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Call for GSA Committee Service
Help Shape the Future of Geoscience
—Serve on a GSA Committee!
Deadline: 15 June 2018 promoting positive career development for these groups.
Terms begin 1 July 2019 (unless otherwise indicated). Qualifications: Members of this committee must be familiar
with the employment issues these groups face; expertise and
If you are looking for the opportunity to work toward a com- leadership experience in such areas as human resources and
mon goal, give back to GSA, network, and make a difference, then education is also desired.
we invite you to volunteer (or nominate a fellow GSA member) to
serve on a Society committee or as a GSA representative to EDUCATION COMMITTEE
another organization.
Three vacancies: One Four-Year College Faculty
View open positions and access the nomination form at www Representative (4-year term; B, E, M), one Member-at-Large GSA Headquarters Contact: (4-year term; B, E, M), one Graduate Student Representative
Dominique Olvera, GSA, P.O. Box 9140, Boulder, CO 80301-9140, (2-year term; B, E, M)
USA; fax: +1-303-357-1060;
This committee works with GSA members representing a wide
B—Meets in Boulder or elsewhere; E—Communicates by range of education sectors to develop informal, pre-college
phone or electronically; M—Meets at the Annual Meeting; (K–12), undergraduate, and graduate earth-science education and
T—Extensive time commitment required during application outreach objectives and initiatives. Qualifications: Members of
review period. this committee must have the ability to work with other interested
scientific organizations and science teachers’ groups.
Two vacancies: one Member-at-Large (4-year term; B, E, M);
one Member-at-Large student (2-year term; B, E, M) Two vacancies: One Member-at-Large (3-year term; E); one
Student Member-at-Large (3-year term; E)
This committee is charged with developing a plan for increas-
ing the quality of the annual and other society-sponsored meetings The purpose of this committee is to generate, receive, and eval-
in terms of science, education, and outreach; evaluate the techni- uate candidates for the Geologic Mapping Award. This award
cal and scientific programs annually to identify modifications acknowledges contributions in published, high-quality geologic
necessary for accomplishing the Societies long-range goals; con- mapping that led the recipient to publish significant new scientific
duct short and long-range planning for the society meetings as a or economic-resource discoveries and to contribute greater under-
whole; and develop a long-term logistical plan/strategy for the standing of fundamental geologic processes and concepts. The
technical programs of all GSA meetings and other society-spon- objective is to encourage training and support toward the produc-
sored meetings. One member-at-large should have previous meet- tion of excellent, accurate, detailed, purposeful geologic maps and
ing experience. cross sections. With respect to size or scale, there are no restric-
tions on map products. GSA’s Geologic Mapping Award will be
ARTHUR L. DAY MEDAL AWARD made on an annual basis, leaving the option open for multiple
awards to be given under unusual circumstance in any given year;
Two Member-at-Large vacancies (3-year term; E, T) or to make no award in any given year.
This committee selects candidates for the Arthur L. Day Medal.
Qualifications: Members should have knowledge of those who
have made “distinct contributions to geologic knowledge through One vacancy: Member-at-Large (3-year term; B, E, M)
the application of physics and chemistry to the solution of geo- This committee provides advice on public policy matters to
logic problems.” All of the committee’s work will be accom-
plished during the months of February/March. All committee Council and GSA leadership by monitoring and assessing
decisions must be made by 1 April. international, national, and regional science policy; formulating
and recommending position statements; and sponsoring topical
DIVERSITY IN THE GEOSCIENCES COMMITTEE white papers. This committee also encourages the active
engagement in geoscience policy by GSA members.
Two Member-at-Large vacancies (3-year term; E, M) Qualifications: Members should have experience with public-
This committee provides advice and support to GSA Council policy issues involving the science of geology; ability to develop,
disseminate, and translate information from the geologic sci-
and initiates activities and programs that will increase opportu- ences into useful forms for the general public and for GSA
nities for people of an ethnic minority, women, and persons with members; and familiarity with appropriate techniques for the
disabilities and raise awareness in the geosciences community of dissemination of information.
the positive role these groups play within the geosciences. The
committee is also charged with stimulating recruitment and 39