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Geoscience Jobs & Opportunities

Ads (or cancellations) must reach the GSA advertising office    • 	 Knowledge of professional museum standards         equipped for field and laboratory based research
no later than the first of the month, one month prior to the       in collections management including                 in geology and geophysics. Tulsa is home to the
issue in which they are to be published. Contact advertising@      development and implementation of collections       international headquarters of the AAPG, SEPM, +1.800.472.1988 ext. 1053, or +1.303.357.1053.     policies and procedures.                            and SEG. Additional information can be found
All correspondence must include complete contact informa-                                                              at the department’s website: https://engineering
tion, including e-mail and mailing addresses.                   • 	 Applied knowledge of government regulations
Online:                                   and legal requirements and experience with
                                                                   compliance measures.                                   Application Information: The review of appli-
Rates are in U.S. dollars.              Per line each                                                                  cations will begin February 15, 2018, and continue
		                                      addt’l month            Preferred Qualifications:                              until the position is filled.
                                                                • 	 Postdoctoral experience is recommended.
	 Per Line for	                          (same ad)              • 	 Cultural competency and experience working            The University of Tulsa seeks to recruit and
                                           $9.25                                                                       retain talented students, faculty and staff from
Classification	             1st month	     $9.25                   with diverse communities.                           diverse backgrounds. The University of Tulsa is
                                                                • 	 Willingness to be open and respectful of all       an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer
Positions Open	             $ 9.30	        $5.00                                                                       and encourages qualified candidates across all
Fellowship Opportunities	   $ 9.30	        $5.00                   backgrounds.                                        group demographics to apply. The University does
Opportunities for Students  $ 0.00	                             • 	 Fluency in language(s) other than English          not discriminate on the basis of personal status or
   First 25 lines	          $ 5.00	                                                                                    group characteristic including, but not limited to
  Additional lines	                                                valued.                                             race, color, religion, national or ethnic origin, age,
                                                                   We exist to turn on the science and inspire         sex, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation,
Positions Open                                                  learning, inform policy and improve lives. We          gender identity or expression, genetic information,
                                                                envision a world in which all people have the          ancestry, or marital status.
            FITZPATRICK CHAIR OF                                power to use science to make lives better. We
                 PALEONTOLOGY                                   value science as an essential literacy and strive for     Send a letter of application stating research and
                                                                inclusion inside and out so that our museum and        teaching interests, curriculum vitae, and name and
    SCIENCE MUSEUM OF MINNESOTA                                 our people reflect and respond to the diverse needs    contact information for three references to: jbt@
Imagine yourself here. Be a part of something                   and cultures of our community. It is the museum’s
great at Science Museum of Minnesota.                           policy and practice to hire and promote qualified
                                                                job seekers from a variety of backgrounds and             Or mail to: Dr. Bryan Tapp, Department of
   The Science Museum of Minnesota seeks                        experiences. We offer benefit packages (https://       Geosciences, Keplinger Hall, L103B, The Univer-
a paleontologist for the Fitzpatrick Chair of          for full-time and           sity of Tulsa, 800 South Tucker Drive, Tulsa, OK
Paleon­tology, the department director and cura-                part-time employees.                                   74104-9700
tor, for the Paleontology Department in our Sci-
ence Division, to grow its scholarship, to curate                         ASSISTANT OR ASSOCIATE                          The University of Tulsa is an Equal Opportu-
and expand its fossil collections, and to help                          PROFESSOR TENURE TRACK                         nity Employer Disabled/ Veteran.
inspire public understanding of, and involvement
in, science. The museum is growing and spans the                                    (RANK OPEN)                        Opportunities for Students
scientific fields of anthropology, biology, paleon­-                    STRUCTURAL/ENGINEERING
tology and watershed research. The Science                             GEOLOGY BROADLY DEFINED                         Graduate Assistantship, New Mexico Highlands
Museum strives to create an inclusive, equity-                        DEPARTMENT OF GEOSCIENCES                        University. Graduate assistantships are avail-
based institution that empowers people to change                         COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING                        able for students wishing to pursue an MS in
the world through science. Museum scientists                                                                           Geology beginning Fall 2018 term. The NMHU
work with exhibit and program developers to                                AND NATURAL SCIENCES                        Environmental Geology Program strengths are
engage with the public through educational pro-                          THE UNIVERSITY OF TULSA                       in mineralogy, petrology, geochemistry, rock-
gramming and exhibits. They work with other                     The Department of Geosciences at The Univer-           paleomagnetism, structural geology, volcanol-
museum scientists and a large, highly trained vol-              sity of Tulsa invites applications for a tenure-track  ogy, and collaborative endeavors in hydrogeology
unteer corps. The museum has strong local public                position beginning the Fall of 2018. Appointment       and environmental sciences. The NSF-Funded
support with state of the art research and collec-              is expected at the level of Assistant or Associate     Paleomagnetic-Rock Magnetic, Powder X-Ray
tions facilities.                                               Professor and preference will be given to can-         Diffraction, and Water Chemistry labs support
                                                                didates interested in leading the department as        wide-ranging analytical research. We recently
   The ideal candidate’s scholarship will involve               Department Chairperson.                                received a three-year NSF grant to fund an interna-
field-based paleontological research on fossil ver-                A Ph.D. in Geology, Geological Engineering          tional research experience in the Czech Republic
tebrates. Successful candidates will have a proven              or a closely related field is required. Preference     and we are particularly interested in students with
research program and an established record of                   will be given to candidates who pursue research        interests in volcanology, geophysics, geochem-
accomplishment of publication and funding; will                 and teaching with environmental, engineering and       istry, and petrology to participate in this project.
be a phenomenal public speaker and will regu-                   industry applications, and to candidates with spe-     The NMHU campus in Las Vegas, New Mexico,
larly engage the public and media. The Fitzpatrick              cialty in rock mechanics and/or geological engi-       is situated at the boundary of the Great Plains and
Chair of Paleontology will lead the paleontology                neering. The successful candidate will be expected     the Sangre de Cristo Mountains and is located near
program as the Paleontology Department Direc-                   to teach Structural Geology and other courses of       several world-renowned geologic features. A low
tor and Curator. As Director, this position will                their choosing at the undergraduate and graduate       student:faculty ratio and state-of-the art laboratory
manage and monitor department operations to                     levels, and establish an externally funded research    facilities provide students with a superior learning
provide the vision and leadership to advance the                program involving students.                            experience. The graduate assistantship includes
goals of the division and the museum.                              The University of Tulsa is a premier private,       a nine-month stipend and tuition waiver per aca-
                                                                doctoral-granting research institution committed       demic year. Application review begins 03/16/18.
   The starting date for the position is flexible.              to excellence in teaching, creative scholarship, and   For more information, contact Dr. Michael Petronis
   To learn more about this exciting opportunity                service. The University offers competitive salary      at For disabled access or ser-
go to                         and benefits packages. The Department of Geosci-       vices call 505-454-3513 or TDD# 505-454-3003.
   Apply online at              ences has strengths in petroleum-related geology       AA/EOE Employer.
SC I10 03/JobB o a r d /c16 6f 9a f-3e28 - a 8e2 -59 0 c -      and geophysics, tectonics, reservoir characteriza-
1b51cbf69a53/OpportunityDetail?opportunityId=                   tion and environmental geology. The Department
ba406b71-7426-41bc-845f-603598d24f4b.                           offers BA, BS, MS and Ph.D. degrees in Geosci-
Minimum Qualifications:                                         ences and in Geophysics. Students in the Depart-
• 	 Ph.D. in paleontology or related field is                   ment are high achieving and eager to participate
   required at the start of the position.                       in research. The Department and College are well-
• 	 Experience working with the public, leading
   a paleontology research program, managing
   collections and field research.

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