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GSA 2017 ANNUAL MEETING & EXPOSITION                      Joseph T. Pardee

 Pardee Keynote Symposia

  These Pardee Keynote Symposia will take place Sun.–Wed., 22–25 Oct. in the
Washington State Convention Center (WSCC). Read symposia descriptions and
learn more about the featured speakers and cosponsors at community.geosociety
.org/gsa2017/pardee. Sessions held in Ballroom 6A will be transcribed on screen in
real time.

22 SUNDAY                   23 MONDAY                24 TUESDAY                     25 WEDNESDAY

P1. The Changing Face       P2. Landscapes in the    P3. IODP-ICDP Expedition       P6. Earth Anatomy Revealed:
of Geoscience in the 21st   Anthropocene.            364 to the Chicxulub Impact    Geologic Mapping for
Century: Increasing         8 a.m.–5:30 p.m., WSCC,  Crater. 8 a.m.–noon, WSCC,     Our Future. 8 a.m.–noon,
Diversity and Inclusion to  Ballroom 6A              Ballroom 6A                    WSCC, Ballroom 6A
Solve Complex Problems.
2–5:30 p.m., WSCC,                                   P4. Speed Dating!: Advice on
Ballroom 6A                                          Sampling and Applications
                                                     through the Lens of the
                                                     Geochronologist (Posters).
                                                     8 a.m.–6:30 p.m., WSCC,
                                                     Halls 4EF

                                                     P5. Origin, Accretion, and
                                                     Translation of Mesozoic-
                                                     Cenozoic Terranes along the
                                                     Pacific Margin of North
                                                     America. 1:30–5:30 p.m.,
                                                     WSCC, Ballroom 6A

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