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Geoscience Jobs & Opportunities

Ads (or cancellations) must reach the GSA advertising office                     ENDOWED CHAIR                        applicants committed to mentoring undergraduate
no later than the first of the month, one month prior to the             IN STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY                        and graduate students; teaching duties are at both
issue in which they are to be published. Contact advertising@     JACKSON SCHOOL OF GEOSCIENCES                       the graduate and undergraduate levels. For full, +1.800.472.1988 ext. 1053, or +1.303.357.1053.      UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT AUSTIN                     consideration, applications should be received by
All correspondence must include complete contact informa-       The Department of Geological Sciences in the          January 15, 2018, but the position will remain open
tion, including e-mail and mailing addresses.                   Jackson School of Geosciences at the University of    until filled. Applications should include a curricu-
Rates are in U.S. dollars.                                      Texas at Austin is looking for an Endowed Chair in    lum vitae, research and teaching statements that
		                                             Per line each    Structural Geology to take up a tenured position at   articulate how the mission of the department would
                                                                the full professor level.                             be enhanced, and the names and contact informa-
	                           Per Line for	      addt’l month        We seek a creative individual with a vigorous      tion of at least three references. Applications must
                                                                science program who uses constraints from the         be submitted electronically via the following link:
Classification	             1st month	         (same ad)        field to enhance our understanding of the pro- Any inquiries may be
                                                                cesses that shape the planet. We take a broad view    directed to Dr. Nancye Dawers, Department of
Positions Open	             $ 9.30	            $9.25            of the often inter- and cross-disciplinary research   Earth and Environmental Sciences, Tulane Uni-
Fellowship Opportunities	   $ 9.30	            $9.25            addressed by structural geology but an ability to     versity, 6823 St. Charles Ave., New Orleans, LA
Opportunities for Students  $ 0.00	            $5.00            extract constraints on the ground, teach struc-       70118-5698 ( Further infor-
   First 25 lines	          $ 5.00	            $5.00            tural geology, and mentor field-based students        mation about the department and university can be
  Additional lines	                                             is required.                                          obtained at Tulane Uni-
                                                                   We also put emphasis on synergy and collegial-     versity is an EEO/ADA/AA employer.
Positions Open                                                  ity and seek an individual who complements the
                                                                range of research efforts at the department and the                ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR
            ASSISTANT PROFESSOR                                 Jackson School, and whose interests are aligned             CLIMATE & GLOBAL DYNAMICS
           STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY                                   with departmental strengths such as in litho-
      TARLETON STATE UNIVERSITY                                 spheric dynamics.                                                 NATIONAL CENTER FOR
The Department of Chemistry, Geosciences, and                      The appointee is expected to establish a world-              ATMOSPHERIC RESEARCH
Physics at Tarleton State University, in Stephen-               class research program and fulfill regular teaching,  The National Center for Atmospheric Research
ville, Texas, invites applications for an Assistant             mentoring, and service roles at the department and    (NCAR) in Boulder, Colorado, has a job opening
Professor tenure-track position in structural geol-             should have a proven record of obtaining external     for NCAR Associate Director–Climate & Global
ogy to start Fall 2018. The successful candidate                research funding. The department is interested in     Dynamics (CGD)
will support the geosciences program through                    building a culturally diverse intellectual commu-        To submit an application: https://ucar.silkroad
engaging, student-centered teaching, develop an                 nity; we strongly encourage applications from all     .c o m /e p o s t i ng s /i n d ex .cf m?f u s e a c t io n = a p p
active research program that involves undergradu-               underrepresented groups.                              .jobinfo&jobid=218270&version=1#.W h3uO
ates, and actively contribute to service and out-                  As part of the Jackson School of Geosciences,
reach initiatives that advance the department, col-             the Department of Geological Sciences has ~50            What You Will Do: Reporting to the NCAR
lege, and university. Candidates will be expected               faculty and a community of ~90 research scientists    Director, the Associate Director for CGD is
to instruct the following courses: Structural                   in the Institute for Geophysics and Bureau of Eco-    responsible for the overall scientific and strategic
Geology, Plate Tectonics, Basin Analysis, Physi-                nomic Geology, with a broad range of specialties,     mission, productivity, and excellence of the Labo-
cal Geology, Natural Disasters, and other courses               as well as access to outstanding research facilities  ratory. This includes CGD’s vision and mission
as deemed fitting. All submissions must be made                 and support.                                          and the leadership and management of the imple-
electronically through Tarleton’s employment site,                 Applicants should submit a letter of application,  mentation of long and short-term planning that Review of applications               curriculum vitae, 2-page statements of research       supports the CGD and NCAR mission. The Direc-
will begin February 1, 2018, and continue until the             and teaching interests, and contact information for   tor is responsible for the effective management and
position is filled. Tarleton State University is an             five references. Submit electronic copies of these    administration of the Laboratory.
Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action/Veterans/                  materials online at          The Director fosters interaction and collabora-
Disability Employer. As a member of The Texas                   For questions related to the search, please contact   tion between NCAR, University Corporation for
A&M System, Tarleton will provide equal oppor-         Review of applications will       Atmospheric Research (UCAR) staff and pro-
tunity for employment to all persons regardless of              begin immediately and continue until the position     grams. In addition, the Director is responsible for
race, color, sex, religion, national origin, age, dis-          is filled.                                            program advocacy in a number of forums includ-
ability, genetic information, veteran status, sexual                                                                  ing government agencies, UCAR member and
orientation or gender identity and will strive to                        TENURE TRACK ASSISTANT                       non-member institutions and the scientific com-
achieve full and equal employment opportunity                              PROFESSOR, PETROLOGY                       munity at large.
through The Texas A&M System.                                                 TULANE UNIVERSITY                          As a member of the NCAR Executive Committee,
   Required Qualification: Candidates must hold a                                                                     the director shares in NCAR management delibera-
Ph.D. in structural geology or a related field. ABD             Department of Earth & Environmental Sciences          tions and decisions, and providing advice on matters
status may be considered as long as all degree                     The Department of Earth and Environmental          such as scientific goals, initiatives and standards,
requirements, including dissertation, defense                                                                         budgets, priorities, policies, and programs.
of dissertation, and comprehensive examina-                     Sciences at Tulane University invites applications       Education Requirement: Ph.D. in a science
tions, have been successfully completed by time                 for a tenure track faculty position in petrology, at  discipline relevant to the mission of the laboratory
of appointment—September 1, 2018. Candidates                    the rank of Assistant Professor. We seek a broad-     and at least ten years’ experience managing com-
must have the ability to apply and teach in a                   based Earth scientist who complements current         plex science programs, or an equivalent combina-
dynamic field environment. In addition, candi-                  faculty expertise and will build an externally        tion of education and experience.
dates must demonstrate potential for outstanding                funded research program that will attract high cal-
teaching, potential to develop an active research               iber Ph.D.-level graduate students. Possible areas            TENURE-TRACK, ASSISTANT
program that involves students, and strong verbal               of core expertise include, but are not limited to:        PROFESSOR, CRUSTAL DYNAMICS
and written communication skills.                               igneous petrology, volcanology, high-temperature
   Preferred Qualifications: Ability to teach addi-             geochemistry, metamorphic petrology and ther-                   UNIVERSITY OF WYOMING
tional courses from wider background is preferred,              mochronometry. Applicants must hold a doctorate       The University of Wyoming Department of Geol-
but not essential. A candidate whose research com-              in an appropriate field and have a demonstrated       ogy & Geophysics invites applications for a ten-
pliments a growing concentration in petroleum                   ability to conduct outstanding research. We seek      ure-track, Assistant Professor position in Crustal
geology, particularly those focusing on regional                                                                      Dynamics. The successful candidate will be
or basin-scale tectonics, petroleum exploration, or
subsurface fracturing and fluid flow is ideal.

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