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2017–2018 Division and Interdisciplinary Interest
         Groups (IIG) Officers and Past Chairs


Richard Dunn, Chair                    Natalie Bursztyn, Chair
Laura Murphy, Vice-Chair               Robyn Mieko Dahl, First Vice-Chair
Judson Finley, Secretary-Treasurer     Elizabeth Petrie, Second Vice-Chair
Cynthia M. Fadem, Past Chair           Andy Darling, Secretary-Treasurer
                                       Shane V. Smith, Past Chair
                                       ■	 HISTORY AND PHILOSOPHY OF
Marc L. Buursink, Chair
Laura S. Ruhl, First Vice-Chair        	 GEOLOGY DIVISION
Travis McLing, Second Vice-Chair       Dorothy Sack, Chair
Cortland F. Eble, Secretary-Treasurer  Michael S. Smith, First Vice-Chair
J. Fred Mclaughlin, Past Chair         Yildirim Dilek, Second Vice-Chair
                                       Kathleen Lohff, Secretary-Treasurer
■	 ENVIRONMENTAL & ENGINEERING         Joanne Bourgeois, Past Chair

Jessica E. Witt, Chair
Stephen L. Slaughter, Chair-Elect      Stephen J. Van der Hoven, Chair
Ann Carter Witt, Secretary             William (Bill) L. Cunningham, First Vice-Chair
Thad A. Waskiewicz, Past Chair         Ben Rostron, Second Vice-Chair
                                       Eric W. Peterson, Secretary-Treasurer
■	 GEOBIOLOGY AND GEOMICROBIOLOGY      Abe E. Springer, Past Chair

	DIVISION                              ■	 KARST DIVISION
Simon A. F. Darroch, Chair
Rowan Martindale, Vice Chair           Jason Polk, Chair
Lydia Tackett, Secretary               Jonathan B. Sumrall, First Vice-Chair
Victoria Petryshyn, Treasurer          Joshua Feinberg, Secretary
Marc Laflamme, Past Chair              Ben Tobin, Treasurer
                                       Pat Kambesis, Webmaster/Social Media
■	 GEOINFORMATICS DIVISION             Cory W. BlackEagle, Past Chair

Leslie Hsu, Chair                      ■	 LIMNOGEOLOGY DIVISION
Xiaogang Ma, First Vice-Chair
TBD, Second Vice-Chair                 Scott W. Starratt, Chair
Anders Noren, Secretary-Treasurer      Lisa E. Park Boush, Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect
Denise J. Hills, Past Chair            Michelle F. Goman, Secretary
                                       David B. Finkelstein, Treasurer
■	 GEOLOGY AND HEALTH DIVISION         Johan C. Varekamp, Past Chair

Saugata Datta, Chair                   ■	 MINERALOGY, GEOCHEMISTRY, PETROLOGY,
Nelson Eby, First Vice-Chair
Malcolm Siegel, Second Vice-Chair      	 AND VOLCANOLOGY DIVISION
Jean Morrison, Secretary-Treasurer     Anita L. Grunder, Chair
Thomas H. Darrah, Past Chair           John W. Shervais, First Vice-Chair
                                       Rosemary Hickey-Vargas, Second Vice-Chair
■	 GEOLOGY AND SOCIETY DIVISION        J. Alexander Speer, Secretary-Treasurer
                                       Wendy A. Bohrson, Past Chair
Susan Stover, Chair
John A. Chermak, First Vice-Chair      ■	 PLANETARY GEOLOGY DIVISION
Beth Bartel, Second Vice-Chair
James Heller, Secretary-Treasurer      Bradley J. Thomson, Chair
David W. Szymanski, Past Chair         Sharon A. Wilson Purdy, First Vice-Chair
                                       Emily Martin, Second Vice-Chair
■	 GEOPHYSICS DIVISION                 Bedra Hurwitz Needham, Secretary-Treasurer
                                       James J. Wray, Past Chair
Carol A. Stein, Chair
Diane Doser, Vice-Chair
Benjamin Drenth, Secretary-Treasurer
Nicholas C. Schmerr, Past Chair

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