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     T45. Is There a Medical Geologist in the House? A Session          T49. Cascading Geohazards: Frequency, Impacts, and
Honoring the Contributions of Robert Finkelman to the              Topographic Signatures
Field of Medical Geology
                                                                   Cosponsors: GSA Quaternary Geology and Geomorphology
Cosponsor: GSA Geology and Health Division                         Division; GSA Geophysics and Geodynamics Division; GSA
                                                                   Environmental & Engineering Geology Division
Disciplines: Geology and Health, Environmental Geoscience,
Geoscience and Public Policy                                       Disciplines: Geomorphology, Engineering Geology, Quaternary
Advocates: Malcolm Siegel; G. Nelson Eby; Saugata Datta;
Jean M. Morrison                                                   Advocates: Brian J. Yanites; Alison R. Duvall

  This session will honor Dr. Robert Finkelman, a leader in the      We seek contributions from a broad spectrum of studies
field of medical geology for more than 20 years, through his work  focused on understanding the frequency of cascading hazards and
in government and academic institutions, in the United States and  the signature they leave in the landscape.
                                                                        T50. Processes and Feedbacks in the Critical Zone
     T46. From Local to Global—Why Geology Matters for
Human Health                                                       Cosponsors: GSA Quaternary Geology and Geomorphology
                                                                   Division; GSA Soils and Soil Processes Interdisciplinary Interest
Cosponsors: GSA Geology and Health Division                        Group; GSA Mineralogy, Geochemistry, Petrology, and
                                                                   Volcanology Division
Disciplines: Geology and Health, Environmental Geoscience,
Hydrogeology                                                       Disciplines: Geomorphology, Soils, Quaternary Geology

Advocates: Bethany Overfield; William C. Haneberg                  Advocates: Alison Anders; Martha C. Eppes

  This session emphasizes research at the intersection of health     Processes and feedbacks occurring from the top of the canopy
science and earth science. Encompassing everything from the ori-   to the bottom of the bedrock weathering zone. Field, instrumenta-
gin, transport, and accumulation of geogenic carcinogens to prop-  tion, simulation, and/or modeling data for geosphere, pedosphere,
erties of hot spring spas—geology and health are interconnected.   hydrosphere, atmosphere, and/or biosphere processes are
     T47. Global Drinking Water and Public Health:
Conditions, Contaminants, Concerns, and Strategies                 T51. Planetary Aeolian Geology from Outcrop to Orbit:
                                                                   Nathan Bridges Memorial Session
Cosponsors: GSA Hydrogeology Division; GSA Karst Division;
GSA Limnogeology Division; GSA International Interdisciplinary     Cosponsors: GSA Planetary Geology Division; GSA Quaternary
Interest Group                                                     Geology and Geomorphology Division; GSA Sedimentary
                                                                   Geology Division
Disciplines: Geology and Health, Environmental Geoscience,
Hydrogeology                                                       Disciplines: Geomorphology, Sediments, Clastic, Planetary
Advocates: Jonathan W. Peterson; Aaron A. Best
                                                                   Advocates: Kirby D. Runyon; Bradley J. Thomson
  This session will focus on the conditions and contaminants in
drinking water sources from many global locations. A theme will      Honoring the life and legacy of Dr. Nathan Bridges, this session
be identifying commonalities and strategies, including relatively  traces the theme of wind-blown sediment and its effects across the
short-term actions, to protect or improve human health.            solar system from a processes perspective.

 GEOMORPHOLOGY                                                             T52. Techniques and Applications of Digital Elevation
                                                                   Models and Derivative Products to Understand Fluvial
     T48. Fluvial Processes from Catchments to Coastlines          Systems

Cosponsors: GSA Quaternary Geology and Geomorphology               Cosponsors: Kentucky Geological Survey; GSA Environmental &
Division; GSA Sedimentary Geology Division                         Engineering Geology Division; GSA Quaternary Geology and
                                                                   Geomorphology Division; American Quaternary Association;
Disciplines: Geomorphology, Sediments, Clastic, Quaternary         GSA Geoinformatics Division
                                                                   Disciplines: Geomorphology, Engineering Geology, Quaternary
Advocates: Douglas A. Edmonds; Brian J. Yanites                    Geology

  Rivers connect mountainous catchments to coastlines by erod-     Advocates: Matthew A. Massey; Jason M. Dortch
ing, moving, and depositing sediment. We encourage abstracts
that investigate sediment transport dynamics and river morphody-     Digital elevation models and their derivative products are
namics within and across these scales.                             essential to understanding surface dynamics. This session will
                                                                   explore DEM-based techniques and applications to assess the
                                                                   processes and evolution of fluvial systems.                                                                                                       23
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