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     T139. Work on the Zircon, Highlight the Apatite: Wielding          Advocates: John M. Cottle; Sarah Penniston-Dorland; Mark J.
the Power of Accessory Minerals and Honoring the                        Caddick
Contributions of Bruce Watson, 2018 Roebling Medalist
                                                                          Metamorphic petrology, a cornerstone of solid earth research,
Cosponsors: Mineralogical Society of America; Geochemical               provides constraints on geodynamic processes. On the eve of the
Society; GSA Mineralogy, Geochemistry, Petrology, and                   Mineralogical Society of America centenary, this session will
Volcanology Division; Volcanic and Magmatic Studies Group;              highlight past, recent, and future developments in metamorphic
American Geophysical Union                                              petrology.

Disciplines: Petrology, Igneous, Petrology, Metamorphic,                 PLANETARY GEOLOGY
                                                                        T143. The Age of Small World Exploration: Major Results
Advocates: Calvin F. Miller; Mark Harrison; Sumit Chakraborty;          from Minor Planets and Other Small Solar System Bodies
Frederick J. Ryerson; Julia E. Hammer
                                                                        Cosponsors: GSA Planetary Geology Division; GSA Geophysics
  Accessory minerals have become major contributors to our              and Geodynamics Division
understanding of petrogenesis. We seek contributions on acces-
sory minerals (apatite, rutile, monazite, etc.) from experimental,      Disciplines: Planetary Geology, Geophysics/Geodynamics,
theoretical, and field-based studies that carry forward the legacy      Structural Geology
of innovation of Bruce Watson, 2018 Roebling Medalist.
                                                                        Advocates: Kynan H.G. Hughson; David A. Williams
     T140. Frontiers in Mineralogy, Petrology, and
Geochronology: A Session in Honor of Dana Medalist Jörg                   Understanding “small worlds” like asteroids, comets, and the
Hermann                                                                 comparatively large dwarf planets is key to understanding the
                                                                        nature of our solar system. We welcome abstracts related to geo-
Cosponsors: Mineralogical Society of America; GSA Mineralogy,           logic, geophysical, and compositional analyses of “small worlds.”
Geochemistry, Petrology, and Volcanology Division
                                                                        T144. Friends of Hoth: Episode III—Bodies of the Outer
Disciplines: Petrology, Igneous, Petrology, Metamorphic,                Solar System
                                                                        Cosponsor: GSA Planetary Geology Division
Advocates: Bradley Hacker; Marc M. Hirschmann; Hugh St.C.
O’Neill                                                                 Discipline: Planetary Geology

  Recent decades have witnessed considerable advances in min-           Advocates: Emily S. Martin; D. Alex Patthoff
eralogy, petrology, and geochronology, underpinned largely by
new micro-analytical methods, computational power, and cross-             We encourage abstracts relating to surface, structural, and tec-
fertilization from other fields. This session is devoted to highlight-  tonic processes; interior and thermal evolution; and planetary ana-
ing recent achievements and promising novel approaches.                 logs as they pertain to solid bodies in the outer solar system. This
                                                                        includes experimental, observational, and theoretical approaches.
T141. Different Personalities of Granites and Rhyolites: Silicic
Magmas from the Lower Crust to the Surface—A Session in                 T145. Apollo 17 Forty-Five Years on: Reanalysis of the
Honor of Calvin Miller, Recipient of the MGPV Distinguished             Geochemistry, Geophysics, and Field Geology in Light of Data
Geological Career Award                                                 from the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter and Other Recent
Cosponsor: GSA Mineralogy, Geochemistry, Petrology, and
Volcanology Division                                                    Cosponsors: GSA Planetary Geology Division; GSA Geophysics
                                                                        and Geodynamics Division; GSA Geoinformatics Division
Disciplines: Petrology, Igneous, Geochemistry, Volcanology
                                                                        Disciplines: Planetary Geology, Geochemistry, Geophysics/
Advocates: Guilherme A.R. Gualda; Lily L. Claiborne; Jonathan           Geodynamics
S. Miller; Delores Robinson
                                                                        Advocates: Noah E. Petro; Jacob E. Bleacher; C.R. Neal; H.H.
  Calvin Miller investigates silicic magmatism, from deep crustal       Schmitt
granites to erupted rhyolites, using techniques including field rela-
tionships, petrography, geochemistry, geochronology, and acces-           Forty-five years since the Apollo 17 mission to the Taurus-
sory mineralogy. Contributions in these topics are welcome to           Littrow Valley, the analysis of the samples, interpretation of sur-
celebrate his career and legacy.                                        face measurements, and field observations are being revisited in
                                                                        the context of newly acquired remote sensing data.
T142. Metamorphic Petrology Past, Present, and Future:
Preparing for the Next 100 Years with the Mineralogical                 T146. Geomorphology and Landscape Evolution of Mars
Society of America
                                                                        Cosponsors: GSA Planetary Geology Division; GSA Quaternary
Cosponsors: Mineralogical Society of America; GSA Mineralogy,           Geology and Geomorphology Division; GSA Sedimentary
Geochemistry, Petrology, and Volcanology Division                       Geology Division

Disciplines: Petrology, Metamorphic, Mineralogy/                        Disciplines: Planetary Geology, Geomorphology
Crystallography, Tectonics/Tectonophysics

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