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T124. Practical Advice for In-Service and Pre-Service               Topics might include cross-institutional collaborations includ-
K–12 Earth Science Teacher Preparation and Professional           ing recruitment, undergraduate research, field trips, and
Development                                                       2YC–4YCU faculty interactions; GEOPATHS or bridge programs,
                                                                  advising/support strategies; career development and preparation;
Cosponsors: National Earth Science Teachers Association;          research on transfer; and/or impact on broadening access.
National Association of Geoscience Teachers, Teacher
Education Division                                                T128. Teaching about the Earth Online

Discipline: Geoscience Education                                  Discipline: Geoscience Education

Advocates: Suzanne T. Metlay; Belinda E. Jacobs; Carla            Advocates: Timothy J. Bralower; Ariel D. Anbar; Jonathan H.
McAuliffe; Sadredin C. Moosavi                                    Tomkin

  K–12 earth sciences teachers, informal educators, professional    This session will focus on strategies to develop modern online
development providers, and teacher preparation faculty discuss    courses including effective assessment, application of active
successful strategies to address teacher needs resulting from     learning including large datasets, integration of systems thinking,
revised state science standards, NGSS, and Framework imple-       teaching at scale, and interdisciplinary courses.
mentation nationwide.
                                                                  T129. The Challenge of Defining Student Success: Broadening
T125. Preparing the Next Generation of Geoscience                 Participation, Measuring Success, and Preparing 2YC and
Educators: Research on Teacher Education                          4YC Students for a Variety of Transitions

Cosponsors: GSA Geoscience Education Division; National           Cosponsors: National Association of Geoscience Teachers;
Association of Geoscience Teachers, Teacher Education Division;   GSA Geoscience Education Division; National Association of
National Association of Geoscience Teachers, Division of          Geoscience Teachers Geo2YC Division
Geoscience Education Research
                                                                  Discipline: Geoscience Education
Discipline: Geoscience Education
                                                                  Advocates: Katrien J. van der Hoeven Kraft; Peter J. Berquist;
Advocates: Heather L. Petcovic; Katherine Ryker                   Joshua Villalobos

  This session highlights research on current and future geosci-    “Student success” is a core principle throughout academia, yet
ence teacher attitudes, beliefs, knowledge, and practices across  there is no one-size-fits-all approach. This session seeks presenta-
K–12 and higher education, including research on the preparation  tions from individuals, institutions, and organizations that have
of teaching assistants and future faculty.                        attempted novel approaches to ensure the success of all students.

T126. Professional Development Locally to Achieve Earth           T130. The Other Two Dimensions of NGSS: Science and
Science Literacy Globally: Successful Models of K–12 Teacher      Engineering Practices and Cross-Cutting Concepts in
Professional Development Ready for Emulation in New               Support of Earth Science Teacher Education
Environments (Posters)
                                                                  Cosponsors: GSA Geoscience Education Division; National
Cosponsors: GSA Geoscience Education Division; National           Association of Geoscience Teachers; National Association of
Association of Geoscience Teachers; National Earth Science        Geoscience Teachers Teacher Education Division
Teachers Association; American Geophysical Institute
                                                                  Disciplines: Geoscience Education, Geoscience Information/
Disciplines: Geoscience Education, Geoscience Information/        Communication, Geoscience and Public Policy
Communication, Geoscience and Public Policy
                                                                  Advocate: Eric J. Pyle
Advocate: Sadredin C. Moosavi
                                                                    This session highlights how science and engineering practices
  This session seeks to showcase successful K–12 earth-science    unique to earth science and cross-cutting concepts reinforce disci-
teacher professional-development programs that can serve as       plinary content ideas to advance earth science in K–12 through
models for use in new, underserved environments using local       the NGSS in teacher preparation and professional development.
GSA members’ talents and community/industry resources.
                                                                  T131. Translating Professional Development Experiences into
T127. Supporting Geoscience Student Transfer between              the Classroom
Institutions and Transitions into the Workforce: Pathways
to Success                                                        Cosponsors: GSA Geoscience Education Division; National
                                                                  Association of Geoscience Teachers
Cosponsors: GSA Geology and Society Division; GSA
Geoscience Education Division; National Association of            Discipline: Geoscience Education
Geoscience Teachers; National Association of Geoscience
Teachers Geo2YC Division                                          Advocates: Megan H. Jones; Jacquelyn Hams; Richard M. Jones

Disciplines: Geoscience Education, Geoscience and Public Policy,    Professional development aims to share knowledge and skills
Geoscience Information/Communication                              with faculty, expecting that they bring their experiences into their
                                                                  classrooms. We welcome examples of faculty adaptations, new
Advocates: Norlene R. Emerson; Eric M.D. Baer; Allan Ludman       instructional methods, or curriculum inspired by professional
                                                                  development experiences.

34 22–25 October 2017 • Seattle, Washington, USA
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