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Geoscience Jobs & Opportunities

Ads (or cancellations) must reach the GSA advertising office    faculty and a community of ~90 research scien-         ence in electron microprobe analysis, (2) a CV that
no later than the first of the month, one month prior to the    tists in the Institute for Geophysics and Bureau of    includes employment history and responsibili-
issue in which they are to be published. Contact advertising@   Economic Geology, with a broad range of spe-           ties, (3) transcripts of baccalaureate and master’s, +1.800.472.1988 ext. 1053, or +1.303.357.1053.  cialties, as well as access to outstanding research    degree courses, and (4) two letters of recommen-
All correspondence must include complete contact informa-       facilities and support.                                dation from individuals who are qualified to com-
tion, including e-mail and mailing addresses.                                                                          ment on the suitability of the applicant for the posi-
Rates are in U.S. dollars.                                         Applicants should submit a letter of application,   tion. Letters should be sent by the recommenders
		                                             Per line each    curriculum vitae, 2-page statements of research        directly to Salina Wall ( with
                                                                and teaching interests, and contact information for    the subject line “EMPL operator letter”.
	                           Per Line for	      addt’l month     five references. Submit electronic copies of these
                                                                materials online at           In 2014, OU became the first public institu-
Classification	             1st month	         (same ad)        For questions related to the search, please contact    tion ever to rank #1 nationally in the recruit-
                                                       Review of applications will        ment of National Merit Scholars. The 277-acre
Positions Open	             $ 9.30	            $9.25            begin immediately and continue until the position      Research Campus in Norman was named the No.1
Fellowship Opportunities	   $ 9.30	            $9.25            is filled.                                             research campus in the nation by the Association
Opportunities for Students  $ 0.00	            $5.00                                                                   of Research Parks in 2013. Norman is a culturally
   First 25 lines	          $ 5.00	            $5.00                       ELECTRON MICROPROBE                         rich and vibrant town located just outside Okla-
  Additional lines	                                               OPERATOR/LABORATORY MANAGER                          homa City. With outstanding schools, amenities,
                                                                                                                       and a low cost of living, Norman is a perennial
Positions Open                                                          UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA                         contender on the “Best Places to Live” rankings.
                                                                The Office of the Vice President of Research sup-      Visit for more information.
                 ENDOWED CHAIR                                  ports an electron microanalysis laboratory built
         IN STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY                                  around a Cameca SX100 microprobe as a core                Applicants must submit an ONLINE applica-
  JACKSON SCHOOL OF GEOSCIENCES                                 research facility of the University (https://ors       tion at for job requisition num-
    UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT AUSTIN                      This              ber 173902. Computers and personal assistance are
The Department of Geological Sciences in the                    includes a fully funded, twelve-month annual           available at the Office of Human Resources, 905
Jackson School of Geosciences at the University of              staff position as Electron Microprobe Operator/        Asp, Rm.205, Norman, OK 73069.
Texas at Austin is looking for an Endowed Chair in              Laboratory Manager. The staff appointment level
Structural Geology to take up a tenured position at             is Research Scientist II with a starting salary of        The University of Oklahoma is an Affirmative
the full professor level.                                       $55K-$60K. This position is open until filled.         Action, Equal Opportunity Employer. Women
   We seek a creative individual with a vigorous                                                                       and minorities are encouraged to apply. Protected
science program who uses constraints from the                      Duties include daily operation of the micro-
field to enhance our understanding of the pro-                  probe and sample preparation for all clients, daily     veterans and individuals with disabilities who
cesses that shape the planet. We take a broad view              lab maintenance, periodic instrument mainte-           meet the requirements of the position are encour-
of the often inter- and cross-disciplinary research             nance (filament, roughing vacuum, etc.), coor-         aged to apply.
addressed by structural geology but an ability to               dinating major service with Cameca engineers,
extract constraints on the ground, teach struc-                 scheduling and bookkeeping of usage by clients,                     HEAD AND PROFESSOR
tural geology, and mentor field-based students                  billing and payments, and an annual summary                 DEPT. OF EARTH, ATMOSPHERIC,
is required.                                                    report of laboratory activity. The appointment per-
   We also put emphasis on synergy and collegial-               mits the operator to utilize the electron microprobe            AND PLANETARY SCIENCES
ity and seek an individual who complements the                  for research and personal use. Adjunct professor                     PURDUE UNIVERSITY
range of research efforts at the department and the             status and teaching opportunities in the School of
Jackson School, and whose interests are aligned                 Geology & Geophysics are possible for individuals      Purdue University invites applications for the posi-
with departmental strengths such as in litho-                   who hold a Ph.D.                                       tion of Head of the Department of Earth, Atmo-
spheric dynamics.                                                                                                      spheric, and Planetary Sciences to start as early
   The appointee is expected to establish a world-                 Qualifications for the position include (1) a Mas-  as August 2018. We seek a recognized researcher
class research program and fulfill regular teaching,            ter’s or Ph.D. degree in geosciences or a relevant     with a proven track record of leadership, vision,
mentoring, and service roles at the department and              discipline, (2) experience with designing analyti-     and mentoring. The successful candidate will have
should have a proven record of obtaining external               cal procedures for quantitative EMPA, (3) knowl-       a clear plan to continue to increase the visibility,
research funding. The department is interested in               edge of the chemistry of major and minor ele-          stature, and intellectual leadership of the depart-
building a culturally diverse intellectual commu-               ments in the common rock-forming minerals, and         ment and the College of Science. The department
nity; we strongly encourage applications from all               (4) experience with EMP operation including basic      head will demonstrate a commitment to excellence
underrepresented groups.                                        maintenance. Applicants must submit (1) a cover        in teaching. The EAPS department is an interdisci-
   As part of the Jackson School of Geosciences,                letter that includes career goals and prior experi-    plinary department with 40 faculty whose diverse
the Department of Geological Sciences has ~50                                                                          research topics range from the Earth’s mantle
                                                                                                                       through the atmosphere, to the surfaces of other
                                                                                                                       planets, to sustainable communities. We currently
                                                                                                                       have new research initiatives in energy and envi-
                                                                                                                       ronment, natural disasters and hazards, and data
                                                                                                                       science. Department faculty are also involved in
                                                                                                                       University-wide multidisciplinary research in
                                                                                                                       planetary science, geochronology, climate change,
                                                                                                                       and environmental science. Further information
                                                                                                                       about the Department can be found at https://
                                                                                                              and additional materials
                                                                                                                       are available upon request.

                                                                                                                          The Department of Earth, Atmospheric, and
                                                                                                                       Planetary Sciences is one of seven departments
                                                                                                                       in the College of Science with involvement in
                                                                                                                       numerous interdisciplinary programs and cen-
                                                                                                                       ters. Beyond the College, Purdue’s strengths in
                                                                                                                       Engineering, Agriculture, Veterinary Medicine,
                                                                                                                       Pharmacy and the Health and Human Sciences

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