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T109. Eat It! Using Food to Adapt Mental Models in Teaching          T113. Geoscience Education Research: Implications for
Introductory Geoscience Education                                    Undergraduate Geoscience Teaching and Learning

Cosponsor: GSA Geoscience Education Division                         Cosponsors: National Association of Geoscience Teachers;
                                                                     GSA Geoscience Education Division; National Association of
Disciplines: Geoscience Education, Geoscience Information/           Geoscience Teachers, Division of Geoscience Education Research
Communication                                                        (NAGT-GER)

Advocate: Mindy A. Kimball                                           Disciplines: Geoscience Education, Geoscience Information/
  Geoscience educators often use food as a visual or conceptual
model to increase cognition in introductory courses. This session    Advocates: Kristen St. John; Karen McNeal; Anne Gold;
encourages presentations of effective, unique, or failed food-based  Katherine Ryker
teaching tools.
                                                                       This session highlights how GER findings can be translated
T110. Engaging Students through Course-Based                         into teaching and identifying future directions for research with
Undergraduate Research Experiences (CURE) across the                 the broader geoscience community. Specific topics may include
Geoscience Curriculum                                                active learning, teaching with technology/modeling, diversity, and
                                                                     interdisciplinary collaborations.
Cosponsors: GSA Geoscience Education Division; Council on
Undergraduate Research Geosciences Division                          T114. Getting It Done: Experiences of Implementing the
                                                                     Framework and NGSS in Earth and Space Science
Discipline: Geoscience Education
                                                                     Discipline: Geoscience Education
Advocates: James H. MacDonald Jr.; Jeffrey G. Ryan; Rosemary
Hickey-Vargas; Mary A. Beck; Chris Vidito; Sven Holbik               Advocates: Aida Awad; Ed C. Robeck; Susan Sullivan

  Course-based undergraduate research experiences (CURE) is a          The geoscience education community has taken action to
proven method to provide large numbers of students the benefits      implement the Framework for K–12 Science Education and the
of research. Presentations from CUREs across the undergraduate       Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). This session will
curriculum, and from lower to upper division courses, are            share case studies, lessons learned, and personal reflections of
encouraged.                                                          implementation efforts, even unvarnished ones.

        T111. Geology and Hydrology in the National Parks:           T115. Hands-On Teaching Demonstrations that Combine
        Research, Mapping, and Resource Management                   Geoscience and Societal Issues: Audience Participation
Cosponsors: GSA Hydrogeology Division; GSA Environmental
and Engineering Geology Division                                     Cosponsors: National Association of Geoscience Teachers;
                                                                     GSA Geoscience Education Division
Disciplines: Geoscience Education, Hydrogeology, Geoscience
Information/Communication                                            Disciplines: Geoscience Education, Environmental Geoscience

Advocates: Jason P. Kenworthy; F. Edwin Harvey                       Advocates: Elizabeth A. Nagy-Shadman; Anne E. Egger

  This session addresses the roles of geology and hydrology in         This is a geoscience education session that practices what it
national parks. We encourage presentations on geologic and           preaches. Authors present micro-demonstrations of effective
hydrologic research, paleontology, past research experience, and     teaching activities that integrate geoscience content with societal
geologic and water resource management in units of the U.S.          concerns. Presentations include audience participation, assess-
National Park System.                                                ment results, and reflections on effectiveness.

T112. Geoscience Education at Two-Year Colleges                      T116. How to Engage Pre-Service Teachers in Authentic
                                                                     NGSS-Aligned Learning in Undergraduate Geology
Cosponsors: GSA Geoscience Education Division; GSA Geology           Classrooms
and Society Division; International Association for Geoscience
Diversity; National Association of Geoscience Teachers; National     Cosponsor: GSA Geoscience Education Division
Association of Geoscience Teachers Geo2YC Division; National
Earth Science Teachers Association                                   Discipline: Geoscience Education

Disciplines: Geoscience Education, Geoscience Information/           Advocate: Susan M. DeBari
Communication, Geoscience and Public Policy
                                                                       This session seeks to explore the ways that 2- and 4-year col-
Advocates: Brett S. Dooley; Callan Bentley; Wendi J.W. Williams      leges and universities provide learning experiences in geoscience
                                                                     classrooms for future teachers. We seek presentations that provide
  Two-year colleges (2YCs) are important to diverse and inclusive    best practices and can share measurable outcomes.
geoscience workforce recruitment and retention of student popula-
tions pursuing STEM and teaching degrees. This session will
showcase strategies, curriculum, and partnerships.

32 22–25 October 2017 • Seattle, Washington, USA
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