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        T31. GeoCorpsTM and Geoscientists-in-the-Parks                       T35. Urban Geochemistry
        Internships on Public Lands: Providing Career
        Development Opportunities for Students and Recent            Cosponsors: International Association of GeoChemistry;
        Graduates                                                    GSA Hydrogeology Division; GSA Karst Division

Cosponsors: GSA Geology and Society Division; U.S. Forest            Disciplines: Environmental Geoscience, Geochemistry, Geology
Service; National Park Service                                       and Health

Disciplines: Environmental Geoscience, Geoscience Education,         Advocates: David T. Long; W. Berry Lyons
Geoscience and Public Policy
                                                                       This session encourages presentations that qualify and quan-
Advocates: Johanna L. Kovarik; Lisa Norby; Matthew Dawson            tify the geochemical and biogeochemical impacts (temporal and
                                                                     spatial) of urbanization and urban activities on soil, water, and
  GeoCorpsTM America and Geoscientists-in-the-Parks Programs         air resources as well as on human and ecosystem health.
provide professional development and resource management
opportunities on public lands for geoscience students and others      PALEOCLIMATOLOGY/PALEOCEANOGRAPHY
pursuing careers in STEM fields. This session highlights the
scientific accomplishments of these programs.                        T36. Asthenosphere to Atmosphere: Tectonics, Topography,
                                                                     and Climate
        T32. Geoscience on National Forests and Grasslands
        —Stewardship, Education, and Research                        Cosponsors: GSA Structural Geology and Tectonics Division

Cosponsors: GSA Geology and Society Division; GSA                    Disciplines: Paleoclimatology/Paleoceanography, Tectonics/
Hydrogeology Division; GSA Karst Division; U.S. Forest Service;      Tectonophysics, Geophysics/Geodynamics
GSA Karst Division
                                                                     Advocates: A. Alexander G. Webb; Peter D. Clift
Disciplines: Environmental Geoscience, Geoscience and Public
Policy, Geoscience Information/Communication                           This session focuses on climate-tectonic interactions at large
                                                                     scale, from asthenosphere to atmosphere. Join us to share how your
Advocates: Christopher P. Carlson; Johanna L. Kovarik; Joseph T.     research addresses key chicken-and-egg questions, critical mecha-
Gurrieri; Ryan P. Mikulovsky                                         nisms, or boundary conditions throughout Earth’s evolution.

  This session will feature geologic resources and geoscience        T37. Cave Records from Contiguous North America:
research conducted on the National Forests and Grasslands. Topics    Providing Records of Hydrologic Reorganization over the
include paleontology, geomorphology, hydrogeology, geo-ecology,      Late Quaternary
geologic hazards, cave and karst resources, geologic engineering,
interpretive and recreational geology, and more.                     Cosponsor: GSA Karst Division

        T33. Intersections of Sustainability and Geosciences         Disciplines: Paleoclimatology/Paleoceanography, Karst,
Cosponsors: GSA Geology and Society Division; GSA Karst
Division; GSA Environmental and Engineering Geology Division         Advocates: Barbara E. Wortham; Alexandra Noronha

Disciplines: Environmental Geoscience, Geoscience Information/         This session will examine cave records from North America
Communication, Geoscience and Public Policy                          to provide insight on regional hydrologic reorganization due to
                                                                     Northern Hemisphere climatic shifts over the late Quaternary.
Advocates: Leslie A. North; Robert Brinkmann; Elizabeth              All cave-based records welcome.
                                                                     T38. Cenozoic Paleoclimates and Ecosystems
  Papers are sought for a special session on Sustainability and the
Geosciences. The session seeks to highlight works that combine       Cosponsors: Paleontological Society; Geochemical Society;
the fields of sustainability and geoscience to examine, educate      Paleontological Research Institution; Cushman Foundation;
about, or manage environmental and/or societal problems.             GSA Sedimentary Geology Division

        T34. Sigma Gamma Epsilon—Undergraduate                       Disciplines: Paleoclimatology/Paleoceanography, Paleontology,
        Research (Posters)                                           Biogeography/Biostratigraphy

Cosponsors: Sigma Gamma Epsilon; GSA Karst Division                  Advocates: Alexis Licht; Caroline Stromberg; Gerard H. Roe;
                                                                     Guillaume Dupont-Nivet; Yannick Donnadieu; K. Christopher
Disciplines: Environmental Geoscience, Paleontology,                 Beard
Biogeography/Biostratigraphy, Hydrogeology
                                                                       This session encourages contributions that address Cenozoic
Advocates: Aaron W. Johnson; James C. Walters                        paleoclimate from a variety of approaches, including climate
                                                                     simulations, paleontological, paleobotanical, and geological
  The goal of this session is to highlight recent and ongoing        studies of the marine and terrestrial records. Comparisons
undergraduate research in a student-friendly forum. The session      between data and models are particularly welcomed.
is open to students and faculty co-authors working in any area
of geosciences.

22 22–25 October 2017 • Seattle, Washington, USA
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