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2016–2017 GSA-USGS Congressional Geoscience Fellow Final Report

                 What We Talk About                                 Political scientist Sarah Binder of the Brookings Institution
                 When We Talk                                     defines gridlock as an inability to compromise (Binder, 2014).
                 About Congressional                              She argues that congressional gridlock should not be measured
                 Gridlock                                         as an absolute—how many laws Congress passes—but as a rela-
                                                                  tive measure: how many major legislative agenda items are
Kirstin L. Neff                                                   answered with new laws? She determined this relative measure
                                                                  by looking at the unsigned editorials of The New York Times to
  Continuing resolutions. Sequestration. Suspended requests for   identify the salient legislative agenda items in a given Congress,
proposals. Delayed grant-making decisions. These have become      and then counted how many of these items were answered with
common refrains in the federal science enterprise. Federal sup-   legislation signed into law. She found that the proportion of
port for science boasts a long history, yet the appropriations    salient items in gridlock has trended upward, doubling from
process in Congress has ground nearly to a halt, resulting in     30% in 1948 to 60% in 2012.
perennial brinksmanship that leaves agencies, contractors, and
academics unsure of near- and long-term funding. Beyond             Congressional observers have identified several causes con-
uncertainty in appropriations, many programs proceed without      tributing to this gridlock. One of these is increasing political
regular reauthorization as congressional gridlock touches all     polarization, which has been exacerbated by several recent polit-
aspects of legislative work.                                      ical developments. First, the power of lobbies has increased due
                                                                  to several recent Supreme Court decisions that expand the abil-
  I have experienced these effects firsthand. As a graduate       ity of corporations, unions, associations, and individuals to fund
student, my training and research was funded in large part by     campaigns through Super PACs. Second, gerrymandering has
federal appropriations, first on my advisor’s NSF award, and      redrawn many electoral districts to make them safe for either of
later on my own EPA Science to Achieve Results (STAR)             the two major parties, allowing more extreme partisans to win
Fellowship. I was awarded the three-year EPA STAR in 2012,        election. Finally, polarization has been advanced by what is
not long before the 2013 sequestration. I was relieved that EPA   called the Nuclear Option—in which Senate rules requiring a
chose to fully fund the 2012 awards, but that came at the cost    60-vote super majority for passage have been swept aside to
of applicants for 2013, who were left waiting a full year, after  allow for simple majority approval.
which a smaller cohort was chosen.
                                                                    Binder (2014) points to one other possible cause of gridlock:
  The uncertainty I experienced is likely common among GSA        Congress is faced with an increasing number of salient issues.
members who have applied for federal research funding in the      She found that in addition to an increase in proportional grid-
past five years. Continuing resolutions (CRs) have become stan-   lock, the absolute number of salient issues per Congress has
dard, and regular order for appropriations now seems a remote     increased in recent years. It’s possible that the complexity of the
ideal. Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) has decried the debilitating       modern world and the federal government’s reach creates more
impact CRs have on the ability of the military to plan and        issues than Congress can reasonably address in a single session
prepare—a similar argument can be made for the impact on the      under current rules.
U.S. science enterprise. Grant-making and contracting take
long-term planning, which is made nearly impossible by the          In my experience, I have found that the Senate only has the
current appropriations impasse.                                   bandwidth to work on one or two issues at a time. While in the
                                                                  House majority rule leads to passage of many bills, often by sus-
  The Government Accountability Office (2013) found that          pension of the rules, Senate rules favor lengthy debate. Early this
using CRs to delay appropriations decisions resulted in agencies  Congress, topics related to my own portfolio, including an energy
delaying hiring or contracts during the CR period, rushing to     bill and an infrastructure package, were floated, but were set
spend funds in a compressed timeframe, performing additional      aside in favor of health care and, later, tax reform. Bills received
work to manage within CR constraints, including issuing shorter   legislative hearings with some regularity, but Senate debate rules
term grants and contracts multiple times, and taking action to    and the need to vote on presidential nominees left little time on
manage inefficiencies resulting from CRs, including shifting      the Senate calendar for floor votes on individual bills. Instead,
contract and grant cycles to later in the fiscal year to avoid    individual bills must pass through unanimous consent (though
repetitive work.                                                  any senator can put an anonymous hold on such a request), or by
                                                                  appending them to a larger package of bills that receives a floor
  Congressional gridlock has been identified as a primary factor  vote. Gridlock in the Senate this year can be partly attributed to
in Congress’ abysmal public approval rating. But how do we        the crowded legislative calendar, and even more so to the lack of
measure legislative gridlock, and what are its causes?            compromise on the salient items that did come to the floor.

                                                                    The upward trend in congressional gridlock portends danger
                                                                  for the future of federal science support. To bring stability, we
                                                                  must find ways to decrease political polarization and encourage

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