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Advocates: Sharon Wilson Purdy; James J. Wray; Elena Favaro           T150. Impact Cratering: Geologic, Geochemical, and
                                                                      Geophysical Signatures on the Terrestrial Planets
  We welcome abstracts focusing on fluvial, alluvial, and lacus-
trine landforms using orbital and (or) rover data to investigate the  Cosponsors: GSA Planetary Geology Division; GSA Structural
geomorphology and geology of Mars, as well as related Earth           Geology and Tectonics Division; GSA Geophysics and
analog studies.                                                       Geodynamics Division; GSA Mineralogy, Geochemistry,
                                                                      Petrology, and Volcanology Division
T147. Planetary Mantles: Using Samples to Explore Earth, the
Moon, and Mars                                                        Disciplines: Planetary Geology, Structural Geology,
Cosponsors: GSA Planetary Geology Division; GSA Geophysics
and Geodynamics Division                                              Advocates: Jeffrey B. Plescia; Christian Koeberl

Disciplines: Planetary Geology, Petrology, Igneous                      Impact cratering is a dominant process across the solar system
                                                                      influencing a planet’s geology and evolution. The session focuses
Advocates: Clive R. Neal; Molly C. McCanta; Amy L. Fagan;             on impact flux, geologic and geophysical implications of impacts,
Bradley J. Thomson                                                    and geochemistry recorded in ejecta and insight provided for
                                                                      the bolide.
  Comparative planetology through the study of terrestrial, lunar,
and martian mantles.                                                  T151. The G.K. Gilbert Award Session

     T148. Radar & Microwave Remote Sensing of Desertic               Cosponsor: GSA Planetary Geology Division
and Planetary Environments
                                                                      Discipline: Planetary Geology
Cosponsors: GSA Geoinformatics Division; GSA Geophysics and
Geodynamics Division                                                  Advocates: James J. Wray; Sharon A. Wilson; Bradley Thomson

Disciplines: Planetary Geology, Geophysics/Geodynamics,                 This session will honor the 2018 winner of the Planetary
Hydrogeology                                                          Geology Division’s G.K. Gilbert Award, highlighting recent con-
                                                                      tributions in the awardee’s field of research.
Advocates: Essam Heggy; Bradley J. Thomson; G. Wesley
Patterson                                                             T152. Grain to Global Perspectives of Mars: Evolving Views of
                                                                      the Martian Sedimentary Rock Record
  This session will discuss advances on the geomorphic and geo-
physical properties of desertic and planetary environments as         Cosponsors: GSA Planetary Geology Division; SEPM (Society
revealed from radar and microwave remote sensing techniques,          for Sedimentary Geology); GSA Sedimentary Geology Division;
addressing questions on volatiles occurrence, surface dynamics,       GSA Limnogeology Division
subsurface characterization, and paleoclimatic changes.
                                                                      Disciplines: Planetary Geology, Stratigraphy, Geochemistry
T149. Volcanism and Tectonism on Planetary Bodies
                                                                      Advocates: Briony Horgan; Samantha Gwizd; Rachel E.
Cosponsors: GSA Planetary Geology Division; GSA Geophysics            Kronyak; Vivian Sun
and Geodynamics Division; GSA Mineralogy, Geochemistry,
Petrology, and Volcanology Division                                     This session synthesizes recent research on the origin,
                                                                      deposition, and alteration of sediments on Mars. We seek contri-
Disciplines: Planetary Geology, Volcanology, Tectonics/               butions investigating the stratigraphy, chemistry, and mineralogy
Tectonophysics                                                        of Mars’ sedimentary record using rover, orbital, and terrestrial
                                                                      analog data.
Advocates: Paul K. Byrne; Christian Klimczak

  This session solicits abstracts on volcanic and tectonic land-
forms and processes on solar system bodies and extrasolar worlds,
encompassing surface geology, interior and thermal evolution,
and comparative planetary studies with observational, experimen-
tal, or theoretical approaches.

INDUSTRY TRACKS—Look for these icons, which identify sessions in the following areas:

Economic Geology  Energy                                              Engineering     Hydrogeology and
                                                                                   Environmental Geology

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