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Local Tours
SEATTLE The following local tours are open to all registered GSA Dreamliner. The Boeing Factory Tour also begins here, which
Annual Meeting attendees and guests. For short visits and offers the only publicly available opportunity to tour a commercial
historical tours, it is valuable to have an experienced and know- jet assembly plant in North America.
ledgeable guide to assist you as you tour the city. Our tour groups
are small and provide guests with an opportunity to ask questions 104. Washington Wine Tasting Tour
and get off the beaten path. Tues., 24 Oct., 12:30–4:30 p.m. US$105; min. 15 participants.
101. Emerald City Highlights Tour Washington State is the nation’s second largest wine producer
Sun., 22 Oct., 9 a.m.–2 p.m. US$90; min. 15 participants. and is ranked among the world’s top wine regions. Nestled in the
Sammamish River Valley, Woodinville is a small community that
Known as a world-class city, Seattle is the best of both worlds: has become a haven for fine winemakers. With the perfect climate
offering the best of urban lifestyle while embracing the rugged for wine, ideal growing conditions, quality wines, business inno-
outdoors. A local expert will take you through the city’s must-see vation, and social responsibility, Washington State is a premium
attractions, famous landmarks, and beautiful sights. You will wine producing region. Located just 30 minutes from Seattle,
learn about Seattle’s history and culture, and get insider tips on Chateau Ste. Michelle, Columbia Winery, and Novelty Hill Januik
special shopping and sightseeing areas. This tour includes historic are three of the area’s top attractions. These vineyards run grape-
Pioneer Square and the Seattle waterfront, Hiram Locks, Chihuly producing areas throughout Washington State and bring the fruits
Garden & Glass, and Pike Place Market. of the labors to Woodinville for the creation of excellent wines
under the guidance of expert winemakers. Guests will enjoy
102. Walking Tour & Tasting Tour of Pike Place Market private tours and tastings at these amazing locations. Locations
Mon., 23 Oct., 10 a.m.–noon. US$80; min. 10 participants. include Chateau Ste. Michelle and Novelty Hill Januik.
Join us for Seattle’s original food and cultural tour of Pike Place 105. Waterfalls, Chocolate, and Wine Tour
Market. Become a market insider on this behind-the-scenes Wed., 25 Oct., noon–5 p.m. US$88; min. 15 participants.
adventure to experience the sights, sounds, and flavors of this his-
toric 100+-year-old landmark. This is a special “Behind the This Pacific Northwest outing takes you to scenic waterfalls, a
Scenes” tour where you will learn the history of the Pike Place quaint Swiss chocolate factory, and wine tasting at Chateau Ste.
Market, meet the purveyors and food producers, as well as the Michelle Winery. The day begins with a visit to one of
Market’s lively characters, and hear their memorable stories. See Washington’s most popular scenic attractions, Snoqualmie Falls.
fish fly, cheese being made, and the original Starbucks store. Here, the Snoqualmie River cascades 270 feet through a spectacu-
Our tour guides are past and present members of the Pike Place lar rock gorge into a 65-foot-deep pool. The tour will continue to
Market community. Boehm’s Candy Kitchen, known throughout the Northwest for
their fabulous Swiss chocolates. The guided tour of Boehm’s will
103. Boeing Everett Plant Tour/Aviation Tour take you through the candy factory, where you will receive sam-
Tues., 24 Oct., noon–4 p.m. US$78; min. 15 participants. ples of their amazing confections and see how their candies are
made. The tour will continue to nearby Chateau Ste. Michelle
William Edward Boeing founded one of the greatest dynasties Winery. Located on 87 acres of arboretum-like grounds, Chateau
in commercial aviation. The Boeing Company has transformed Ste. Michelle is Washington’s oldest winery, taking its place
the Pacific Northwest into a major aeronautical hub. This fascinat- among the classic wineries of the world. Enjoy a tour that allows a
ing tour offers an in-depth view into the many facets of the air- romantic yet technologically accurate view of the art and science
plane industry. You will actually get to view airplanes being of wine-making.
assembled right before your eyes, including the new 777 and 787
Site of Boeing widebody assembly, 747, 777, 787. Photo by Maurice King. The grounds of Chateau Ste. Michelle in Woodinville wine country. Photo by Ron
18 22–25 October 2017 • Seattle, Washington, USA