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them as fractured outcrops, unmantled by        measurements provide limited information                 Boelhouwers, J., Holness, S., Meiklejohn, I., and
soil and regolith. In this framework, boul-     about the timing of boulder field activity                  Sumner, P., 2002, Observations on a blockstream
der field longevity is controlled by the        (insufficient to confirm it is a periglacial                in the vicinity of Sani Pass, Lesotho Highlands,
resistance of boulders to erosion over time.    feature), but clearly indicate that Hickory                 southern Africa: Permafrost and Periglacial
                                                Run and at least some other boulder fields                  Processes, v. 13, no. 4, p. 251–257, https://doi
  Although most prior research suggests         throughout the world are ancient, dynamic,                  .org/10.1002/ppp.428.
that boulder fields result from periglacial     multigenerational features, the longevity
activity (Braun, 1989; Clark and Ciolkosz,      of which appears to be controlled by the                 Braun, D.D., 1989, Glacial and Periglacial Erosion
1988), extant cosmogenic data are largely       resistance of their boulders to erosion.                    of the Appalachians: Geomorphology, v. 2,
agnostic as to the timing of boulder gen-                                                                   p. 233–256,
eration. The absence of LGM histories           ACKNOWLEDGMENTS                                             (89)90014-7.
among the 52 Hickory Run samples we
analyzed could indicate a lack of new boul-        We thank N. West and M. Bruno for field               Braun, D.D., 2004, The glaciation of Pennsylvania,
der generation during the most recent cold      assistance. We also thank our anonymous                     USA: Developments in Quaternary Sciences,
period. Conversely, the absence of LGM          reviewers, who greatly improved the quality of              v. 2, p. 237–242,
histories may reflect pre-exposure of boul-     this manuscript, as well as Noel Potter for his             S1571-0866(04)80201-X.
ders, at depth if they are unroofed, or         input on this mysterious feature! This research
upslope if they moved downslope from            was supported by NSF-EAR1331726 (S. Brantley)            Chmeleff, J., von Blanckenburg, F., Kossert, K.,
source outcrops. Comparison of the cumu-        for the Susquehanna Shale Hills Critical Zone               and Jakob, D., 2009, Determination of the 10Be
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