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Promoting Diversity and Inclusion at GSA

  GSA is committed to building a safe, universally accessible,           Consider attending one or all of the following events in support
and welcoming environment for all geoscientists. GSA’s focus on        of GSA’s diversity and inclusion actions:
diversity and inclusion in the geosciences began in the 1970s with
the formation of a task force to address the underrepresentation of    Pardee Keynote Symposium (P1): The Changing Face of
women and minorities in the geosciences. The task force has            Geoscience in the 21st Century: Increasing Diversity and
evolved into the Diversity in the Geosciences Committee, guiding       Inclusion to Solve Complex Problems. Sun., 22 Oct., 2 p.m.
GSA’s Council in its efforts to maintain an organizational climate     –5:30 p.m., Washington State Convention Center, Ballroom 6A,
where diverse scientific ideas are welcome and where the diver-
sity of its membership is a reflection of today’s population. Over
the past year, these efforts have been affirmed through the revi-      No Means No: How to Step Up and Stop Harassment
sion of the Diversity Position Statement (          Mon., 23 Oct., noon–1:30 p.m., Washington State Convention
GSA/Science_Policy/Position_Statements/gsa/positions/                  Center, Ballroom 6B. Presented by Sherry A. Marts, Ph.D.,
position15.aspx) and in the creation of the Events Code of Conduct     S*Marts Consulting LLC.
( in 2016.
                                                                         The damage done by harassers and bullies begins with those
  While at this year’s Annual Meeting, you may notice the impact       they target. It extends to those who witness or hear about it. And it
of these efforts at the events and sessions you attend. For the first  poisons the atmosphere everywhere it happens—including in the
time, GSA will offer CART (Communication Access Real-Time              workplace, in fieldwork settings, and at meetings and conferences.
Translation) services at the GSA Presidential Address and Awards       What can you do to stop harassment when you’re the target? How
Ceremony, all Pardee Keynote Symposia, and the Feed Your               can you step in to stop it when you see it? Learn how to recognize
Brain Lunchtime Lectures. For the third year, a fully inclusive and    harassment for what it is, how to decide when to step up and step
accessible field trip will be offered for faculty learning how to      in, and approaches and methods that work to stop harassing and
accommodate students with disabilities and for students with dis-      bullying behavior.
abilities (by invitation only). In addition, the Diversity Committee
in the Geosciences will be coordinating an interactive Pardee          Celebrate Diversity at the Diversity and On To the Future
Keynote session focused on the role of diverse earth scientists in a   Alumni Reception
changing society. GSA will also host a celebration at the Diversity    Tues., 24 Oct., 5:30–7 p.m., Sheraton Seattle Hotel, Room
in the Geosciences and On To the Future Alumni Reception,              Willow A
where everyone is welcome.
                                                                         The GSA Diversity in the Geosciences Committee invites
  This meeting will also feature GSA’s RISE (Respectful                everyone to attend a reception to share ideas and celebrate diver-
Inclusive Scientific Events) campaign. It is GSA’s belief that an      sity with the geoscience community. The 2017 On To the Future
inclusive, safe, and respectful environment is optimal for profes-     awardees will be recognized with a special keynote from the 2017
sional learning and growth and critical to diversity and inclusion     Bromery Awardee. Appetizers and a cash bar provided.
efforts. The RISE campaign will feature posters and buttons
throughout the meeting that highlight the Events Code of Conduct.
This code outlines respectful expectations of all participants at
GSA events. As a part of this roll out, GSA will also be offering
an anti-harassment and bystander training session.

14 22–25 October 2017 • Seattle, Washington, USA
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