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T87. Fluvio-Deltaic Processes and Their Stratigraphic Record        T91. Chemostratigraphy: Environments, Correlation, and
                                                                    Time (Posters)
Cosponsors: GSA Sedimentary Geology Division; GSA
Quaternary Geology and Geomorphology Division; SEPM                 Cosponsors: North American Commission on Stratigraphic
(Society for Sedimentary Geology)                                   Nomenclature; SEPM (Society for Sedimentary Geology);
                                                                    International Subcommission on Stratigraphic Classification;
Disciplines: Sediments, Clastic, Geomorphology, Stratigraphy        GSA Sedimentary Geology Division

Advocates: Brandon McElroy; Jeffrey A. Nittrouer                    Disciplines: Stratigraphy, Geochemistry, Paleontology,
  Advances in modern river and delta processes and their inter-
pretation from the ancient rock record via observational, experi-   Advocates: Richard Fluegeman; Carlton E. Brett; Brian R. Pratt;
mental, modeling, and theoretical studies.                          Lucy Edwards

T88. Mudstone Facts: Deposition, Diagenesis, and Source of            This session will focus on the use of chemical records preserved
Basin Fluids                                                        in sedimentary deposits for correlation. The conveners are
                                                                    interested in applications of chemostratigraphy from a variety of
Cosponsors: GSA Sedimentary Geology Division; GSA Energy            chronostratigraphic, environmental, and geographic settings.
Geology Division; GSA Limnogeology Division
                                                                    T92. Tectonics and Sedimentation, Avulsion, and
Disciplines: Sediments, Clastic, Energy Geology, Limnogeology       Experimental Stratigraphy, and History of Western North
                                                                    America: A Celebration of Paul Heller’s Career
Advocates: Neil Fishman; Sven Egenhoff; Dario Harazim
                                                                    Cosponsors: GSA Sedimentary Geology Division; GSA
  This session features the sedimentology and petrology of mud-     Structural Geology and Tectonics Division; GSA Quaternary
stones, and their role as sources of fluids in basins. Although     Geology and Geomorphology Division; SEPM (Society for
organic-rich mudstones (marine or lacustrine) are a focal point,    Sedimentary Geology)
studies on other mudrocks are welcome.
                                                                    Disciplines: Stratigraphy, Tectonics/Tectonophysics,
T89. The Dynamics of Tectono-Sedimentary Systems During             Geomorphology
Basin Formation and Fill
                                                                    Advocates: Brady Z. Foreman; Majie Fan; Elizabeth Hajek
Cosponsors: GSA Sedimentary Geology Division; GSA Structural
Geology and Tectonics Division                                        In recognition of the late Dr. Paul Heller’s influence on
                                                                    studies of tectonics and sedimentation, fluvial stratigraphy, and
Disciplines: Sediments, Clastic, Tectonics/Tectonophysics,          evolution of western North America, we seek submissions
Stratigraphy                                                        spanning these fields.

Advocates: Eugene Szymanski; Jacob A. Covault; Daniel F. Stockli    .LIMNOGEOLOGY

  This session will investigate the nature of sediment delivery             T93. Lacustrine Systems across Space and Time
systems that connect orogenic terranes to their associated deposi-
tional basins—over various spatiotemporal scales and tectonic       Cosponsors: GSA Limnogeology Division; GSA Sedimentary
settings—by exploring fundamental driving processes and mul-        Geology Division; Paleontological Society; SEPM (Society for
tiple scaling factors.                                              Sedimentary Geology)

.STRATIGRAPHY                                                       Disciplines: Limnogeology, Stratigraphy, Paleoclimatology/
T90. Advancing Seismic and Sequence Stratigraphy: Insights
from Testing the Fundamentals                                       Advocates: Scott W. Starratt; Michelle F. Goman

Cosponsors: GSA Environmental and Engineering Geology                 This session celebrates lacustrine research across the globe.
Division; GSA Energy Geology Division; GSA Sedimentary              Lakes are important fresh water reservoirs and their sediments are
Geology Division                                                    archives of global change, pollution, and ecological succession.

Disciplines: Stratigraphy, Sediments, Clastic, Paleoclimatology/

Advocates: Andrew Madof; Ashley D. Harris; Fabien J. Laugier

  We encourage presenters to show their interdisciplinary and
solution-driven work, which should focus on rigorously testing
fundamental assumptions of sequence stratigraphy. Presentations
should be aimed at evolving ideas, with the intention of advancing
the science.

                                                                    22–25 October

                                                                    Seattle, Washington, USA                                                                                                        29
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