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Advocates: Matthew J. Kohn; Pierre Lanari; Martin Engi                            T167. The History of the Petroleum Industry:
                                                                                  Hydraulic Fracturing—The 20th and 21st Centuries
  This session welcomes advances in understanding petrogenesis,
orogenesis, and/or crustal growth made using combined petro-        Cosponsors: GSA History and Philosophy of Geology Division;
logic and geochronologic analysis of accessory and major miner-     GSA Energy Geology Division; History of Earth Sciences Society
als. Contributions could include analytical methods and studies     (HESS); GSA Hydrogeology Division; GSA Environmental and
ranging from (sub)grains to orogens.                                Engineering Geology Division; History of the Geoscience Section
                                                                    of the Geological Society of Italy
        T164. The Role of Sediments in Continental Magmatic
        Arcs: Rheologic, Petrologic, and Geochemical Evidence       Disciplines: History and Philosophy of Geology, Energy Geology,
        from the Upper Mantle to Erupted Lavas                      Hydrogeology

Cosponsors: GSA Mineralogy, Geochemistry, Petrology, and            Advocates: Francesco Gerali; William R. Brice
Volcanology Division; GSA Structural Geology and Tectonics
Division; Future of Tectonics Initiative                              For this session, practitioners from academia and industry are
                                                                    encouraged to present papers on the history of hydraulic fractur-
Disciplines: Petrology, Metamorphic, Petrology, Igneous,            ing, which will contribute to an updating of the oil historiography.
Advocates: Kirsten B. Sauer; Barbara C. Ratschbacher
                                                                    T168. Advances in Terrestrial Paleoclimate Reconstructions
  This broad session welcomes abstracts from arc systems world-     Using Paleosols
wide on topics including mechanisms and time scales of sediment
incorporation, rheologic consequences of sediments at all crustal   Cosponsors: GSA Sedimentary Geology Division; GSA Soils and
levels, and magma-generating processes from surface to the sub-     Soil Processes Interdisciplinary Interest Group
ducting slab.
                                                                    Disciplines: Soils, Paleoclimatology/Paleoceanography,
.VOLCANOLOGY                                                        Geochemistry

T165. Recent Advances in Understanding Volcanism of the             Advocates: Rebecca M. Dzombak; Emily J. Beverly; Daniel P.
Yellowstone Hotspot                                                 Maxbauer; Gary E. Stinchcomb

Disciplines: Volcanology, Petrology, Igneous, Geochemistry            This session focuses on developments and methodological
                                                                    applications of terrestrial paleoclimate reconstruction using
Advocates: Arron R. Steiner; John A. Wolff; Martin J. Streck        paleosol-based proxies. Studies using alternative isotopic
                                                                    methods, novel techniques for characterizing iron oxide mineralogy,
  This session will focus on volcanic activity associated with the  and addressing uncertainty in paleosol proxies are encouraged.
Yellowstone hotspot centralizing on timing and extent, timescales
of magma formation, Oligocene precursor eruptions, magma            T169. Deciphering Climate Change and Climate Variability in
dynamics including crustal melts, and crustal modification.         the Geologic Record Using Palaeosols, Loess, Paleoweathering
                                                                    Profiles, Pedosedimentary Sequences, and Polygenetic Soils:
H.ISTORY AND PHILOSOPHY OF GEOLOGY                                  Their Applications and Limitations as Terrestrial Proxies in
                                                                    Understanding Impacts of Climatic Changes
T166. Great Maps in the History of Geology
                                                                    Cosponsors: GSA Soils and Soil Processes Interdisciplinary
Cosponsors: GSA History and Philosophy of Geology Division;         Interest Group; GSA Sedimentary Geology Division
GSA Planetary Geology Division; GSA Quaternary Geology and
Geomorphology Division; GSA Structural Geology and Tectonics        Disciplines: Soils, Paleoclimatology/Paleoceanography,
Division; History of Earth Sciences Society (HESS)                  Geochemistry

Discipline: History and Philosophy of Geology                       Advocate: Mohammed Rafi G. Sayyed

Advocates: Dorothy Sack; Renee M. Clary                               A variety of approaches to obtain information about paleo-
                                                                    climatic conditions from terrestrial archives are welcome.
  Maps are conceptual and visual communication tools funda-         It would encourage future work in unveiling the conditions
mental to geology. This session examines the role that maps have    during the periods of extreme geological events by critical and
played in the history of geology by exploring the notion of what    constructive discussions.
makes a map great.

INDUSTRY TRACKS—Look for these icons, which identify sessions in the following areas:

Economic Geology  Energy                                            Engineering     Hydrogeology and
                                                                                 Environmental Geology

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