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Garden of the Gods, Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA. Photo by Dean Moosavi.  GeoTeachers K–12 Teacher Professional
                                                                                 Development Workshops for 2018

                                                                             Workshop Registration                                         Status
                                                                              Flagstaff, Arizona, USA, 23–27 July                          OPEN
                                                                              Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA, 30 July–3 Aug.              OPEN
                                                                              Indianapolis, Indiana, USA, Annual Meeting
                                                                              Mini-Workshop, 2–4 Nov.                               COMING SOON

                                                                                                  For workshop details, price and registration please visit the GeoTeachers website at                                                                 29
                                                                    or contact Dean Moosavi,, +1-303-357-1015.

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