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        T104. Environmental Geophysics: Tools and Applications      biogeochemical cycling, health impacts, and removal
Cosponsors: GSA Hydrogeology Division; GSA Geoinformatics
Division; GSA Geophysics and Geodynamics Division; GSA                   T108. Polar and Alpine Change
Karst Division
                                                                    Cosponsors: GSA Soils and Soil Processes Interdisciplinary
Disciplines: Hydrogeology, Geophysics/Geodynamics                   Interest Group; GSA Sedimentary Geology Division; GSA
                                                                    Limnogeology Division; GSA International Interdisciplinary
Advocate: David Lampe                                               Interest Group

  This topical session will highlight new aerial, surface, and      Disciplines: Hydrogeology, Soils, Environmental Geoscience
borehole geophysical methods and applications of traditional tools
to laboratory and field investigations.                             Advocate: W. Berry Lyons

     T105. A Showcase of Undergraduate Research in                    Polar and alpine areas are undergoing some of the most rapid
Hydrogeology (Posters)                                              change on our planet. This session encourages presentations on
                                                                    geomorphological, hydrological, biogeochemical, and ecological
Cosponsors: GSA Hydrogeology Division; Council on                   changes occurring in these environments. Presentations related to
Undergraduate Research Geosciences Division; GSA Karst              cryospheric loss and its consequences are encouraged.
                                                                            T109. Hydrogeology and Energy
Discipline: Hydrogeology
                                                                    Cosponsor: GSA Hydrogeology Division
Advocates: Samuel J. Smidt; Susan Swanson; Laura K.
Rademacher; Molly Cain                                              Disciplines: Hydrogeology, Energy Geology

  This session is designed for undergraduates presenting research   Advocates: Erick Burns; Mark A. Engle
and senior theses in the field of hydrogeology. Prizes will be
awarded for top presentations. Employers and graduate advisers        This session seeks a broad array of hydrogeology-energy topics
are encouraged to attend.                                           including geothermal, hydrocarbon-water, and other water-energy
                                                                    issues. Preference is given to work on causative interrelationships
        T106. The Axial Role of Water in Being Prepared for         or complex interactions that govern occurrence and evolution of
Environmental Change                                                subsurface energy resources.

Cosponsors: GSA Hydrogeology Division; National Ground               LIMNOGEOLOGY
Water Association; Geochemical Society; GSA Quaternary
Geology and Geomorphology Division; GSA Geology and Society                 T110. Lakes through Space and Time
Division; GSA Karst Division; GSA Energy Geology Division
                                                                    Cosponsors: GSA Limnogeology Division; GSA Sedimentary
Disciplines: Hydrogeology, Geochemistry, Environmental              Geology Division; GSA Quaternary Geology and Geomorphology
Geoscience                                                          Division; AASP - The Palynological Society; American
                                                                    Quaternary Association; Association for the Sciences of
Advocates: Chen Zhu; P. David Polly; Yanguo Teng                    Limnology and Oceanography; International Association of
                                                                    Limnogeology; SEPM (Society for Sedimentary Geology); GSA
  In the complex web of water-food-energy, water plays an           Continental Scientific Drilling Interdisciplinary Interest Group
axial role.
                                                                    Disciplines: Limnogeology, Paleoclimatology/Paleoceanography,
     T107. Arsenic, Manganese, Chromium, and Other                  Stratigraphy
Geogenic Contaminants, Including Radionuclides in
Hydrological Systems—Source, Biogeochemical Cycling,                Advocates: Scott W. Starratt; Michelle F. Goman
Toxicity, and Removal
                                                                      This session celebrates lacustrine research around the world.
Cosponsors: GSA Hydrogeology Division; GSA Geology and              Lakes are important fresh water reservoirs, and their sediments
Health Division; GSA International Interdisciplinary Interest       serve as archives of global change, local human impact, and
Group; International Society of Groundwater for Sustainable         ecological succession.
Development (ISGSD); International Water Association (IWA);
Specialist Group Metals and Related Substances in Drinking

Disciplines: Hydrogeology, Environmental Geoscience, Geology
and Health

Advocates: Prosun Bhattacharya; Saugata Datta; Madeline
Schreiber; Manish Kumar; Arslan Ahmad; Abhijit Mukherjee;
David Lampe

  The cycling of arsenic, manganese, radium, and other geogenic
contaminants in hydrogeological systems from regional to local
scales will be discussed. This encompasses occurrence, mobility,                                                                                                         31
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