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contribute to a robust research and educational      diversity in all areas of faculty effort, including     URBAN METRO
environment. Further information on the College      scholarship, instruction, and engagement. Candi-        TRAVEL GRANT
of Science is available on the website at www        dates should address at least one of these areas                                 in their cover letter, indicating their past experi-              TO
                                                     ences, current interests or activities, and/or future     NEGSA 2018
   Qualifications: The successful candidate will     goals to promote a climate that values diversity
have a Ph.D. in Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary    and inclusion.                                         Application deadline: 23 Feb.
Sciences or a related discipline, an outstanding
record of scholarly achievement and a history of        Purdue University is an EOE/AA employer. All          Do you work full-time or care for
extramurally funded research commensurate with       individuals, including minorities, women, individ-     dependents while earning your under-
the rank of full professor at Purdue, exceptional    uals with disabilities, and veterans are encouraged    graduate degree? You may be eligible
and proven leadership abilities, a vision for the    to apply.                                              to apply for a travel award to attend
Department in the university, state, and nation, a                                                          the Northeastern Section Meeting
commitment to excellence in undergraduate and                    ASSISTANT PROFESSOR                        (NEGSA), 18–20 March 2018 in
graduate education, an enthusiasm for engage-                         HYDROGEOLOGY                          Burlington, Vermont, USA. Check the
ment, and a dedication to championing diversity                                                             student tab on the Northeastern
and inclusion.                                             FORT HAYS STATE UNIVERSITY                       Section website (
                                                     Fort Hays State University seeks applications for      ne-mtg) for eligibility guidelines and
   Applications: Interested candidates should sub-   a non-tenure-track Assistant Professor to start        an application. If you have questions,
mit a cover letter, curriculum vitae with the names  August 2018. Teaching duties include 12 credit         please email Tahlia Bear at tbear@
and e-mail addresses of three references, a state-   hours per semester. The successful candidate must
ment of research and teaching accomplishments,       have expertise in hydrogeology or a closely related
and a vision statement for the future of EAPS        topic. Preference will be given to those who can
research and education. Applications should be       teach structural geology as well as online courses.
submitted to
Inquiries should be directed to Ken Ridgway,            A Ph.D. in Geology or closely related field is
Chair of EAPS Head Search Committee, ridge@          required (ABD considered). The Department offers Review of applications will begin        B.S. and M.S. degrees.
February 15, 2018 and will continue until the
position is filled. A background check is required      Only electronic applications submitted online
for employment in this position. Purdue Univer-      are accepted:
sity’s Department of Earth, Atmospheric, and
Planetary Sciences is committed to advancing            https://f
                                                     CAREERS). Review of applications will begin on
                                                     16 February 2018.

                                                        EEO. Final candidate must pass a criminal
                                                     background check.

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