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T140. New Tools in the Geologist’s Toolbelt: Using Technology                  T144. Drones in Geoscience (Posters)
to Educate and Inspire Others about Geology
                                                                       Cosponsors: GSA Environmental and Engineering Geology
Cosponsors: Washington Division of Geology and Earth                   Division; GSA Sedimentary Geology Division
Resources; GSA Environmental and Engineering Geology Division
                                                                       Disciplines: Geoinformatics, Engineering Geology,
Disciplines: Geoscience Information/Communication,                     Geomorphology
Geoscience Education, History and Philosophy of Geology
                                                                       Advocate: James Robert Van Eerden
Advocate: Dave Norman
                                                                         Drones are an increasingly accessible research tool for geosci-
  Expanding capabilities in technology—interactive portals, web        ence professionals. Learn how teams have successfully integrated
scripts, mobile apps, social media, video, UAVs—create effective       drones into their research tool kit.
platforms by which geologists may share geologic information
with both their peers and the uninitiated.                                     T145. Geologic Maps and Their Derivatives (Posters)

T141. Use of Geoscience Data and Information Resources in              Cosponsors: Association of American State Geologists; GSA
Education and Research (Posters)                                       Hydrogeology Division; GSA Environmental and Engineering
                                                                       Geology Division
Cosponsors: Geoscience Information Society; GSA
Geoinformatics Division                                                Disciplines: Geoinformatics, Hydrogeology, Structural Geology

Disciplines: Geoscience Information/Communication,                     Advocates: Richard Berg; Harvey Thorleifson
Geoscience Education, Geoinformatics
                                                                         This poster session will highlight new geologic maps, mapping
Advocate: Chris Badurek                                                programs, and innovations in geological mapping, including data
                                                                       management, web accessibility, 3-D, and applications in water and
  This poster session examines the effective use of geoscience         land management.
data and information resources in successful teaching or
research activities.                                                                 T146. Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and Their Use
                                                                                     in Geologic Reconnaissance—Round 2 (Posters)
        T142. What Lies Beneath: How to Build Digital
        Datasets and Visualize Subsurface Geology through              Cosponsors: GSA Environmental and Engineering Geology
        GIS and 3D Modeling                                            Division; GSA Geoinformatics Division

Cosponsors: GSA Geoinformatics Division; Washington Division           Disciplines: Geoinformatics, Engineering Geology, Geoscience
of Geology and Earth Resources; GSA Hydrogeology Division;             Education
GSA Environmental and Engineering Geology Division
                                                                       Advocates: Thomas L. Rice; Stephen L. Slaughter; Thad A.
Disciplines: Geoscience Information/Communication,                     Wasklewicz; Jessica E. Witt; Denise J. Hills
Geoinformatics, Engineering Geology
                                                                         This session will highlight the burgeoning development of
Advocates: Daniel W. Eungard; Kathy Goetz Troost                       UAV/UAS (drone) platforms and sensors that can be utilized in
                                                                       geologic reconnaissance, especially in natural resource and natu-
  This session seeks to provide a forum in which geologists, GIS       ral hazards assessments. This is a follow-up on the 2015 session.
experts, and non-specialists can share experiences creating,
distributing, and interpreting subsurface geologic datasets and        T147. What Can You Do with Geoinformatics?
concepts through 3D models and other tools.
                                                                       Cosponsors: GSA Geoinformatics Division; Geoscience
.GEOINFORMATICS                                                        Information Society; American Geosciences Institute; American
                                                                       Geophysical Union; GSA Environmental and Engineering
T143. Curating Physical Samples in a Digital World                     Geology Division; GSA Geoscience Education Division; GSA
                                                                       Karst Division; Association of American State Geologists
Cosponsors: GSA Geoinformatics Division; Paleontological
Society; Society for the Preservation of Natural History Collections;  Disciplines: Geoinformatics, Geoscience Education, Geoscience
Paleontological Research Institution; Cushman Foundation;              and Public Policy
Geobiology and Geomicrobiology Division; Association of
American State Geologists                                              Advocates: Denise J. Hills; Chris Badurek; Christopher Keane;
                                                                       Shelley Stall
Discipline: Geoinformatics
                                                                         Many geoscientists are unfamiliar with geoinformatics, which
Advocates: Leslie Hsu; Megan Carter; Anders J. Noren; Lesley           integrates different disciplines and technologies to enable trans-
A.I. Wyborn                                                            formation of data into knowledge for geoscience. Careers in and
                                                                       applications of geoinformatics will be highlighted.
  Physical samples, such as cores, fossils, and water, have unique
challenges for data stewardship because they are difficult, if not
impossible, to fully digitize. We will explore challenges and solu-
tions for digitally curating physical samples.

36 22–25 October 2017 • Seattle, Washington, USA
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