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 ECONOMIC GEOLOGY                                                               T33. Geologic Energy Research

     T30. Geology and Fluid Dynamics of Cr, Ni-Cu-PGE, and          Cosponsor: GSA Energy Geology Division
PGE Mineralized Magmatic Plumbing Systems
                                                                    Disciplines: Energy Geology, Geochemistry, Environmental
Cosponsors: GSA Mineralogy, Geochemistry, Petrology, and            Geoscience
Volcanology Division; Society of Economic Geologists
                                                                    Advocates: Laura S. Ruhl; Marc L. Buursink; Travis L. McLing;
Disciplines: Economic Geology, Petrology, Igneous,                  J. Fred McLaughlin
                                                                      This is the general session of the GSA Energy Geology
Advocates: Edward M. Ripley; Chusi Li; C. Michael Lesher            Division and highlights research into geologic-based energy
                                                                    resources. Topics include coal geology, petroleum geology,
This session will focus on the geology, geometry, morphology,       geothermal, uranium, and the environmental impacts from
fluid dynamics, and genesis of mineralized magmatic plumbing        energy utilization.
systems, with special emphasis on those in the Mid-Continent Rift
and Circum-Superior Belt.                                                          T34. Unconventional Energy Resources

 ENERGY GEOLOGY                                                     Cosponsor: GSA Energy Geology Division

        T31. Environmental Impacts Studies for Energy               Disciplines: Energy Geology, Geochemistry
                                                                    Advocates: Travis L. McLing; Marc L. Buursink; Laura S. Ruhl;
Cosponsors: GSA Energy Geology Division; GSA Environmental          J. Fred McLaughlin
& Engineering Geology Division
                                                                      This session will examine unconventional oil and natural gas
Disciplines: Energy Geology, Environmental Geoscience,              plays in the United States. Topics include thermal maturity,
Hydrogeology                                                        organic geochemistry, organic petrology, mineralogy, and petro-
                                                                    leum engineering.
Advocates: Marc L. Buursink; Laura S. Ruhl; Travis L. McLing;
J. Fred McLaughlin                                                   GEOCHEMISTRY

  This session will explore research relating to environmental      T36. Analytical Advances in Non-Traditional Stable Isotope
issues associated with energy geology, including exploration prac-  Geochemistry—Innovative Applications to Earth Science
tices, extraction of resources, and waste disposal.                 Systems

               T32. Energy and Mineral Resources of the             Cosponsors: GSA Hydrogeology Division; GSA Mineralogy,
Illinois Basin                                                      Geochemistry, Petrology and Volcanology Division; GSA
                                                                    Geobiology & Geomicrobiology Division
Cosponsors: GSA Energy Geology Division; GSA Environmental
& Engineering Geology Division; GSA Geology and Society             Disciplines: Geochemistry, Marine/Coastal Science,
Division; GSA Continental Scientific Drilling Interdisciplinary     Geomicrobiology
Interest Group; Society of Economic Geologists
                                                                    Advocates: Amy Wolfe; Claire McLeod
Disciplines: Energy Geology, Economic Geology, Environmental
Geoscience                                                            This session provides a platform to discuss recent advances in
                                                                    analytical techniques and applications of non-traditional stable
Advocates: Maria D. Mastalerz; Liliana Lefticariu; Allan Kolker     isotope systems to address fundamental questions spanning a
                                                                    broad range of research areas and disciplines.
  In this session we consider energy and mineral resources of
the Illinois Basin in the context of current societal needs for
energy, carbon sequestration, industrial minerals, and potential
new resources, such as rare earth elements.

INDUSTRY TRACKS—Look for these icons, which identify sessions in the following areas:

Economic Geology  Energy                                            Engineering     Hydrogeology and
                                                                                 Environmental Geology

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