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from 2D sources. It is largely for this rea-     cameras for SfM work. The resultant            how these techniques can aid learning
son, and the spatial error issues in the 2.5D    data could be used to obtain a true bare-      rather than hinder it.
method, that most 3D geologic modeling to        ground model with no questions on
date has been limited to the relatively sim-     potential filtering artifacts that can arise     Finally, many have lamented the decline
ple visualizations of flat-lying to nearly       from conventional airborne LiDAR.              of field geology, yet at the same time blame
flat-lying strata or simply deformed rocks       Alternatively, this application could be       high-tech for this decline (e.g., Callan,
(e.g., MacCormack et al., 2015).                 used as a simple outcrop finder tool in        2016). Our experience is the opposite.
                                                 areas of poor exposure.                        Specifically, paper-based field geology
  At present, workflows for both 3D map-       4. The expansion of cheaper and lighter-         using nineteenth-century technology is
ping and 3D model construction are depen-        weight multi- and hyperspectral sensors        viewed by most modern students as “old
dent on software that is neither customized      for UAS and the improvement of com-            school,” and many shy away from field
for the field environment nor readily            mercially available UAS to more easily         studies as a result. Incorporation of digital
amendable to the limitations of field com-       integrate with these sensors (e.g., see        mapping and these 3D techniques, how-
puters. Nonetheless, given the speed of          Buckley et al., 2016) will potentially lead    ever, excites modern students and has the
development of software and hardware,            to a geologist’s ability to develop 3D litho-  potential to attract a whole new generation
this limitation will be trivial within the       logical classification maps in the field—      of tech-savvy field geologists who could
next two to three years, suggesting that all     essentially giving field geologists live,      solve problems previously considered
of these capabilities will be readily avail-     multispectral eyes. As of yet, studies with    impossibly complex.
able for field geology, if we choose to          multi- or hyperspectral cameras on UAS
embrace them.                                    have been limited, with few applications       CONCLUSIONS
                                                 to bedrock geology (e.g., Buckley et al.,
Near Future Capabilities and the                 2016). In the United States this is likely       Three-dimensional terrain models
Importance of UAS                                due to the previously strict Federal           derived from SfM, particularly when aug-
                                                 Aviation Administration UAS regulations        mented with aerial photography from
  Another technology, unmanned aircraft          as well as the high cost of these sensors,     UAS, provide an inexpensive base for the
systems (UAS), promises to expand 3D             but experiments of this type clearly are       next generation of geologic mapping using
mapping further in ways we undoubtedly           ongoing in Europe (Buckley et al., 2016).      a 3D interface. Visualization of these mod-
do not yet fully grasp. UAS have become a        In addition, the current commercially          els frees geologists from the confines of
prominent topic across society, and their        available sensors for UAS only provide         flat maps and allows high-precision map-
proliferation offers huge opportunities for      visible and near infrared (VNIR)               ping of steep slopes and cliffs, which are
field geologists (e.g., Hugenholtz et al.,       imagery/data designed for agricultural         virtually invisible in conventional maps.
2013; Bemis et al., 2014; Jordan, 2015;          purposes (Link et al., 2013; Herrero-          The ability to easily examine multiple
Hackney and Clayton, 2015). They already         Huerta et al., 2014; Rasmussen et al.,         view angles of Earth’s 3D surface outside
serve as aerial platforms to enhance con-        2016) or thermal infrared (TIR) for            the time limitations and logistical con-
struction of SfM models. However, there          disaster management, monitoring geo-           straints of fieldwork is a cognitive break-
are many opportunities beyond this appli-        thermal environments, etc. (Nishar et          through that frees field geology from the
cation. Some examples include                    al., 2016; Yahyanejad and Rinner, 2014),       one-site–one-visit paradigm. Many geolo-
1. A low-cost, lightweight drone that could      while lithology is best distinguished with     gists have lamented the decline of field
                                                 shortwave infrared (SWIR).                     geology, but the rise of these 3D technolo-
  become every geologist’s “field assis-         Beyond these drone-based applications,         gies has a potential to revitalize field geol-
  tant,” with tasks ranging from safety to     perhaps the biggest advances will come           ogy and launch a new generation of studies.
  planning (e.g., applications as simple as    from full 3D visualization and mapping           Research is desperately needed, however,
  route planning to as complex as geologic     capabilities in software in the field envi-      on ideal workflows that employ this tech-
  recon or hazard assessment).                 ronment. Virtual reality (VR) headsets are       nology across a range of applications and
2. A drone with a remote video feed            becoming more readily available and could        the range of field sites, and perhaps most
  equipped with a suitable magnetometer-       be used in a field scenario to produce a 3D      importantly, how this technology can aid
  accelerometer system and an ability to       representation of a scene in front of the        3D learning rather than hinder it.
  orient the device remotely could gather      geologist, potentially complete with multi-
  remote orientation measurements from         spectral 3D renderings, providing an aug-        ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
  cliff faces or inaccessible terrain. To our  mented reality interface that would allow
  knowledge no such device yet exists, but     resolution of features undreamed of, even           We thank L. Serpa, J. Brush, and J. Hurtado for
  is possible with modern technology.          now. Perhaps most important, however, is         input on this effort and two anonymous reviewers
3. A major advance in geomorphology            the potential of this technology to teach        and GSA Today editor G. Dickens who provided
  arose with bare-ground models obtained       concepts to the next generation of students      helpful input on the original manuscript. We thank
  by filtering airborne LiDAR data (e.g.,      at all levels. Freed from the confines of flat   Midland Valley Ltd., Maptek Ltd., and Leapfrog
  Haugerud et al., 2003). A drone              maps, there is a potential for accelerated       Ltd. for software donations that aided this study.
  equipped with an object-avoidance sys-       learning of 3D concepts using this technol-      This work was supported by NSF EAR-1250388.
  tem, such as an optical proximity mea-       ogy. Nonetheless, research is needed on
  surement tool, could be developed to fly                                                      REFERENCES CITED
  through a forested area below treetop
  level carrying a LiDAR system and                                                             Bemis, S.P., Micklethwaite, S., Turner, D., James,
                                                                                                   M.R., Akciz, S., Thiele, S.T., and Bangash, H.A.,
                                                                                                   2014, Ground-based and UAV-based photo-
                                                                                                   grammetry: A multi-scale, high-resolution

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