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expected to build a vibrant, extramurally funded      who traditionally have been underrepresented.            TENURE-TRACK FACULTY POSITION
research program in the broadly defined area of       Three reference letters are required and should             SEDIMENTOLOGY/SEDIMENTARY
crustal processes and contribute to the teaching      be sent (electronically or hard copy) to the Chair
mission of the department. We seek applicants         of the Search Committee (SheltonKL@missouri            PETROLOGY, UNIVERSITY OF HOUSTON
who complement existing research strengths            .edu). Applicants may contact the Chair of the         The Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sci-
within the department and across the university.      Search Committee with any questions. Con-              ences at the University of Houston invites appli-
Research focus is open including, but not limited     tact MU Human Resource Services (muhrs@                cants for a faculty appointment at the Assistant
to, lithospheric deformation, basin analysis, Earth with specific questions about the        Professor level in the broad areas of sedimentology
surface processes, and the interplay of crustal pro-  application process. To request ADA accommoda-         and sedimentary petrology. We encourage appli-
cesses with the biosphere or atmosphere. We par-      tions, please contact the Office of Accessibility &    cants with a research focus on any aspect of mod-
ticularly encourage applicants who address ques-      ADA Education at +1-573-884-7278 or CheekA@            ern or ancient sedimentary systems who integrates
tions from the grain scale to the global scale and                                          field, laboratory, theoretical, and/or modeling
who integrate field, theoretical, experimental, and/                                                         approaches to the study of sedimentary deposits.
or modeling approaches. The complete advertise-          Review of application materials will begin
ment and online application system can be found at    January 15, 2018. To ensure full consideration,           The successful candidate will join a department                      applications should be complete (including refer-      of 32 tenure-track faculty with diverse expertise
                                                      ence letters) by this date. The position will remain   in tectonics, petroleum geology, exploration geo-
            ASSISTANT PROFESSOR                       open until filled. The University of Missouri is an    physics, isotope geochemistry, remote sensing,
            GEOLOGICAL SCIENCES                       Equal Opportunity/Access/Affirmative Action/           and anticipated growth in the study of sedimen-
          UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI                      Pro Disabled & Veteran Employer.                       tology/sedimentary petrology. The successful
The Department of Geological Sciences at the                                                                 candidate will be expected to build a vigorous
University of Missouri invites applications for                         THOMAS VOGEL                         externally funded research program and demon-
a tenure-track position at the rank of Assistant               ENDOWED PROFESSORSHIP                         strate productivity via peer-reviewed publication.
Professor, with an anticipated Fall 2018 start. A           MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY                        Candidates will also be expected to teach at both
Ph.D. in Geological Sciences or a related area is     The Department of Earth and Environmental Sci-         the undergraduate and graduate levels as well as
required. Successful applicants should have a         ences at Michigan State University is seeking an       to mentor M.S. and Ph.D. students. We expect to
demonstrated potential to conduct independent         outstanding faculty candidate to fill the Thomas       fill this position by August, 2018. Candidates must
research, and effectively teach students across       Vogel Endowed Professorship of the Solid Earth         have a Ph.D. in Earth Science or a related field at
the curriculum at the graduate and undergraduate      at the full professor rank with tenure. Excep-         the time of the appointment. We will begin review-
levels. We aim to recruit a faculty member with       tional candidates at the associate professor level     ing applications by December 1, 2017.
potential for scholarly excellence in one or more of  may also be considered. This position contributes
the areas of mineralogy, petrology, structural geol-  toward our mission of expanding upon a vigorous,          Application Procedures: Candidates should sub-
ogy, and tectonics.                                   internationally recognized Solid Earth program at      mit: 1) a letter of application including statement
   The successful candidate will build on existing    MSU, serving to complement our dramatic growth         of teaching and research interests, 2) a curriculum
strengths in geochemistry and petrology, geophys-     in geophysics over the past few years.                 vitae, 3) a list of possible references. Applications
ics, and paleobiology. Our Department occupies           Broadly defined as Solid Earth, we invite appli-    should be submitted online through: https://jobs
a building dedicated to Geological Sciences, and      cants with areas of expertise including, but not lim-  .uh. edu/. A background check is required prior to
houses analytical facilities [https://geology.mis-    ited to, geochemistry, geophysics, geochronology,      interviewing. Further information can be obtained] including a new        petrology, and lithospheric dynamics. Particular       on the departmental web page at http://www. eas
X-ray Computed Tomography and Scanning                interest will be given to candidates with research or by calling 713-743-3399.
Electron Microscopy laboratory, experimental          that complements our current research strengths
petrology laboratories, and a high-performance        in geochemistry, mineral physics, geodynamics,            The University of Houston is an Equal Oppor-
computing cluster. Elsewhere on campus is a wide      and seismology. The successful applicant for this      tunity/Affirmative Action Employer. Minorities,
variety of geochemical instrumentation at the MU      position will be expected to leverage substantial      women, veterans, and persons with disabilities are
Research Reactor [] and       annual endowed resources that come with the pro-       encouraged to apply.
at other research core facilities [https://research   fessorship toward developing and maintaining a].                           strong externally-funded research program.                The University of Houston is responsive to the
   Columbia, Missouri, is ranked among the top           A Ph.D. in Geological Sciences or related field     needs of dual career couples.
ten college towns in the U.S. As Missouri’s largest   is required. Applicants are expected to be lead-
public research university, MU has an enrollment      ers in the Solid Earth community and must have            The University of Houston, with one of the
of 30,000 students, and is a member of the Asso-      well-funded research programs and an exemplary         most diverse student bodies in the nation, seeks to
ciation of American Universities. The University      record of scholarship. Although initial review of      recruit and retain a diverse community of scholars.
of Missouri and the Department of Geological Sci-     applications will begin on January 2, 2018, new
ences are fully committed to achieving the goal of    applications will continue to be considered until      Opportunities for Students
a diverse and inclusive academic community of         the position is filled. Additional information and
faculty, staff, and students. We encourage applica-   instructions for applying can be found on www          Graduate Student Opportunities (MS), Ohio
tions from individuals who can provide high-qual- (Posting 478215), and questions       University. The Department of Geological Sci-
ity mentoring to a diverse group of students. The     can be sent to the Search Chair, Allen McNamara,       ences at Ohio University invites applications to its
University of Missouri is an Equal Opportunity/                                       graduate program for the Fall of 2018. The depart-
Access/Affirmative Action/Pro Disabled & Vet-            MSU is an affirmative action, equal opportunity     ment offers thesis and non-thesis MS degrees in
eran Employer.                                        employer and is committed to achieving excellence      Geological Sciences with areas of emphasis in
   Please apply on line at:  through diversity. All qualified applicants will       three research clusters: paleobiology and sedimen-
find-a-job/academic. Use the online application       receive consideration without regard to race, color,   tary geology, solid earth and planetary dynamics,
to upload (a) a letter of application that describes  religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity,    and environmental and surficial processes. Pro-
your teaching and research experience; (b) a CV;      national origin, disability status, protected veteran  spective students are encouraged to contact fac-
(c) a statement describing research and teaching      status, or any other characteristic protected by law.  ulty directly to discuss potential research topics.
interests, and plans of how to attract students to    We endeavor to facilitate employment assistance to     Qualified students are eligible to receive teaching
the geological sciences, including those students     spouses or partners of candidates for faculty and      or research assistantships that carry a full tuition
                                                      academic staff positions.                              scholarship and a competitive stipend. For addi-
                                                                                                             tional program and application information, visit
                                                                                                             the department website at
                                                                                                             cas/geology or contact the graduate chair, Dr.
                                                                                                             Daniel Hembree ( Review of
                                                                                                             applications begins February 1, 2018.

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