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T132. Undergraduate Research Posters Showcasing Research T136. Discovery and Preservation of Geoscience Data and
by 2YC and 4YCU Geoscience Students (Posters) Information Resources
Cosponsors: GSA Geoscience Education Division; National Cosponsors: Geoscience Information Society; GSA
Association of Geoscience Teachers; National Association of Geoinformatics Division; GSA Environmental and Engineering
Geoscience Teachers Geo2YC Division; International Association Geology Division; GSA Energy Geology Division
for Geoscience Diversity
Disciplines: Geoscience Information/Communication,
Disciplines: Geoscience Education, Geoscience Information/ Geoinformatics, Geoscience Education
Advocate: Chris Badurek
Advocates: Gretchen L. Miller; Adrianne A. Leinbach; Stephanie
M. Rollins This session addresses access to geoscience publications, data
in repositories related to publishing, and discovery of geoscience
This session is designed for two-year college (2YC) and four- research data resources spanning mapped to remotely sensed
year college and university (4YCU) students presenting research imagery.
in any sub-discipline of geoscience. Projects supported by NSF’s
Improving Undergraduate STEM Education program (IUSE) T137. Geoheritage Matters (Posters)
are encouraged.
Cosponsor: GSA Geology and Society Division
T133. Victor Porter Memorial Session—Climbing out of the
Fishbowl: Hands-On Public Engagement in the Geosciences Disciplines: Geoscience Information/Communication,
Geoscience Education, Geoscience and Public Policy
Cosponsor: GSA Geoscience Education Division
Advocates: Erika C. Vye; Terri L. Cook; Benjamin van Wyk
Disciplines: Geoscience Education, Geoscience Information/ de Vries
Geoheritage, the valuation and protection of geological features
Advocates: Bryan W. Turner; Matthew T. Mossbrucker; Robert T. and landscapes, has strong community outreach potential. The ses-
Bakker sion will explore a broad variety of geoheritage-related topics, such
as geoeducation, economic opportunities, and geoconservation.
Museums, libraries, parks and monuments, and public lectures
are critical supplements to universities for engaging and involving T138. Geology Rocks! A Musical Session on the Sounds of
the general public in STEM fields. This session highlights Science (Posters)
approaches to foster public participation with the geosciences.
Cosponsor: GSA Geology and Society Division
Disciplines: Geoscience Information/Communication,
T134. Cascadia Disaster Resilience: Building Geohazard Geoscience Education, History and Philosophy of Geology
Literacy and Risk Awareness in Decision Makers and the Public
Advocates: Nicholas A. Sutfin; Jennifer L. Pierce
Cosponsors: GSA Geology and Public Policy Committee; GSA
Geology and Society Division Have you written songs or poems with a geologic theme or
thought of alternate, quirky lyrics? We encourage abstracts to per-
Disciplines: Geoscience Information/Communication, form spoken word or music of geologic concepts in this non-
Geoscience and Public Policy, Geoscience Education traditional session.
Advocates: Monica E. Gowan; John Clague T139. LiDAR Programs: Data Collection, Data Sharing, and
This session seeks contributions on interdisciplinary
approaches for effective risk messaging on Cascadia subduction Cosponsors: GSA Geoinformatics Division; Washington Division
zone geohazards. Examples of hazard education and disaster of Geology and Earth Resources; GSA Environmental and
resilience strategies, as well as from other geohazards and regions, Engineering Geology Division
are also encouraged.
Disciplines: Geoscience Information/Communication,
T135. Comedy in the Geosciences (Posters) Geoscience and Public Policy, Geoinformatics
Cosponsor: GSA Geology and Society Division Advocates: Abigail Gleason; Tom Carlson
Disciplines: Geoscience Information/Communication, LiDAR data are fast becoming essential to geologic mapping
Geoscience Education and research. This session will cover ways agencies are working
to collect and provide that data as well as some unique applications.
Advocates: Anthony D. Feig; Timothy A. Bennett-Huxtable
Exhibition of sketch, radioplay, and standup comedy with geo-
scientific themes. Comedic takes on teaching, research, current
events, and politics related to the discipline. Performances may
also include humorous storytelling, songs, and classroom
teaching examples. 35