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Doctoral Fellowships Available, Montclair State     tal science, environmental policy, engineering,                                     URBAN METRO
University. Ph.D. in Environmental Management,      geography, geoscience, management, mathemat-                                        TRAVEL GRANT
Montclair State University. Full financial support  ics, sustainability science, or other field related to
(stipend and tuition) is available for outstanding  environmental management.                                                                     TO
students interested in a Ph.D. in Environmental                                                                                           NEGSA 2018
Management at Montclair State University, start-       Candidates should apply online at http://www
ing September 2018. Our Ph.D. in Environmental      . m o nt cl a i r.e d u /g r a d u a t e / p r o s p e c t ive - s t u d e nt s /  Application deadline: 23 Feb.
Management program is unique in integrating         applications/. Apply before January 15 to start
natural and physical science with social science,   this unique program in September 2018. Please                                        Do you work full-time or care for
economics, policy, and project management to pre-   contact the program director, Dr. Mark Chopping                                    dependents while earning your under-
pare environmental managers to tackle society’s     ( for more information.                                    graduate degree? You may be eligible
most complex and pressing environmental prob-                                                                                          to apply for a travel award to attend
lems. We seek highly motivated students to pursue        Hiring?                                                                       the Northeastern Section Meeting
research in areas related to any of following:                                                                                         (NEGSA), 18–20 March 2018 in
•	 Earth Systems Science and Climate Change              Find those qualified geoscientists                                            Burlington, Vermont, USA. Check the
•	 Environmental Quality and Remediation               to fill vacancies. Use print issues of                                          student tab on the Northeastern
•	 Urban Ecology, Biodiversity, and Ecosystem          GSA Today and GSA’s Geoscience                                                  Section website (
                                                                                                                                       ne-mtg) for eligibility guidelines and
   Management                                            Job Board (                                              an application. If you have questions,
•	 Watershed and Coastal Management                               Bundle and save                                                      please email Tahlia Bear at tbear@
•	 Applications of Deterministic and Stochastic                                                                              
                                                              for best pricing options.
   Dynamical Systems to Environmental Problems
•	Environmental Economics and Alternative                 That unique candidate is waiting
                                                                     to be found.
   Energy Markets and Policy
•	 Resource Management and Conservation
•	 Business and Sustainability

   Candidates please visit us at http://www
phd/ and contact an Environmental Management
doctoral faculty member to identify potential fac-
ulty mentors and research projects.

   Qualifications: At a minimum, a bachelors
(masters preferred) in biology, chemistry, com-
puter science, economics, earth and environmen-

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