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        GSA 2017
     on Social Media

                                       Annual Meeting attendees are
                                       listed in the Annual Meeting
                                       Community Directory, which is
accessible only to other meeting participants at community Use this networking tool to
search for and connect with colleagues. Keep the connections
alive after the meeting through Member Community discussion
forums. New to the Member Community? If you are logging
LQIRUWKH¿UVWWLPHSOHDVHIROORZWKHOLQNVDWFRPPXQLW\ to get started. We encourage you to activate your

        Facebook—Join more than 260,000 GSA fans worldwide

        Twitter—Join more than 32,000 tweeps who follow
@geosociety, and tweet the meeting using hashtag #GSA2017.

       YouTube—Learn more about GSA and careers in the
geosciences at

        LinkedIn—Network and stay connected to your              Meeting App
professional peers at

Note: GSA meeting policy prohibits the use of cameras or sound-  Build Your Own Schedule
recording equipment in technical sessions.

     GEO.SCI                                                     1. Install it as a native app on iOS or Android phones and tablets
Technology Demo                                                    to browse and search the entire meeting without an Internet
                                                                   connection. This app is available in the Apple Store and Play
      Theater                                                      Store —search for GSA 2017.

                                                                 2. Use the Web app, which can run in your favorite web browser,
                                                                   works well on screens of any size.

                                                                 3. App will be in the store in late September.

  Be sure to visit this centrally located space in the exhibit   Everything you need to know about the
hall to see live demonstrations and interactive displays of      meeting, always at your fingertips!
the latest products, software, and innovations!
                                                                 • Search the full technical program;
  Keep your eye out for the demo schedule on-site, on the        • Locate the sessions and individual talks you want to hear;
meeting app, and in daily meeting editions of the GSA            • See who is exhibiting and add them as favorites;
Connection.                                                      • Find speakers and add them as contacts;
                                                                 • Select events to attend and add them to your calendar; and
  And—there’s still time! If you, your company, or your          • View uploaded presentations.
organization is working with exciting new products or soft-
ware, contact or +1-303-            Visit for
357-1047 to reserve a time slot for a demonstration during       download links.
the GSA 2017 Annual Meeting.                                                                                                     19
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