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mapping interface. We began the study from a live aircraft flight. As an illustra- fieldwork. Nonetheless, the important
with conventional 2D mapping, albeit tion of the power of this capability, Figure 4 point is that in the absence of the 3D visu-
aided by 2D digital mapping techniques shows the evolution of our understanding alization we probably couldn’t have even
using the GIS data structure of Pavlis et al. of the structure shown in Figures 2D and raised this question without much more
(2010) with QGIS software. Orthocorrected 2E. In the 2D field map from the initial fieldwork, the ability to climb across the
satellite imagery with resolutions of 1–2 m visit to the site (Fig. 4A), the field interpre- steep terrain, or both. Thus, how many
from the USGS and ArcGIS online were tation was relatively simplistic and contra- other unresolved geologic problems or
used as a base map for our 2D mapping. dictory. Field-note sketches considered missed issues lie hidden in steep terrain
ArcGIS Pro and Midland Valley’s Move several alternative fold geometries, but the that could be resolved with these methods?
software were used for draping 2D map initial work was inconclusive. In a second
data onto the USGS DEM for the area and visit to the site, more orientation data were 3D Mapping and its Importance to 3D
for comparison with 3D mapping results obtained and photographs were acquired Modeling
(see Brush, 2015, for more details on for the SfM model shown in Figure 2. Like
workflows). the first visit, however, multiple hypoth- This case study gives a partial illustra-
eses were considered for this structure, and tion of the potential of using SfM for solv-
Results a field sketch (Fig. 4C) at the end of the ing geologic problems, but it is a limited
field day was the working hypothesis. example in the broad range of potential
Our 2D geologic map is high resolution After later analysis manipulating 3D visu- applications. The key features in this case
by almost any standards due to GPS posi- alizations and mapping onto the SfM were (1) the dramatic increase in accuracy
tioning and the resolution of the orthoim- model, we realized that the structure was a of the 3D view, which aided confidence in
agery (Data Repository supplement 2 [see large, refolded recumbent fold (Fig. 2F). geometric interpretations as real, not arti-
footnote 1]). Nonetheless, the problems of This hypothesis was confirmed by a third facts of mapping imprecision; and (2) the
conventional 2D mapping and 2.5D drap- field visit to the site. ability to view 3D features from a variety
ing to a terrain model quickly became of viewpoints, and revisit these views
apparent when we attempted to analyze the Clearly this was not a controlled experi- repeatedly, allowing fast evaluation of
data in 3D. ment and arguably we would have recog- geometry, something impossible with con-
nized the structure anyway, either with ventional mapping. This ability is a cogni-
Figure 2 shows a comparison of a 2.5D more field time or through traditional tive breakthrough for field geology
image and linework drapes (2A) onto a methods like serial section construction. because it allows geologists to break from
low-resolution elevation model versus Moreover, the approach was inefficient the traditional paradigm (e.g., Compton,
mapping directly onto a true 3D view relative to our present workflow model 1985) that key features should always be
afforded by the SfM models (2D). The because we were developing techniques at recognized the first time around due to the
principal source of the distortions in the time. Nonetheless, the ease of the anal- economics and logistics of fieldwork—i.e.,
Figure 2 include (1) artificial smoothing ysis from the 3D visualization made recog- this paradigm may still hold for the field
of the terrain in the low-resolution model nition of the feature easier and led to visit, but a key site can now be captured as
leading to errors in elevation positions greater confidence in the interpretation. a 3D visualization that can be viewed ad
of image pixels, which transfer to the infinitum to help resolve problems.
geologic interpretation; and (2) errors Similarly, 3D analysis of the broader
inherited from the orthophoto production area in this study answered several ques- For those inexperienced with field geol-
process that are transferred to the image tions (e.g., Data Repository supplement 2 ogy in areas of complex structure, particu-
drape. [see footnote 1]) but, perhaps more impor- larly in steep terrain, it may not be obvious
tantly, led to hypotheses that probably how important these abilities can be. From
Beyond these issues of spatial errors would not have arisen without the 3D map- our experience, the 2.5D method can be
from the 2.5D method, we suggest that the ping. For example, directly along struc- used for construction of 3D geologic mod-
greatest strength of SfM 3D surface mod- tural trend from Figure 2, outcrop-scale, els of complex structure (e.g., Pavlis et al.,
els is the increased geologic insight that plunging, type 3 (coaxial) refolded folds 2012), but the distortions and imprecision
can be gained from using these distortion- (terminology of Ramsay, 1967) like those in the underlying terrain model make geo-
free, 3D visualizations as a mapping base in Figure 2 are common. However, the ori- logic model construction inefficient as well
during and after fieldwork. Probably every entation of the most prominent isoclinal as potentially wrong due to uncertainties
field geologist has wanted the ability to folds is grossly different along strike— in the sources of spatial error. In a true 3D
“fly like a bird” to view features from dif- approximately recumbent to the north and model based on SfM, none of those spatial
ferent perspectives. Indeed, this is one upright to the south. In the absence of a 3D uncertainties exist in the raw data, and the
reason helicopters are used in field studies model, this observation is difficult to eval- only uncertainties arise from potential
and is the most obvious reason UAS are uate, but using the 3D model to visualize interpretation errors—a problem much
beginning to see widespread use in field- geometry across the area, our working more easily evaluated through an iterative
work (e.g., Jordan, 2015; Hackney and hypothesis is that there is a large-scale mapping approach. Note also that for those
Clayton, 2015). SfM models UAS west-vergent recumbent fold that was who have only used 2D methods (maps
flight video provide a virtual experience refolded by upright folds associated with and cross sections) for geologic analysis, it
close to this capability at a tiny fraction of the second cleavage (Pavlis et al., 2016). is easy to underestimate the difficulty of
the cost of a helicopter and allow limitless More work is needed to test that hypoth- constructing a true 3D geologic model
virtual views of the scene that is impossible esis and will be the subject of future
8 GSA Today | September 2017