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Join GSA’s Family of Sponsors

Be recognized as a supporter of the meeting and of the geoscience community.

  GSA sponsors play a vital role in supporting the success of the  Benefits include
annual meeting while gaining productive opportunities to repre-
sent their companies, products, and services to our members.       • Visibility before, during, and after the meeting—online, on site,
Nearly 26,000 members, not just meeting attendees, will see your     and in print—to a relevant audience
company’s support, fostering the growth of current and future
leaders in the geosciences.                                        • Awareness of your company as a partner supporting GSA pro-
                                                                     grams and doing business in our members’ communities
                                                                   • Contact with thousands of the best and brightest geoscience
                                                                     students soon to be entering the workforce

                                                                   • A convenient place at the meeting to visit with students from
                                                                     numerous schools outside your company’s usual recruiting areas

Does your company employ geoscientists?

                                                                   Do you want to help prepare the next
                                                                        generation of geoscientists?

  Do you provide goods and services                                               If so, please learn more at
important to the work of geoscientists?                    

                                                                                          or contact
                                                                       Debbie Marcinkowski at +1-303-357-1047,

                                                                   for help in selecting the best fit for your company.                                                                                                        21
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