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T81. Promoting Scientific CURE-iosity: Course-Based                    Methods and theoretical frameworks can come from multiple
Undergraduate Research Experiences (CUREs) in                        disciplines to shape the forefront of our field. Presenters are
Introductory Courses at 2YCs and 4YCs                                encouraged to highlight their decision-making process in research
                                                                     studies that advance the field. New approaches and applications of
Cosponsors: Council on Undergraduate Research Geosciences            established methods/frameworks are welcome.
Division; National Association of Geoscience Teachers; GSA
Geoscience Education Division                                        T85. Preparing Graduate Students and Post-Docs for the
                                                                     College Teaching Workforce
Discipline: Geoscience Education
                                                                     Cosponsors: GSA Geoscience Education Division; National
Advocates: Virginia L. Peterson; Kenneth L. Brown; Sarah K.          Association of Geoscience Teachers
Fortner; Claire McLeod
                                                                     Discipline: Geoscience Education
  This session provides a platform to discuss effective practices
related to CUREs, especially in introductory geoscience courses.     Advocates: Anne E. Egger; Karen Viskupic
We encourage educators from 2YC and 4YC institutions to share
approaches to integrating CUREs into their undergraduate               Strategies for preparing graduate students and post-docs for
curriculum.                                                          teaching at the college level go beyond supporting teaching assis-
                                                                     tants. We seek submissions that highlight successful models for
T82. Hands-On Teaching Demonstrations that Combine                   developing evidence-based teaching skills in future faculty.
Geoscience and Societal Issues: Audience Participation
Requested!                                                           T86. Making the Case for Collections: How Institutions Are
                                                                     Using Real Objects to Engage the Public, Solve Problems, and
Cosponsors: GSA Geoscience Education Division; National              Save the World
Association of Geoscience Teachers
                                                                     Cosponsor: GSA Geoscience Education Division
Discipline: Geoscience Education
                                                                     Disciplines: Geoscience Education, History and Philosophy of
Advocates: Elizabeth A. Nagy-Shadman; Tiffany A. Rivera              Geology, Geoscience and Public Policy

  This is a geoscience education session that practices what it      Advocates: Peggy Fisherkeller; Dallas Evans
preaches. Authors present micro-demonstrations of effective
teaching activities that integrate geoscience content with societal    As humans produce more of everything, competition for physi-
concerns. Presentations include audience participation, assess-      cal space becomes ever more intense. This session will highlight
ment results, and reflections on effectiveness.                      how institutions and individuals are ensuring that resource-
                                                                     consuming natural history collections continue to be viewed as
T83. Beyond the Numbers: Strategies for Inclusive Education          relevant.
Practices across the Geological Sciences
                                                                     T87. Collaborative Partnerships between K–12 Teachers/
Cosponsors: American Geophysical Union; GSA Diversity in the         Informal Educators and Scientists
Geosciences Committee; GSA Geoscience Education Division;
National Association of Geoscience Teachers; National Earth          Cosponsors: National Earth Science Teachers Association;
Science Teachers Association; NTA (National Technical                National Association of Geoscience Teachers Teacher Education
Association)                                                         Division

Disciplines: Geoscience Education, Geoscience Information/           Disciplines: Geoscience Education, Geoscience Information/
Communication, Geoscience and Public Policy                          Communication

Advocates: M. Brandon Jones; Felicia Davis; Marilyn J. Suiter;       Advocates: Susan Meabh Kelly; Carla McAuliffe; Suzanne T.
Lina Patino; Lisa Rom; Amanda Adams                                  Metlay; Peggy M. McNeal; Michael J. Passow

  This session aims to highlight education and outreach concepts       This session is dedicated to sharing education/outreach efforts
that move the diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) needle          that are the product of scientists collaborating with K–12 teachers
beyond numerical targets to achieve a culture of DEI at larger and   and/or informal educators.
systemic scales.
                                                                      HISTORY AND PHILOSOPHY OF GEOLOGY
T84. Making Sense of Methodologies and Theoretical
Frameworks in Geoscience Education Research                          T88. Women and Geology: Nevertheless, We Persist

Cosponsors: GSA Geoscience Education Division; National              Cosponsors: Association for Women Geoscientists; Earth Science
Association of Geoscience Teachers; National Association of          Women’s Network; GSA Geology and Society Division;
Geoscience Teachers Geoscience Education Research Division           GSA Quaternary Geology and Geomorphology Division;
                                                                     GSA Geophysics and Geodynamics Division; GSA Karst
Disciplines: Geoscience Education, Geoscience Information/           Division; GSA History and Philosophy of Geology Division
                                                                     Disciplines: History and Philosophy of Geology, Geoscience
Advocates: Anne Gold; Karen S. McNeal; Leilani Arthurs;              Information/Communication, Geoscience Education
Katherine Ryker

28 4–7 November • Indianapolis, Indiana, USA
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