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              Early registration deadline: 18 September
              Cancellation deadline: 25 September


                                                  GSA Member &                     Non-Member
                                                Associated Society                    Pricing


                                                Early    Standard/                 Early  Standard/             GSA Meetings
                                                           Onsite                           Onsite             RISE to the top.
          Professional — Full Meeting           $250       $495                    $595   $680                   We support Respectful Inclusive
          Professional — 1 Day                  $290       $290                                                Scientific Events and are committed
          Professional — >70 Full Meeting       $190       $375                    $355   $430                 to ensuring a safe and welcoming
          Professional — >70 1 Day              $260       $215                                                environment for all participants.
          Early Career Professional — Full Mtg  $160       $330                        These categories
          Early Career Professional — 1 Day     $130       $195                      are only available for      We expect all meeting participants
          Student — Full Meeting                $85        $165                    Member pricing. Please      to abide by the GSA Events Code of
          Student — 1 Day                       $50         $99                    register as a Professional  Conduct Policy in all venues at our
          High School Student                   $60         $50                                                meetings, including ancillary events,
          K-12 Teacher — Full Meeting           $40         $70                          Non-Member            field trips and official and unofficial
          Field Trip or Short Course Only       $90         $40                          or join GSA.          social gatherings.
          Guest or Spouse                                   $99
                                                                                   $185   $220                 *The complete GSA Events Code of Conduct
                                                                                                               can be found on the GSA Website.
                                                                                   $120   $140

                                                                                   $50 $50

                                                                                   $60 $70

                                                                                   $40 $40

                                                                                   $90 $99

          *Participants from countries classified as “Low or Lower Middle Income Economies” by the World Bank need only pay 50% of the category fee for full meet-
          ing or one day registration. Online registration is not available for “Low or Lower Middle Income Economy” registrants. Please fill out a printable version of
          the registration form and mail it to GSA, P.O. Box 9140, Boulder, CO 80301-9140, USA.

          STUDENT VOLUNTEERS                                                       little as US$10 to the Student Travel Fund when you register.
                                                                                   100% of funds collected go to students.
            NEW timing this year: The Student Volunteer Program sign-up
          will open in early August. Please wait to register for the meeting       ADDITIONAL ASSISTANCE
          until you sign up as a volunteer, unless you want to reserve a space
          on a Field Trip or Short Course.                                           GSA strives to create a pleasant and rewarding experience for
                                                                                   every attendee. Let us know in advance of the meeting if you
          TRAVEL GRANTS                                                            have needs that require further attention. Most dietary consider-
                                                                                   ations can be met without any extra charge. Be sure to check
            Need assistance getting to the Annual Meeting? GSA Sections,           the box when you register online and describe your need in the
          Divisions, and Associated Societies are ready to help! Various           space provided.
          groups are offering grants to help defray your costs for registra-
          tion, field trips, travel, etc. Note: Eligibility criteria and deadline  EVENTS REQUIRING TICKETS/ADVANCE
          dates may vary by grant.                                                 REGISTRATION

            For meeting attendees who reside outside of North America,               Several GSA Divisions and Associated Societies will hold
          check the International Travel Grant page at community.geosociety        breakfasts, lunches, receptions, and awards presentations that
          .org/gsa2017/funding. The deadline to apply is 7 July.                   require a ticket and/or advance registration (see the meeting
                                                                                   website for a complete list). Ticketed events are open to everyone,
          INTERESTED IN HELPING STUDENTS PARTICIPATE                               and tickets can be purchased in advance when you register. If you
          IN THE MEETING?                                                          are not attending the meeting but would like to purchase a ticket
                                                                                   to one of these events, please contact the GSA Meetings
            Every year, a large percentage of students apply for travel            Department at
          grants for the meeting but do not receive an award due to a limited
          number of funds. You can help reduce this number by donating as

          14 22–25 October 2017 • Seattle, Washington, USA
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