deep time to the present, proxies for     Research Institution
contemporaneous environmental changes and their ultimate
drivers (e.g., large igneous province eruptions, bolide impacts,     Disciplines: Paleontology, Diversity, Extinction, Origination,
anthropogenic change).                                               Stratigraphy, Paleoclimatology/Paleoceanography

T57. Mercury in the Geologic Record                                  Advocates: Rebecca L. Freeman; Alycia L. Stigall

Cosponsor: GSA Mineralogy, Geochemistry, Petrology, and                We request contributions testing hypotheses concerning the
Volcanology Division                                                 Late Cambrian to Ordovician biotic and abiotic drivers of
                                                                     GOBE. Diverse data sets illuminate the timing, initiating condi-
Disciplines: Paleontology, Diversity, Extinction, Origination,       tions, stratigraphy, and paleontology of this significant event in
Geochemistry, Volcanology                                            Earth’s history.

Advocate: Stephen E. Grasby                                          T61. Tracking Deccan Volcanism and Biotic Change in
                                                                     Terrestrial Ecosystems across the Cretaceous-Paleogene of India
  Mercury is an effective proxy for volcanism in the geologic
record. This session will examine Hg across major events in Earth    Cosponsor: Paleontological Society
history, processes that influence Hg in the rock record, and stable
isotope studies.                                                     Disciplines: Paleontology, Diversity, Extinction, Origination,
                                                                     Geochemistry, Volcanology
T58. Oxygen and Ecosystems from the Proterozoic to
the Paleozoic                                                        Advocates: Gregory P. Wilson; Jeffrey A. Wilson; Paul Renne

Cosponsors: Paleontological Research Institution;                      India is central to the Cretaceous-Paleogene mass extinction
Paleontological Society; GSA Geobiology & Geomicrobiology            and the Indo-Asian biotic interchange. This session will bring
Division                                                             together geologists and paleontologists to highlight advances in
                                                                     our understanding of the Deccan traps and India’s biotic changes.
Disciplines: Paleontology, Diversity, Extinction, Origination,
Precambrian Geology, Geochemistry                                    T62. Ancient Environments of South America

Advocates: Noah J. Planavsky; Devon B. Cole; Christopher             Cosponsors: Paleontological Research Institution;
T. Reinhard                                                          Paleontological Society; GSA Sedimentary Geology Division

  This session will explore recent efforts to develop a more com-    Disciplines: Paleontology, Paleoecology/Taphonomy
prehensive understanding of coupled oxygen availability and
environmental conditions with biotic evolution and ecosystem         Advocates: Camilla Crifò; Regan E. Dunn
development from the Proterozoic to the early Paleozoic.
                                                                       The aim of this session is to reunite with an integrative per-
                                                                     spective paleontologists, paleoecologists, paleobotanists, geo-
                                                                     chemists, and sedimentologists whose main focus is the deep
                                                                     time paleontological, biogeographic, and geologic history of the
                                                                     South American continent.                                                                                                         25
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