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GSA Foundation Board of Trustees.            Randy Keller, former GSA councilor, is a professor emeritus in
                                                                      the School of Geology and Geophysics at the University of
The GSA Foundation Board of Trustees ensures trans-                   Oklahoma. He also served as department chair at the University
            parent, cost-effective operations and open communica-     of Texas at El Paso, and joins the board with a breadth of experi-
            tion with the Society, as well as prudent fund manage-    ence that includes roles as director of the Oklahoma Geological
            ment. We are pleased to introduce the newest members      Survey and State Geologist, and currently in consulting and as the
joining the prominent and dedicated geologists who govern the         North America representative for Seismik s.r.o. Randy has inter-
Foundation.                                                           ests in geoinformatics, database development, and Web services
                                                                      useful to both academic and industry groups.
  Terri Bowers is past president of Gradient, an environmental
and risk science consulting firm in Cambridge, Massachusetts,           We are pleased to welcome Mike Manship back onto the
USA. Her more than 30 years of experience in exposure modeling,       GSAF Board of Trustees. Currently owner of Rock World LLC in
mathematical and geochemical modeling, and the application of         Bozeman, Montana, USA, Mike served as treasurer of the board
this information to risk-based environmental strategies and devel-    from 2006 through 2011. He brings institutional knowledge and
opment of site-specific cleanup levels have included authoring an     history to the current slate of members, particularly important
adult blood-lead model being used by the U.S. Environmental           since several long-time board members recently completed their
Protection Agency. Prior to joining Gradient, Dr. Bowers held         terms of service.
research and visiting faculty positions at the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology and Harvard University.                         Steve Wells is president of the New Mexico Institute of Mining
                                                                      and Technology. Since he leads the university’s fundraising efforts
  Rex Buchanan, director emeritus of the Kansas Geological            amidst all other duties, we value the development experience he
Survey, is currently the director of the Consortium to Study          has to contribute to our efforts. During his 17-year tenure as presi-
Trends in Seismicity at the survey. In addition to serving as secre-  dent of the Desert Research Institute, he led the organization as it
tary of the Association of American State Geologists and past         doubled in operations. His earlier background in academia
roles as president of the Kansas Association for Conservation and     included roles at the University of California and the University of
Environmental Education, the Kansas Academy of Science, and           New Mexico. Steve’s GSA involvement ranges from president of
the Association of Earth Science Editors, his GSA involvement         the Society, to Fellow, and to chair of the Quaternary Geology and
includes past chair of the Geology and Public Policy Committee,       Geomorphology Division.
being named a Fellow in 2008, and receiving GSA’s Public
Service Award in 2016.                                                  GSA and AGU Fellow Ellen Wohl is a university distinguished
                                                                      professor in Colorado State University’s Department of
  Steve Enders is the principal consultant for Renaissance            Geosciences, where she has been on the faculty since 1989. Much
Resource Partners, providing strategic advice for both the mining     of Ellen’s work has focused on mountain streams and rivers in
industry and for university economic geology and mining engi-         bedrock canyons; she was part of the 2014 town hall that was
neering programs worldwide. With 35 years of experience in the        hosted by the City of Boulder in partnership with GSA, “The
mining industry, including leading worldwide exploration for          Boulder Flood: One Year Later,” a dialogue about climate, geol-
Phelps Dodge and Newmont, Steve brings a helpful industry per-        ogy, and social behaviors related to the 2013 flood.
spective to the board. He currently serves as head of the Geology
and Geological Engineering Department at the Colorado School            We are grateful to these new members and value the unique
of Mines.                                                             skills and insights each brings to our vibrant Board of Trustees.                                                                                                                  29
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