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GSA INTERNATIONAL                                                    All of the committee’s work will be accomplished during the
                                                                     months of February/March. All committee decisions must be
Four vacancies: Member-at-Large, Secretary, IIG Chair, and           made by 1 April.
Chair (4-year terms; E, M)
                                                                     PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE
  Serve as GSA’s coordination and communication resource seek-
ing to promote, create, and enhance opportunities for international  Two vacancies: Student Member-at-Large (3-year term; E),
cooperation related to the scientific, educational, and outreach     Former Councilor (3-year term; E)
missions shared by GSA and like-minded professional societies,
educational institutions, and government agencies. Build collab-       This committee directs, advises, and monitors GSA’s profes-
orative relationships with Divisions and Associated Societies in     sional development program; reviews and approves proposals;
international issues and serve as a channel for member-generated     recommends and implements guideline changes; and monitors the
proposals for international themes.                                  scientific quality of courses offered. Qualifications: Members
                                                                     must be familiar with professional development programs or have
JOINT TECHNICAL PROGRAM COMMITTEE                                    adult education teaching experience.

Two vacancies: Member-at-Large, Member-at-Large–Marine/              PUBLICATIONS COMMITTEE
Coastal Geology (2-year term 1 Dec. 2018–30 Nov. 2020; B, E)
                                                                     One vacancy: Member-at-Large (4-year term; B, E, M)
  Members of this committee help finalize the technical program        The primary responsibilities of the committee are nomination
for GSA’s annual meetings by participating in the web-based
selection and scheduling of abstracts, as well as topical session    of candidates for editors when positions become vacant; review-
proposal review. Qualifications: Members must be familiar with       ing the quality and health of each Society publication; and report-
computers and the web, be a specialist in one of the specified       ing with an annual report to Council that includes recommenda-
fields, and be available in late July–mid-August for the organiza-   tions for changes in page charges, subsidies, or any other
tion of the annual meeting technical program.                        publishing matter on which Council must make a decision. To
                                                                     carry out this charge, headquarters will provide the committee
MEMBERSHIP AND FELLOWSHIP COMMITTEE                                  with all necessary financial information.

Two vacancies: Member-at-Large–Academia (3-year term; B, T)          RESEARCH GRANTS COMMITTEE
  This committee contributes to the growth of the GSA member-
                                                                     Nine Members-at-Large vacancies with various specialties
ship, enhances the member experience, and serves a vital role in     (3-year term; B, T)
the selection of Fellows, with the goal of fostering a membership
community as pertinent and global as our science. Qualifications:      The primary function of this committee is to evaluate the
Committee members should understand what various segments of         research grant applications received, by delegation of the
members want from GSA, and should be familiar with outstand-         Council’s authority and within the limits of the research grants
ing achievers in the geosciences worthy of fellowship.               budget, to award specific grants to chosen recipients. The com-
                                                                     mittee will also act on the distribution of funds derived from any
NOMINATIONS COMMITTEE                                                other gifts or memorial or award funds that are to be administered
                                                                     by it. Qualifications: Members should have experience in direct-
Two Member-at-Large vacancies (3-year term; B, E)                    ing research projects and in evaluating research grant applications.
  This committee recommends nominees to GSA Council for the          Extensive time commitment required 15 Feb.–15 April.

positions of GSA Officers and Councilors, committee members,         YOUNG SCIENTIST AWARD (DONATH MEDAL)
and Society representatives to other permanent groups.               COMMITTEE
Qualifications: Members must be familiar with a broad range of
well-known and highly respected geoscientists.                       Two vacancies: Member-at-Large, Councilor/former
                                                                     Councilor (3-year term; E,T)
COMMITTEE                                                              Committee members investigate the achievements of young
                                                                     scientists who should be considered for this award and make rec-
Two Member-at-Large vacancies (3-year term; E)                       ommendations to GSA Council. Qualifications: Members should
  This committee reviews and approves Penrose Conference and         have knowledge of young scientists with “outstanding
                                                                     achievement(s) in contributing to geologic knowledge through
Field Forum proposals and recommends and implements guide-           original research which marks a major advance in the earth sci-
lines for the success of these meetings. Qualifications:             ences.” All of the committee’s work will be accomplished during
Committee members must be past conveners of a Penrose                the months of February/March. All committee decisions must be
Conference or Field Forum.                                           made by 1 April.


Two Member-at-Large vacancies (3-year term; E, T)
  Members of this committee select candidates for the Penrose

Medal Award. Emphasis is placed on “eminent research in pure
geology, which marks a major advance in the science of geology.”
Qualifications: Members should be familiar with outstanding
achievers in the geosciences worthy of consideration for the honor.

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