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Advocate: Beth A. Johnson                                             session explores how the personalities and changing ideas of
                                                                      geology addressed the challenges of geological investigation in
  This session addresses issues and barriers women in geology         these new territories.
experience and provides possible solutions and support. Included
are discussions on issues regarding recruitment and retention of       HYDROGEOLOGY
women as well as efforts to increase diversity.
                                                                           T93. Measuring and Modeling Fluxes across the Surface
               T89. Using Technology to Solve Geological              Water/Groundwater Interface
                                                                      Cosponsors: GSA Hydrogeology Division; GSA Karst Division
Cosponsors: GSA History and Philosophy of Geology Division;
Ann Johnson Institute for Science, Technology & Society;              Disciplines: Hydrogeology, Environmental Geoscience
GSA Geoinformatics Division; GSA Environmental &
Engineering Geology Division                                          Advocates: Andrea E. Brookfield; G.L. Macpherson; Adam S.
Disciplines: History and Philosophy of Geology, Economic
Geology, Engineering Geology                                            This session encourages the submission of abstracts discussing
                                                                      the measurement and modeling of fluxes of gases, solutes, and
Advocates: Katherine J. Lewandowski; Allison Marsh                    fluids across groundwater/surface water interfaces, with an
                                                                      emphasis on innovative techniques and results of unique case
  Engineering and technology have often proven necessary to           studies.
solve problems associated with extracting Earth resources of all
kinds. This session seeks talks looking at the intersection of             T94. Water Temperatures in Surface and Subsurface
geology and technology from a historical perspective.                 Hydrologic Systems: Controls, Applications, and Implications

T91. Evolution of Paleontological Art                                 Cosponsors: GSA Continental Scientific Drilling
                                                                      Interdisciplinary Interest Group; GSA Karst Division; GSA
Cosponsors: GSA History and Philosophy of Geology Division;           Hydrogeology Division; GSA Energy Geology Division
History of Earth Sciences Society; Paleontological Society;
Cushman Foundation; Paleontological Research Institution;             Discipline: Hydrogeology
National Earth Science Teachers Association
                                                                      Advocates: Tyler V. King; Barret L. Kurylyk; Dylan J. Irvine;
Disciplines: History and Philosophy of Geology, Paleontology,         Laura K. Lautz
                                                                        Focus: Field-based, big-data-driven, or modeling studies that
Advocates: Renee M. Clary; Dallas Evans; Gary D. Rosenberg            consider the temperature of surface and subsurface hydrologic
                                                                      systems. Potential topics: Groundwater–surface water interac-
  Papers explore the paleontological images and reconstructions       tions, novel field techniques, thermal projections, ecohydrology,
of ancient life that document the progression of scientific thought,  heat as a tracer, and cold regions hydrogeology.
including paleo art that serves as the scientific cornerstone and
the interesting but incorrect reconstructions that were ultimately         T95. Climate Variability, Change, and Water Resources
                                                                      Cosponsors: GSA Hydrogeology Division; GSA Karst Division;
T92. Great Expectations: The Promise and Wonder of                    GSA Limnogeology Division; GSA International Interdisciplinary
Geology in the Heartland                                              Interest Group

Cosponsors: GSA History and Philosophy of Geology Division;           Disciplines: Hydrogeology, Environmental Geoscience,
History of Earth Sciences Society; GSA Quaternary Geology and         Geochemistry
Geomorphology Division
                                                                      Advocates: Randy L. Stotler; David L. Rudolph
Disciplines: History and Philosophy of Geology, Quaternary
Geology, Economic Geology                                               Changes to the hydrologic cycle due to increasing climate vari-
                                                                      ability are affecting water quantity and quality. Submissions
Advocates: Michael S. Smith; John A. Diemer                           describing and predicting the effects of climate change on water
                                                                      resources, and/or mitigation strategies, are encouraged.
  The westward expanse across the Appalachian Mountains
opened new frontiers for the explorer, settler, and geologist. This

INDUSTRY TRACKS—Look for these icons, which identify sessions in the following areas:

Economic Geology  Energy                                              Engineering     Hydrogeology and
                                                                                   Environmental Geology

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